Beginners and Beyond


RR- Great Pumpkin Run 10K - Pics added last page (Read 107 times)


Fear is a Liar

    Good job on the race and your report! I agree that running fast is fun!

    I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


      Great job, Zelanie! Awesome finish!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

      Hip Redux



        Thanks, guys!

        Kimba- I still think maybe I'm doing it wrong, because I don't think 10Ks are supposed to feel good.


        Heh, and your fastest mile ever at mile 6!


        Jess runs for bacon

          Congrats Zel!!!


          running is bad for you

            Nice job!


            Is dodging poop like low hurdles?  Because that should be a different event Wink

            Jack K.

            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

              Wow, what a finish!!! It's great to see you running injury free, Zel. There will be many more races for you. Nice RR. Smile


              Former Bad Ass

                Great job, Mel!



                  Congrats on a well run race and getting in the sub 8 mile.   Very nicely done!

                  Life is good.


                    Congratulations.  You ran a great race.



                      Wow Zelanie, you really negative split that sucker. Great job! It sounds like a strong race.

                      - Andrew


                        What a great race! Wish I felt good during a 10k.



                        Them shits be hurtin' yo!


                        That your fastest mile was your last proves that your endurance is right on point.  An 8:23 mile half marathon, or thereabouts, may be in the cards for you if everything lines up.


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          Congrats on your 10K, Zelanie!  You did great!   And with dodging poop and dealing with a side stitch too!


                          That 'black tights guy' is an idiot, passing you, he missed out......I would've been behind you all the way, with the view helping to keep me moving forward... Wink

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                          Dad on the run.

                            Wow, awesome job on your 10k Zel! Your last mile being your fastest mile is amazing. Your going to rock your HM!

                            Chasing the sub 20 5K.




                              Them shits be hurtin' yo!


                              That your fastest mile was your last proves that your endurance is right on point.  An 8:23 mile half marathon, or thereabouts, may be in the cards for you if everything lines up.


                              I don't know about that, but there's the chance I could run in the 8:30s, I think.


                              Thank you, everyone, for your support and encouragement! Smile

                              Amazonian Princess

                                Wow - you are impressive!

                                Loved your report so much I found myself wanting black tights guy to trip Evil

                                I can. I will. I am. 
