Beginners and Beyond


Good FriDAILIES (Read 45 times)




    I have a run here first thing after coffee then Furious 7 and yummy delicious pizza sometime this afternoon.


    And you?


    delicate flower

      Hello friends, and Happy Passover!  I was feeling pretty tired and beat up after my hard 12 miler last night, but I feel surprisingly good this morning.  I've got 60 minutes of easy running to tackle this afternoon, and it will be easy.


      I'll have to scan the Xfinity and Netflix movies selections tonight and find me something good to watch.


      From the Internet.

        Morning! I honestly thought I would have to take today off after yesterday's run beat me up but I was actually fine this morning - 4 easy miles done, some sort of strength workout at the gym later.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Morning everyone. Radar shows a big green blob getting ready to cover the Baltimore metro area, so putting off my run for a few hours. Hopefully I can get outside between the rain bands, if not, treadmill. I took off work today, so got plenty of time to get it done.


          delicate flower

            Hey look, another LR planned for tomorrow and another shitty weather day in the forecast.  WTeffinF?


            Tomorrow:  Rain

            Last Saturday:  Cold and snowing

            Saturday before:  Snowing (HM day)

            Saturday before that:  37 degrees and raining





            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  6 miles after work.


              I forgot Fast 7 started!!!!!  Off to watch it tomorrow, I am sure.





                It will make your race a cake walk.

                From the Internet.

                  Hey look, another LR planned for tomorrow and another shitty weather day in the forecast.  WTeffinF?


                  Tomorrow:  Rain

                  Last Saturday:  Cold and snowing

                  Saturday before:  Snowing (HM day)

                  Saturday before that:  37 degrees and raining


                  SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL


                  Yup, ran in all the same weather the last few weeks. WTF Mother Nature, we get it already! Rain on those suckers who do their long run on Sunday for once!

                  Hip Redux

                    Hey look, another LR planned for tomorrow and another shitty weather day in the forecast.  WTeffinF?


                    Tomorrow:  Rain

                    Last Saturday:  Cold and snowing

                    Saturday before:  Snowing (HM day)

                    Saturday before that:  37 degrees and raining


                    SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL


                    At least you aren't paying to run in the rain saturday lol 



                    delicate flower


                      At least you aren't paying to run in the rain saturday lol 


                      True, but two of my last three HM's have been crappy weather (Hartford in the rain, and Savin Rock in the snow).  Now, since I ran in ideal conditions in the Philly Marathon, that's a trade I'd take all day.



                        I had two dreams last night: In the first one, I am racing, with my bib on me, going as fast as I can. Sweat is dripping on my face. Then I notice someone beside me. He's not a racer, he has no bib on him. Actually, he's walking. I am utterly shocked to see that although I feel like I am running at my top speed, I cannot pass this walker. He says to me "Come on. Surely you can go faster. I'm walking!" So I close my eyes and I push and push, and slowly I feel that I am moving ahead of him and after a few minutes, I look behind me and see that I have built at least a 100 meters between the walker and myself. I turn my head to face in front of me again, only to see that I have reached a train platform, am about to fall down on the rails and a train is coming. I wake up.


                        The other dream is about me in a large unknown house. There is some kind of huge crazy man waving a knife at me. He's demented. A killer. I see a big coffee table. Surely I'm not strong enough to lift it. But fear makes me strong and I grab the table and try to hit the killer with it. But he pushes it like it's a fly and he stabs me. I wake up.



                        I'm finally home and I have a 4 day weekend! I will run 13 miles in a bit.

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Former Bad Ass

                          My Paris forecast is shit!  Shit, I tell you!



                            My Paris forecast is shit!  Shit, I tell you!


                            It's too early to tell. Don't worry about it!

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              Good morning all!  5.5 easy miles in between thunderstorms this morning. Went back to bed for an hour which was glorious. Now coffee, and we'll probably take the kids to an early showing of Home.  I'm probably more excited about seeing that movie because Jim Parsons is doing the main voice. Smile


                              5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                              10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                              15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                              13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                              26.2 - TBD (someday)


                                Meanwhile it is 47 here. I have not run in that in fuckin forever.
