Beginners and Beyond


What day is it DAILIES? (Read 44 times)


    Seems this week is dragging ass despite having Monday off.  What's up wit chu today?


      Good morning, LRB.


      I have to run that 14 miler I skipped last night in exchange for sleep, sleep and more sleep. Ah! I feel good this morning! I also have an eye exam at 6:30 pm, so I must start running at 4:00 pm. Hopefully I'll be finished work by then.


      Have a great day everyone!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


      delicate flower

        How you all be, Cupcakes!  Work is insane this week.  I am printing W2's today...all 11,000 of them.  It's my biggest project every year and I am happy when it's done.  Printing is the easy's balancing the enormous annual payroll for 10 companies that's the trick.


        8 treadmill miles last night.  4 x 1 mile just above 10K pace.  7:35 avg pace for the run.  That was tough.  I was too damn tired to run a cooldown mile.  Much to my surprise, my legs feel just fine today.  More treadmill on tap tonight because negative windchills can go right to hell.


        Got a hilly half marathon in a month.  All the treadmill miles lately are NOT helping with the hill running.  Once I get back from vacation, I need to run a steady dose of hilly routes. 


          Good morning, people.


          Rick, thank you for starting today's thread.


          Lily, enjoy your fourteen-miler. I hope that your eye exam is uneventful.


          Phil, have fun serving time on the TM. 8.40 TM miles in 1:31:32. That's a 10:54 pace, I think.

          I did weights, push-ups, ab work, and an hour on the AMT after work last night. Tuesday, I did just push-ups and ab work. Tonight? Push-ups, ab work, weights, and cardio.


          i'm heading to the chiro. Later.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have only run 4 miles this week so far.  My friend spent the night at my house but she was doing pretty well so I dropped her home and went to work.  Hoping for some run tonight!


            From the Internet.

              Morning dailies!


              My leg is back to normal. Ran to/from the indoor track this morning - 0.75 miles on the way there, 3.15 at the track with a lap at tempo-ish pace and a few strides without worrying about slipping and falling on my face. 0.9 on the way back home. Not too shabby.


              Barking Mad To Run

                I usually run after work but did my outing early today because our temp is predicted to DROP throughout the day - by the time I leave work, our temp will have dropped to 38 degrees -  and by tonite we are going to get freezing rain,and I just did not want to deal with that.  So I went to the university gym this morning at 6 a.m.  Temp was a pleasant 46 degrees with a light wind.  I did the Diploma Dash 5K route around the campus, finishing the 5K distance in 33:50 and then ran another .1 back to the gym door, ending up with 3.2 miles for the morning.  Felt GREAT the whole way, very physically and mentally energizing.   Last night after work I stopped at Hardberger Park on the way home and did some really nice dirt/gravel trails, very soft on the legs, sweet.  Temp was very pleasant too, sunny, very low dewpoint, and 66 degrees.  This is a popular park for runners and walkers with dogs - and has a separate dog park at the park too - so I carried treats on my way and made lots of new 2-legged and 4-legged friends.  Very pleasant outing.


                Yeah, LRB, these 4-day workweeks can sometimes seem longer than the full ones!


                Lily, are you still running on the TM or are you able to go run outside now?  Good luck with both your eye exam and your 14 miles.


                Wow, Baboon, that is a lot of W2's!   Good luck with the payroll balancing, etc!


                Hope your chiro appointment goes well, Basya.   Your post reminded me yet again, I still have yet to start that 100 pushup program thing that one of the Penguins sent me.


                Glad your friend is doing well, Damaris.  Sorry your mileage has dropped this week probably needed the rest!  You have been having a time of it lately!



                Glad your leg is back to normal, Lauren!  Nice running this morning, and glad you did not slip on the ice, snow, or whatever you are dealing with where you are.


                BTW, I think the Mountain Lion in our local park has moved on...or mabye the sighting was just like one of people who see is the story about the woman who made the report that she spotted one there...and, wow, mountain lions have a range of 125 miles?

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Morning!  I am really happy with my track workout last night.  Just 4 x 800, but I've been consistently slow lately, and 800s especially have been a chore.  My target time for them is 3:54.  Two weeks ago, I ran one in 4:01 and another in 4:04 and felt terrible the whole way.  Last night?  3:56, 3:54, 3:56, 3:55 and felt pretty good.  By the third one, I had to mentally break it down into 200 meter chunks.  The last 200m was dedicated to LRB- "I'm no stamp collector!"  On the 4th one, a guy started talking to me about shoe mileage or something.  Who talks during their last track interval?  I did my best to participate, but luckily he finished a lap before I did, because I was behind pace and needed to pick it back up for my last lap.  But I did it!


                  RD today.  I don't like it because it leaves a lot of miles for the weekend, but it's my BILs birthday and we are doing family stuff.


                  LRB- No kidding about this week!  I am ready to be done with it!


                  Lily- Hope you are able to get your miles in!


                  Phil- I bet skiing builds hill muscles too.


                  Basya- Excellent run.


                  D- Glad your friend is doing well.


                  Lauren- Glad you're back!


                  Scotty- Nice almost-double! Smile



                    Morning dailies. I did an Easy 6 on the TM this morning.


                    We're finally going to bring DD to the Dr. today. My wife can't stand her bad mood and we're concerned it something like an ear infection from swimming lessons.


                    Have a great day everyone!

                    - Andrew


                      Andrew - Hope the little one feels better soon!

                      Scotty - Mountain lions do have a huge range, and young males can travel a long way when trying to find a territory to call their own. I remember growing up in Nebraska, they had one come through our area that had probably started out in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and sightings of him (probably the same one, anyway) stretched across a few hundred miles.


                      I had planned on 5 miles easy today, until I looked at everything I need to get done before a 6 p.m. outing for magazine I write for. Looks like an additional taper rest day, but hopefully some time for stretching and rolling at some point. For now - cleaning, baking, packing, and bill paying. All things that go well with coffee and staying inside when the wind chills are almost 30* below zero.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                        No running today, some core work outs and upper body. Other than that....... it is 8 degrees with a windchill of -8 and sunny. Winds at 13 mph (WNW) and wind gusts of 22 mph. Rocky and I will be running in 4 degrees tomorrow morning with a windchill of -5, thankfully winds will only be 5 mph.

                         I am sick of winter.

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          That was a great job Zelly, you are going to break out this year!


                            lrb - was off monday too...think i'll take friday off too

                            lily - nice call on the sleep

                            baboon - tough run, good job

                            basya - have a good one later

                            D - hope you get the run done

                            lauren - glad the leg is better

                            scotty - i'm sure the doggies appreciated it

                            zel - great job on the track

                            brrr - hope it goes well with the doc

                            step - staying inside makes sense

                            free - hang in there


                            5 miles or so game later....have a great day all.

                            marathon pr - 3:16


                            Skirt Runner

                              Found out before bed last night that I have a lot of cancelations at my afternoon job and will finish at 5:45 instead of 8:00 so I decided to go to the gym tonight instead of this morning. 1.5-2 miles and strength on the agenda.

                              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                                This week is definitely dragging.  6 easy miles.  No time, no time.
