Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: Yodel le he hoo (Read 44 times)


Happy to be here.

    Good Morning All.  I got in an easy 4 miles yesterday, hoping to repeat the same today.  It's perfect cold running weather in the Great NW.



    Half PR:  1:34 (August, 2012)


    Marathon PR:  3:45 (October, 2012)


    Next race:  ???


    Next Marathon:  2015???





      Lol. You can wear your runsie on top. It was 30 degrees when I woke up. That was a shocker. Good thing it will warm up by the time I get out for my 3-5 miles.


      Former Bad Ass

        Can I participate?  It would be something like 5 miles in 81F.  That's Winter weather!



          Can I participate?  It would be something like 5 miles in 81F.  That's Winter weather!


          You can keep that winter weather. lol

            Hey everyone!


            Did 5 easy taper miles this morning.  SRD tomorrow, shakeout run Fri morning, then hit the road for Richmond! (it's only a 3 hour drive, so not bad at all)


            I already have my bib, had it mailed to me since I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it to the expo, but we'll go check out the expo before we check into the hotel.  Expos are funny now, I remember my first one for my first half marathon, I was all excited, checked out every vendor and bought a bunch of stuff, now I look around for a lil bit, get bored, don't buy anything and leave. lol


            Weather is still looking absolutely perfect, should be around 30* for the start and around 40* by the time I finish.


            My running blog

            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


            Seven Deadly Shins

              looks like great running weather! good luck!


              Weather is still looking absolutely perfect, should be around 30* for the start and around 40* by the time I finish.


                Hey everyone!


                Did 5 easy taper miles this morning.  SRD tomorrow, shakeout run Fri morning, then hit the road for Richmond! (it's only a 3 hour drive, so not bad at all)


                You'll be done in less time than the driving!


                   You'll be done in less time than the driving!


                  Good call.  lol


                    Some lady just gave me a rose.  I cannot say that that has ever happened before. lol


                      I had a really nice 11 mile run outside yesterday.  it was 65 degrees and overcast and all the trees by the golf course were in autumn colors.  Today, it's just 5 recovery miles on the mill.


                      My chickens are all molting, or just finishing their molts right now.  When their new features grow in, they are so shiny and pretty.  They look like brand new chickens.   But with the molts and shorter days, egg production has dropped dramatically.  We are getting 2 or 3 eggs a day with 12 hens. Basically, my family and friends are being cut out of the free eggs until Spring.    I'm very  glad to be raising my own birds.  In commercial egg farms, the flock is, ah, *retired* when the hens start to molt, and replaced with 6 month old hens who have not molted yet and  will continue to lay throughout the winter.   I feel my hens have earned a break for the winter, however.

                      Life is good.

                      From the Internet.

                        I had a really nice 11 mile run outside yesterday.  it was 65 degrees and overcast and all the trees by the golf course were in autumn colors.  Today, it's just 5 recovery miles on the mill.


                        My chickens are all molting, or just finishing their molts right now.  When their new features grow in, they are so shiny and pretty.  They look like brand new chickens.   But with the molts and shorter days, egg production has dropped dramatically.  We are getting 2 or 3 eggs a day with 12 hens. Basically, my family and friends are being cut out of the free eggs until Spring.    I'm very  glad to be raising my own birds.  In commercial egg farms, the flock is, ah, *retired* when the hens start to molt, and replaced with 6 month old hens who have not molted yet and  will continue to lay throughout the winter.   I feel my hens have earned a break for the winter, however.


                        I cannot stop giggling - I assume that was supposed to be feathers but now I'm picturing chickens with like, shiny chrome wheels and interesting antennae and stuff.


                        Former Bad Ass




                            Now I'm laughing!  Pretty good typo, huh?

                            Life is good.



                              You'll be done in less time than the driving!


                              LOL  Didn't even think of that!


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                              Slymoon Runs

                              race obsessed

                                Pop in -


                                Post marathon vacation has left me busy as F catching up.  Still running my ass off -  still planning to RR.


                                will catch up asap.