Beginners and Beyond

TaDA TuesDAILIES (Read 44 times)


Former Bad Ass

    You do have my address, no?Smile

    I just spent forever peeling/cutting apples for apple crisp. It's finally in the oven. I am finally sitting down for the first time since I finished my run!



    Former Bad Ass

      Awesome!  Pics?


      Walked 2, ran 3.  My peak workout of the week.


      Actually, I had a FE with SheCan (Cherie,  IRL) who is visiting from Arizona.  We ran the weekly pub-based 5k run.  This taper cycle has been getting to me, so it was good to get out and and run (jog)  some.  After mile 2 or so, I didn't feel like such an out-of-shape, lazy, wheezing cripple.  Which is good.  After the run, I got a little bit of my carb loading started, liquid style.  Which is good.
