Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #30 (Read 31 times)



    I don't know anyone IRL who cares about any of this. So definitely not trying to impress virtual friends with race choices. I mean, I'm tentatively going to do a HM in Idaho in the fall. Just because. Sexiness is not a factor...


    Samesies. I had no idea this was a thing. 


      Got this in the mail. Easier to read about training than to actually train. Maybe I should start taking PEDs...



        I did not get that exact book. Mine is new. Just simpler to find the pic in Google and post it here than to post the actual pic of my book


          Got this in the mail. Easier to read about training than to actually train. Maybe I should start taking PEDs...


          Reading's not gonna get you a PR!


            Got this in the mail. Easier to read about training than to actually train. Maybe I should start taking PEDs...



            Should’ve just spent your money on the magic cheater perfectly legal shoes.




              Should’ve just spent your money on the magic cheater perfectly legal shoes.


              Lol I was about to post the same thing



                Should’ve just spent your money on the magic cheater perfectly legal shoes.



                Even cheaper to just choose a cheater perfectly legal downhill course for the same price as a difficult one!


                Not as sexy as saying I ran the NYCM, though.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Finally ran the fucking hill sprints after 3 days of procrastination.


                  Oh, and remember that BOA has not zeroed out my mortgage. Well, the buyer's closing agent, the idiots, made a typo and paid MORE than the payoff so by law they have to return it to them so they can fix it. And after tomorrow, they start collecting more interest. They better fix this by tomorrow. FUCKING IDIOTS.



                    Finally ran the fucking hill sprints after 3 days of procrastination.


                    Oh, and remember that BOA has not zeroed out my mortgage. Well, the buyer's closing agent, the idiots, made a typo and paid MORE than the payoff so by law they have to return it to them so they can fix it. And after tomorrow, they start collecting more interest. They better fix this by tomorrow. FUCKING IDIOTS.




                      I set a 2500 mile pace bunny for the year. January got off to a rough start, but I have been playing catch-up and now project to 2499.8.



                        I set a 2500 mile pace bunny for the year. January got off to a rough start, but I have been playing catch-up and now project to 2499.8.


                        Close, but no cigar



                          Close, but no cigar


                          Yeah, that's not going to cut it.



                            Close, but no cigar


                            IK,R? I’ll actually be taking a step backwards today too. But Saturday as scheduled should push me over.
