Beginners and Beyond


Not your average TuesDAILIES (Read 36 times)


    What up crew!


    I am heading to work to either run 7 outside or on the belt. It is currently raining so I will decide when I get there.


    See ya!


    delicate flower

      What ya say there, Joe Sixpacks!  I treadmilled before work because it was raining and rain is scary.  That was my first run in four days.  That was my first three day break from running in I don't know how long, but it's been over 18 months (ski vacation not included).  Anywho, 7 miles on the treadmill with half mile intervals.  Running intervals is hard when you haven't done speedwork at all the prior four months.  The intervals started at marathon pace and worked up to 10K pace.  7:43 avg pace for the run.  I can't wait until next week when I get into marathon training again.  My legs feel great during this recovery period but I am not enjoying the downtime.



        Hey Baboon, I didn't realize you didn't do speedwork the last little bit. But you did some races, so that counts for something.


        I'm going to run 6 through our version of the ghetto, so if I don't post later make sure you check the Vancouver news to find out if I made it out alive.


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  Rain is scary?  Ha.  8 and weights tonight.  Hoping it's not as hot as the last two days.



            I hope everybody is out running lots and lots of miles, because 4 posts (now 5) by this time is pathetic.


              Rain is scary?  Ha.  


              Combined with 30 degree temps, wind and pitch black darkness? Ya, I treadmilled instead as well. 



                Combined with 30 degree temps, wind and pitch black darkness? Ya, I treadmilled instead as well. 


                Ha! By 10AM, it was 39 degrees, and I went out in shorts! Only a light drizzle. 6 miles.



                Former Bad Ass


                  Ha! By 10AM, it was 39 degrees, and I went out in shorts! Only a light drizzle. 6 miles.


                  That's what I'm talking about!



                     That's what I'm talking about!




                    Hopefully that will be me tomorrow.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Teams are almost done!


                      We were fine until we realize one person edited their goal and we had to start over again.



                      Run to live; live to run

                        10.3 for me today



                          Do you guys do speed work outside when it's dark?  I don't have access to a well lighted track.  Unless I go to the indoor track.  But in the morning I don't really have time to drive anywhere.  In the summer I try to do it outside but  in the winter when it's pitch dark, I can't really picture doing it all bundled up with a headlamp...  so I have just been using the treadmill.


                            Do you guys do speed work outside when it's dark?  I don't have access to a well lighted track.  Unless I go to the indoor track.  But in the morning I don't really have time to drive anywhere.  In the summer I try to do it outside but  in the winter when it's pitch dark, I can't really picture doing it all bundled up with a headlamp...  so I have just been using the treadmill.


                            Tempo pace is the fastest I will run in the dark (which includes marathon and half marathon pace of course). For VO2 max and especially "R" pace it's time to hit the belt!


                            The one caveat to that is if the lights are on at the track (or at least one light) then it's all fair game.


                            As with anything running related and me though, this could all change tomorrow.


                            MTA: I will run at tempo pace on sidewalks in the dark not necessarily at the track in the dark.


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              At work now and thought I was working until 2 PM.  But my boss just came by and told me since I came in on Sunday to help us stay caught up for this 'down week', I could go home today after lunch  - in about an hour....yay!   Then I am off until next Monday...yay!


                              Plan on going out to Randolph Air Force Base today and do an easy 3 miles on the paved running trail out there.  We are getting in another 'cold' front - temp is dropping into the low 40s today, quite a change from the 70s we had yesterday!   Then on Christmas Day, San Antonio will be back in the upper 60s. Crazy Texas weather!


                              When I got dressed for work this morning - jeans, since we are in a 'down week', so nice and relaxing - Gail told me I need to go get some NEW jeans, these were falling off my butt.  What?   So I weighed myself and was surprised to find I am  down to 183 lbs now - two summers ago, I was around 235 -  which I have not weighed since I was in the Air Force, sooo yay!   When I went to my many races this past year, I kept getting comments from my running pals about me losing weight, but I just kinda blew it off, since I really tend not to weigh myself and always think I am staying about even about all the time -  around 203 the last time I weighed myself, which was in May - since I like to eat as much as I like to run - although I have gotten much better about laying off the fast food more now.  And now I find I guess my running pals were right, lol, I was slowly and steadily losing some weight over time.  Nice!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Hi Dailies.


                                Happy Festivus to you all.  4.5 super easy miles done. I have a few aches and pains from the HM but nothing a few days of easy miles and eating and drinking won't fix.  Gorgeous weather here in the mid 60s with a crisp little breeze. I saw some friends out for a walk so I walked with them for a bit and even went to their house to see their kitchen remodel. I got a homemade oatmeal cookie with raisins as a bonus! Good people, them.


                                Now I have to get up in the attic to replace a fan in the bathroom. Dang. If the kids ever get up we will have the Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength.
