Beginners and Beyond


Well-Slept MONDAILIES (Read 35 times)

    Good morning, people.


    Yesterday, I did only push-ups and abs. It was raining and I didn't feel like being in the gym. So, I'll have to double one day this week.



    I slept from shorly before 7:00 p.m. last night until 6:00 a.m.. this morning. I feel rested.


    Nine miles after work.


      'Sup yo!


      Despite waking up for bout an hour or so around 2:00 a.m. this morning (which is the norm for me), I was able to get back to sleep and got in a good night of rest overall myself.


      I have an hour of red cord today at 1:00 which is the last of the second batch of 4 scheduled sessions I signed up for.  I will sign up for another 4 classes however and at least take it through the first 4 weeks of marathon race training which begins tomorrow.


      At 50 bucks a pop it is a pricey endeavor, but I enjoy the one on one I get with a physical therapist (a God send for runners) and am getting great balance and strength through my hips with the system.


      Most of all though it has become an integral part of my training all its own, and I actually look forward to it.



        I slept from shorly before 7:00 p.m. last night until 6:00 a.m.. this morning. like a Baboon.


        FYP, say it right.


        6 miles easy.

        Cracked 200 for the month, and 1500 for the year.


        Have a good one.



          Run fail. I had to circle back to the house for a bathroom break at 2.2 miles, and had no motivation to go back out. Since I put in 40 miles in the last 4 days, I decided that was OK, though it will make this week a huge cutback.  I may not be able to run at all Thurs-Sat, and if I do, it will be 5 miles or less per day.

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


            I slept like a grumpy Dave last night, which is pretty unusual for me.  Heading out in a bit for 8 easy, then off to take a bus to parts unknown.


            Basya- Nice sleep! Smile  Enjoy the run later.


            LRB- Sounds like the red cord is worth every penny if it has you ready for your next marathon cycle.


            DaveP- Congrats on the 200!  It doesn't look like I'll make it this month with my missed days, maybe next month.


            Step- Enjoy a little bit of rest.  You work so hard most of the time.


            delicate flower

              No work today!  WOO HOO!


              8 miles planned.  Not sure when or if I'll get to them...just feeling like a lazy turd this morning.  Smile



                I'm jealous of the baboonistic sleep! 8 miles planned.

                Slymoon Runs

                race obsessed

                  Morning all

                  After the action packed weekend (including 8+ hours walking around Seaworld San Antonio , 8+ hours over 2 days walking around the Riverwalk,  + mileage over stairs, over 2 hours spent walking in under and around the Natural Bridge Caverns and finally 6 hours driving...


                  I had a 16 miler on schedule for this morning.  Got to sleep around midnight and drag assed out of bed at 5am...  it was really difficult to get up...


                  I knocked the 16 out.  It wasn't pretty or exciting but it is done!





                  I really need to get back into a baboon style sleep schedule...




                  Good job DaveP!

                  (just checked 1495 here... catching up   Smile   )


                    At 140 miles currently for the month and 1271 for the year, I am neither a threat nor inspiration to anyone.  lol


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Morning! Spent the whole day in bed except for lunch and dinner and slept 10 hours. I feel a bit better but still weak. Hubby says these last 7-10 days and I think I am in week two. Plan is to rest most if not all week to get ready for what my coach has for me for Chicago.


                      traveling back home today.



                        Plan is to rest most if not all week to get ready for what my coach has for me for Chicago.


                        To break you in a million pieces of course. 


                        Former Bad Ass


                          To break you in a million pieces of course. 


                          His plans make me stronger, silly.




                            His plans make me stronger, silly.


                            Good, I have a jealous streak you know.  


                              Slow day here. Is everybody still sleeping? I wish I was.


                                Slow day here. Is everybody still sleeping? I wish I was.


                                I am stuck in traffic 5 minutes late for my appointment.
