Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES (Read 33 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    6 with combo of intervals. 4 x 45 seconds hard, 1 minute recovery + 3 x 6 minutes tempo + 4 x 45 seconds hard, 1 minute recovery. Storms here too. They've been really odd the past few days. Instead of actually traveling from the west to the east, these just kind of pop up and expand. When I was at the furthest point from the house, I heard thunder. No rain yet, but watching some crazy lightning to the east.


    Are we there, yet?

      A rare double digit run, 10.2 miles, running in circles to stay near my car in case another band of storms came through.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      Super B****


        It looks like a tempo run but since you logged it as a fartlek, just go with that.


        Eh you're probably right.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


           Eh you're probably right.


          Said bluerun to LRB never. lol


            A rare double digit run, 10.2 miles, running in circles to stay near my car in case another band of storms came through.




              6 with combo of intervals. 4 x 45 seconds hard, 1 minute recovery + 3 x 6 minutes tempo + 4 x 45 seconds hard, 1 minute recovery. Storms here too. They've been really odd the past few days. Instead of actually traveling from the west to the east, these just kind of pop up and expand. When I was at the furthest point from the house, I heard thunder. No rain yet, but watching some crazy lightning to the east.


              I managed to wake up with a normal feeling shoulder. The odds of me pulling that off again however, are not in my favor!

              Half Crazy K 2.0


                I managed to wake up with a normal feeling shoulder. The odds of me pulling that off again however, are not in my favor!


                Did you use pillows to keep from rolling over? When I was having lots of issues, sleeping on my side was a pain as was washing my hair. Made for a great start to the day.


                Super B****


                  Said bluerun to LRB never. lol


                  Just did!!


                  I should probably be glad it was canceled...maybe next time I'll feel less shitty.  HA HA HA AS IF.  (Seriously, I'm getting really sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.)

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    It's smoky outside.




                      The smoke here kept the temps down to 106.


                        The smoke here kept the temps down to 106.


                        That's what they're calling for in Eugene tomorrow as well.

