Beginners and Beyond


Fickle Fridailies (Read 34 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0


    I can't say whether I am addicted to coffee. I just know that I literally never, ever go a morning without it.


    Skip it one morning. If you are addicted, you will have a pounding headache. The headache will go away almost immediately after drinking coffee.





        Skip it one morning. If you are addicted, you will have a pounding headache. The headache will go away almost immediately after drinking coffee.


        Not the case for me. If I allow the caffeine withdrawal headache to kick in, it's Agony City for the next few hours. A lesson learned the hard way.


          Winter is back, it was feels like negatives this morning, so I went to my back up gym. They only validate parking for one hour, and I wasted 10 minutes trying to outsmart the system, so I ran a stressed-out-from-watching-the-clock 3.5 miles.  I made it out of the parking garage with seconds to spare before a $12 charge kicked in, phew!


          Former Bad Ass

            My tempo run went well.  My lungs didn't like the pace but my legs were good to go.



              I ran 10.6 at the indoor track with a workout of 3x10 minutes tempo and 4x1 min on / 1 min off with the unreliable RP.  Planning to run long with both RPs in the morning. Unreliable isn't used to doing back to back runs so it might be interesting.


                Winter is back, it was feels like negatives this morning, 





                  That’s good advice. It’s what I do before races which always seem to be in the morning (I’d do a lot better if they were early evening) so I’ll just try to think of it like that.  I guess I should also try going to bed earlier than 1-2am.


                  Yikes! I'm rarely awake past 9pm 


                  Former Bad Ass


                    Yikes! I'm rarely awake past 9pm 


                    You poor thing. I'm serving dinner at 9pm.  There are not enough hours of the day for us, lol.

