Beginners and Beyond

2015 Goals - Yep this Early Ya'll! (Read 103 times)



    Alright, watcha got planned for the new year coming up?

    Me - I've got mine pretty laid out already 


    1. November 7, 2015 - Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

    Other Goals:

    My first trail marathon

    • To find Redemption at the Monumental in 2015
    • Enjoy a few half marathons
    • More trail races

    More Detail (Because I am waiting to take DH home)

    • February 14, 2015 - Hearts on Fire 5k - Evansville, IN
    • April 25/26, 2015 - Kentucky Derby Festival Half Marathon / Backside Trail Half Marathon - Louisville, KY
    • May 23, 2015 - Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon - Owensboro, KY
    • October 3, 2015 - Evansville Half Marathon - Evansville, IN
    • November 7, 2015 - Indianapolis Monumental Marathon - Indianapolis, IN


    Can you tell I am bored at this very moment?

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      I would like to:


      • Sub-21 5k
      • Race a 10k
      • Half Marathon PR
      • Sub 3:20 marathon
      • Run Boston



        1. Run.



        delicate flower

          Don't know yet.  I have unfinished 2014 business.


          Love the Half

            Everything in 2015 will be focused on getting me ready for the Myrtle Beach Marathon in February, 2016.

            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


            Former Bad Ass

              I would like to be able to run what I have planned to run without the asthma interfering.  Ugh.


              I canceled half of my Spring races and/or downgraded to HMs.  I even cancelled my first 50 miler due to asthma.  Not going to be ready by March, I can assure you of that.  


              The ones I am still doing are:


              • Disney World Goofy Challenge (HM on Saturday, marathon on Sunday)
              • Surf City Half Marathon (downgraded)
              • A1A Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon (downgraded) (for a goal time)
              • Puerto Rico Half Marathon (with hubby)
              • Paris Marathon (for a PR or goal time)
              • San Francisco Marathon (for shits and giggles)
              • Space Coast Marathon (for a time)

              Not sure what will happen in between SF and SC, some more races in between.


              I would like to go back to the 2300 miles a year I was used to before surgery.  Would like to PR but since I'm having problems even running at this point, I'll take what I can get.



              Former Bad Ass



                1. Run the miles I promised for the 2015in2015 game that I made Damaris confirm.


                There, there. 



                  Hmm... not sure... Hopefully, if I can run Boston again, I can run it well. That would mean a BQ -35. The rest of the year would just be gravy for me. Oh...and maybe a sub-1:35 HM would be nice as well!

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                    1.  Don't get injured!

                    2.  PR at HM.

                    3.  First marathon.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      1.  Don't get injured!

                      2.  PR at HM.

                      3.  First marathon.


                      Nice!  More information?



                        Right now I'm so entrenched in MRT that its hard to think about next year.   Right now, focusing on some shorter races sounds good in terms of a plan.

                        Life is good.


                        Team TJ

                          High mileage PR year.


                          Have fun doing it.

                          Running for TJ because he can't.



                            Sub-18:22 5k 


                            Are we there, yet?

                              1. Officially run 50M either in a fixed time or 50M race

                              2. Officially run 100K either in a fixed time or 100K race

                              3. Redeem myself at IAT 50K by finishing

                              4. Explore more trail races, preferably ultras

                              5. Have a blast at NC 24

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                                1. I will be shooting for a sub 1:20 half. That is really one of the only time-based goals I have left that I would like to achieve.

                                2. I'll likely be running more shorter races (5K-half) as I want to compete in a local race series throughout the year.

                                3. I will be helping a female friend try to go sub 3:00 in a fall marathon. She has the ability and that would be much cooler than achieving any goal I have if she does it.

                                4. Possibly run an ultra (this will depend on the timing of #1)