Beginners and Beyond


The Internet (Read 93 times)


    • What is the longest you have gone without it?
    • Was it intentional or out of your control? 
    • Did you go batty or were you chill?

      19 years or so.  1978-1997ish.  Largely out of my control, since Al Gore hadn't invented it yet.  I was cool with it.


      Seriously though, I was married in 2004, and I think we got internet in the house around 2009 or so, and didn't get smartphones until 2012.  You could say we are a bit behind the curve that way.  It was a minor annoyance, but now that we have it, if I had to give it up, I wouldn't be happy.  Although my life would probably be much more fulfilling. Smile


      5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

      10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

      15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

      13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

      26.2 - TBD (someday)


        I've gone a good 3 weeks without it, many times, and it always happens when I'm away, on vacation. It is completely intentional and I do not miss it. In fact, I feel totally liberated. When I come back home, the addiction builds up to its former level over the course of a week, I'd say.


        When we have some technical problem and we lose internet, that's when I go nuts within the first hours. But I find that usually, by the second day, I'm reading a book, or have found something else to do. Still, I think about what I'm missing and I feel sort of uncomfortable that I'm not connected.


        I definitely see a compulsive habit in me in regard to internet and I hate that. I see it as my weakness, my addiction. I wish I could get rid of it. I am worried about the impact that internet, and social media in general, will have on my children's lives. My son has never brought a friend home since the age of 10. All his friends now are internet friends. He does not go out ever on weekends, he's just always online. We have to drag him forcefully to attend family dinners. Even then, he needs to have his gadgets to stay connected. I do not find it healthy. Because I'm from an older generation, I can still see the difference between a real friend and an internet one. A day will come when no one will be able to tell the difference anymore and that worries me. Am I being too dramatic about it? Old-fashioned, maybe?

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Former Bad Ass

          Two weeks (cruise or European trip)

          Didn't miss it (surprising, eh)



            When we're traveling, we try to get a motel or campground with internet about once a week.  Our trips have lasted from a month on the road to six or seven months.  When doing our long distance hikes, we would get access about once a month, if that, just to check email and send out updates to friends.  Usually more trouble than it was worth.  I don't miss it when I don't have it, and actually really look forward to being disconnected.  I have made real life friends with people I've met on the internet, but a lot of time is spent with people I'll never meet in the most superficial of interactions.


            Are we there, yet?

              Up until about 18 months ago every time I traveled, mostly on vacation, so anywhere from a long weekend to 2-3 weeks. Did finally start to miss it because because I was completely out of touch with family and friends. That's when I finally purchased a device that had Internet access so I would have email, fb, RA, and RWOL available.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




              Half Crazy K 2.0

                I was without for about 4 months (I think) when I first moved out of my parents house after graduating college. This was 1998, so dial up and all that fun stuff. When I moved again a few months later, I got a new computer & internet access. E-mail was just taking off at that point, so wasn't really an issue.


                Not sure of any length of time since then. DH is in IT and works from home fairly regularly. We did go through a period where our modem was dying and disconnecting all the time Comcast so nicely sent us a tech with the swine flu to fix it 

                Hip Redux

                  I haven't been completely without internet in decades (including having access at work, school etc).    Heck, even when we went to Europe pre-smart phones, our hotel had a computer kiosk in the lobby.   I suppose some vacations during school I must have not had internet, but now we're talking like ancient history so who knows. lol



                    I have gone a week plus without it.  Camping and backpacking trips.  I always kind of liked being completely away from it.  But it's been a few years since I've gone on that type of trip. When I'm staying at a hotel, I use it.

                    Little Blue

                      In the current era, probably 2-3 weeks, on vacation.  If it's planned, I find that I don't miss it much.  In fact, I sometimes lose interest in the things that I follow on a daily basis.  It takes several days before I slide back into the old habits.


                      I do miss it when it's unplanned, because there is no chance to let people know not to email.  My DH communicates with most of his clients by email, and sitting in the Lowe's parking lot at 8:00PM to find out what's urgent is no fun.  We don't have smart phones, so when it's down, we're down.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Oski, you must be young. There was no internet anywhere near me when I was at school.


                        Hip Redux

                          Oski, you must be young. There was no internet anywhere near me when I was at school.


                          We are the same age  Smile   My first email address was freshman year of college!   And my parents had AOL dial up at home (remember those horrible CDs they would send in the mail? lol)


                            I did not have it for about a month when I first moved into my house, and the things that mostly annoyed me were: 1) being in limited contact with my online friends, and 2) having to write down workouts to log them later at the library, at work, or from my extremely clunky phone browser.


                            I guess the whole internet/real friends thing is blurred for me.  When I first got home access back in '97/'98, it was still considered socially weird in some circles to "FE" people you met online, but crossing that barrier actually led to many local "real" friends that I wouldn't have otherwise made. (Some parties even had nametags for your forum nickname so that people could match faces. "Oh!  So you're Jay716")


                            Also, I'm quite sure that this community is responsible for much of my improvement as a runner, so there's that.


                            The one thing that bothers me is people constantly having their nose in their smart phone when they're out doing something else.  If you're out on a date or at a concert or dinner or hiking up a mountain, FFS put the phone down and be in the moment.  The internet will wait.

                            Hip Redux

                              Jay - almost all of my closest friends I met online (HI PHIL and MBC!).  In fact, I'm planning a trip to Hawaii with another lady and her husband who I met online about ten years ago.    We've since traveled together several times over the years.   Though I think Mr. O did think it was a little weird that I was going to stay over their house the first time we met "in person", he's met them in person now too and it's no big deal.


                              There's a lot of good things enabled by the internet.  But yeah, put the phone down when out with people already.



                              Former Bad Ass


                                We are the same age  Smile   My first email address was freshman year of college!   And my parents had AOL dial up at home (remember those horrible CDs they would send in the mail? lol)


                                I didn't see those until the late 90s. I didn't get an email address until 1997 (after college). I know we had a student room with computers but I doubt there was any internet until 1996-1997 (senior year).

