Beginners and Beyond

SUNDAILIES Are Bringing the Noise (Read 51 times)


Go figure

    Gonna be a hamster wheel kinda day. Nothing special, just like 6-8 slow (everything I do on TM is slow). Darn snow outside. Boo snow. Church first.


    Have some good runs today guys.

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


    Wickedly Average

      Hang in there, Phil! In a few weeks, you'll be as good as new.

      Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

      5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

      Mostly harmless

        Good morning folks.  A rest day for me after my 18 yesterday. Time to get the house cleaned up so we can get our Superbowl on!  Have a good one!

        "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi

          Morning dailies:


          Basya - hope the mill isn't too boring


          Robert - nice job against the wind


          robinde - yes, snow = slow


          sparker - have a good run


          Bruce - dark and snow are definitely getting old.  Bring on the light and warmth.


          Rick - grab some balls and get going (er beans.  yeah.  coffee beans.) Tongue


          Baboon - who's your pick for the game?


          Gustav - hi


          Kay - new shoes are always nice


          D^2 - glad to hear that you're ok


          Heidi - awesome run yesterday.


          9.4 last night at an easy 8:24 pace guessed it, more snow.  Gave directions to a lost driver who seemed very relieved to be pointed out of the boonies.

          I have to work today so that I can be off Saturday for a disc golf tournament. May end up having to do my LR during the game or move it to Wed.


          Are we there, yet?

            Once you finish your morning runs, you might want to check out the New Balance Indoor Track Meet being aired on ESPN2 at 2:00 PM Eastern. Among the highlights should be 16 year old high schooler Mary Cain running against the big girls like Tirunesh Dibaba and Canadian Olympian Sheila Reid in the 2-mile.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              Ugh. I'm being paranoid  running on the snow. I ran three runs on the TM this week already. I'm so afraid of hitting an ice patch and getting injured. Any advice? Should I just get the six in on the TM or take the risk?

              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                Basya: Enjoy this morning's run, whatever distance you decide to go!  I can't believe you are almost to your taper!  Time has flown this cycle.


                Robert: Well done, getting in the 6.5 windy miles.  The wind just plain stinks.  Way to battle through!


                Robinde: Fantastic job getting in the easy, snowy miles early this morning!  I am still in my jammies yet!


                Sparker: Have a great ole 3 miler today!


                Bruce: Ohhh, a 15 miler outside today?  I know it's going to be sunny, but darn cold here.  I think it's -3 right now.  Bundle up and good luck getting those miles in!!


                LRB: Great job sucking it up and planning on getting out there today.  You are a braver man than I am.   I'll be at the track.  Enjoy the 6!


                Phil: Man, only two days until surgery.  Wow.  Hoping that it all goes really well and that you have a mad fast recovery.  It sounds like you have a fun day planned today.  Enjoy the Superbowl/festivities!


                Gustav: I hope the 2 snowy miles go well!


                Tom: If you end up running - all weather dependent, I know - enjoy the run!


                Kay: I'm sorry you cut the run short, although it sounded more precautionary than anything.  I hope the knee starts feeling better soon.


                SIAR: Have a great run on those 6-8 slow ones!


                Scott:  You so earned that rest day!!!  You did such a great job knocking out those 18 yesterday!!  Awesome job!


                Jay: Fantastic job on that easy run in the snow yesterday.  Hopefully, you can get the LR in, but if not today, then tomorrow.


                Hilary: You know my answer - I don't risk it!  Hence, the track for me.  Running in the ice just plain sucks.  I'm afraid of injury, can't hold my's just not worth it when I can run indoors.


                Wcrunner: Wow!  That's just nuts.  I'll have to check that out!


                8 mile recovery runs on tap for today and tomorrow!  Slow, slow and slower than slow.  I was wondering if I would be sore from the runs the last few days and especially yesterday's run, but I'm not at all.  That's good.  I am going to take it real easy today and tomorrow, though.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  I did 5 recovery miles this morning, grocery shopping and everything.  I don't feel like a slacker today, ha!


                  It was 60F when I ran.  Just a tidbit I'm sure you wanted to know.Joking



                  Former Bad Ass

                    STHU and go outside!Big grin


                    Ugh. I'm being paranoid  running on the snow. I ran three runs on the TM this week already. I'm so afraid of hitting an ice patch and getting injured. Any advice? Should I just get the six in on the TM or take the risk?


                    Mostly harmless

                      Ugh. I'm being paranoid  running on the snow. I ran three runs on the TM this week already. I'm so afraid of hitting an ice patch and getting injured. Any advice? Should I just get the six in on the TM or take the risk?


                      If it was me, I would run outside but I would never advice anyone else to take unnecessary risks.  That being said, if you DO decide to run in the snow just plan on it being a slow run. Shorten your stride if needed to keep your feet under you, that way if you do hit an icy patch you are less likely to fall.  Have fun either way!

                      "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi


                        Good morning!


                        I ran 7 very slow miles yesterday and I'm about to run 20 after breakfast. This will make 75 miles for my #2 recovery week after my marathon. I am very happy about this. I seem to recover so much more easily than before.


                        In other news, my SO was offered a transfer to South Africa for a year, maybe longer if we want. We are seriously considering it. Me more than him. It would be a great experience for all of us and I think I need something new at this point in my life. Hopefully it'll work!

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                          Once you finish your morning runs, you might want to check out the New Balance Indoor Track Meet being aired on ESPN2 at 2:00 PM Eastern. Among the highlights should be 16 year old high schooler Mary Cain running against the big girls like Tirunesh Dibaba and Canadian Olympian Sheila Reid in the 2-mile.

                          Wow, thanks for the heads up!  I just set a reminder for that.


                          X, I'm actually doing 10.


                          What up doe Jay, I found them!


                          Hilary, I have no advice.  I am driving 40 minutes away to avoid running on the snow but not because it's slippery.  I find that it makes my right achilles sore the day after, otherwise I would just run right out of my front door.


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            On Saturday, Feb 2, 2013, I participated in the “Love Your Heart 5K” in New Braunfels, Texas. Link to my report is below. Please feel free to share my report and photos on this event.




                            I am now getting ready to head out to my next event for this weekend, the Super Bowl Sunday 7K held in downtown San Antonio along the Riverwalk.  900 people registered for this one so far, with Race Day registration still to come!  Late start time of 10 a.m., but at least it will be warm, will be 61 degrees at start time.  Report and photos to follow!

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Okay so two long sleeves tops under my running jacket.


                              Dry wick long johns under my running pants which are the loose style (not ready for manpris).


                              A pair of fleece gloves on top of a pair of knit gloves, and my head wrap.


                              On the east side that's called being suited and booted, see ya!


                                Ugh. I'm being paranoid  running on the snow. I ran three runs on the TM this week already. I'm so afraid of hitting an ice patch and getting injured. Any advice? Should I just get the six in on the TM or take the risk?


                                I'm with Scott, I shorten my stride, or even walk if I see ice, or suspect that there may be some ice present.  I figure a little bit of walking is better than falling.  Luckily there hasn't been much ice, well, except for that one house that for whatever reason still has their freaking sprinklers on!  Idiots.


                                My running blog

                                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!