Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: Coming out of the final turn like a Boss (Read 35 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Procrastinated this morning about getting up to get my Sunday run/walk in, especially as it was raining a bit.  Finally decided just get your lazy ass up and do it.  Went To Randolph Air Force Base and got in 3.17 easy miles in 34:46.  Mother Nature kindly stopped it raining on me about the halfway point.  For we warm-blooded South Texans, it was pretty chilly.  Usual temp this time of year is lows in the 40s, highs in the 60s.  Temp when I ran was 36 degrees and there was a bit of a wind too.  Still felt pretty good on the run though and ran the last 1.2 miles back in 10:17....speedy for an old slow dog like me, lol.


    Guess I will be signing up for some races in Jan - Feb to start the new year right.  Was not planning on doing any for about 4 weeks,  as I was supposed to have my pacemaker put in on January 8.  That had to be postponed when we found our house has some foundation problems.  So we have that scheduled to get corrected but we have to move a lot of furniture, etc, out of the way for the work. With the pacemaker surgery I would not be able to lift my arm above my head or lift anything for about 4 weeks, so had to postpone.  Don't want my wife to be taking the brunt of the work.  All good and when I do get my pacemaker, the house will be all finished - and we are getting new flooring and new furniture too - then I will have a nice peaceful house to rehab in, instead of trying to recover around all this hectic activity.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      Are there Hudson elites any more or just Allie Kieffer?


      Not sure. The demos are by Maggie and Addie. I saw the interview you guys are talking about and, um, yea. There was another video I saw where he was bringing coffee to her first thing in the morning. 



        Not sure. The demos are by Maggie and Addie. I saw the interview you guys are talking about and, um, yea. There was another video I saw where he was bringing coffee to her first thing in the morning. 


        I haven't seen the video, I was referring to a post on Instagram that has since been edited or deleted.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Ah, I had read this article and was .


          delicate flower

            Just got back from the annual Christmas gathering at mom's house, done a week late due to scheduling conflicts.  MIL bought me one of those Noxgear light up running vests.  I am stoked.  I was looking at those but never mentioned to anyone that I wanted one.  I also got a little cash that I decided I already used yesterday to buy two pairs of shoes.  And I got $75 in Starbucks gift cards, and a bunch of funky dress socks.  A good haul this year.




              I ran 8. Nice haul baboon, those vests are supposed to be awesome.


              I'm supposed to race a 5K in the morning at 10:15, but there is a winter weather advisory from 6am-10am for freezing rain  I can do rain, but I don't really want to slip on a layer of ice and break my shit on the first day of my marathon training plan.

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                They have a youtube channel. Here's the video with the morning coffee

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  I ran 8. Nice haul baboon, those vests are supposed to be awesome.


                  I'm supposed to race a 5K in the morning at 10:15, but there is a winter weather advisory from 6am-10am for freezing rain  I can do rain, but I don't really want to slip on a layer of ice and break my shit on the first day of my marathon training plan.


                  Forget the running part, driving in freezing rain is downright scary.



                    Forget the running part, driving in freezing rain is downright scary.


                    This too. And its a 35 minute drive


                      Procrastinated this morning about getting up to get my Sunday run/walk in, especially as it was raining a bit.  Finally decided just get your lazy ass up and do it.  Went To Randolph Air Force Base and got in 3.17 easy miles in 34:46.  Mother Nature kindly stopped it raining on me about the halfway point.  For we warm-blooded South Texans, it was pretty chilly.  Usual temp this time of year is lows in the 40s, highs in the 60s.  Temp when I ran was 36 degrees and there was a bit of a wind too.  Still felt pretty good on the run though and ran the last 1.2 miles back in 10:17....speedy for an old slow dog like me, lol.


                      Guess I will be signing up for some races in Jan - Feb to start the new year right.  Was not planning on doing any for about 4 weeks,  as I was supposed to have my pacemaker put in on January 8.  That had to be postponed when we found our house has some foundation problems.  So we have that scheduled to get corrected but we have to move a lot of furniture, etc, out of the way for the work. With the pacemaker surgery I would not be able to lift my arm above my head or lift anything for about 4 weeks, so had to postpone.  Don't want my wife to be taking the brunt of the work.  All good and when I do get my pacemaker, the house will be all finished - and we are getting new flooring and new furniture too - then I will have a nice peaceful house to rehab in, instead of trying to recover around all this hectic activity.


                      Think I would've postponed the foundation work personally. Good luck with everything, Scott T. Dawg.


                        Hello running peoples, I actually have a running question for you.


                        We have a fairly wide-range of paces in our trail running group.   We do social runs that try to accommodate everyone but every once and a while - because of the terrain or who shows-  it becomes logistically hard to not lose people in the woods.  lol 


                        So I'm trying to come up with a weekly run that ties together the different paces in like a fartlek or speedplay games kind of thing.  I KNOW I've seen a list, either here or on the interwebs somewhere, for something like this, but I am striking out.   Halp.


                        I'm thinking something like - two pace groups - one slower, one faster.   Faster group runs ahead for 1-2 minutes, sprints back to the slower group.  Slower group surges ahead at a faster pace until faster group recovers and regroups with them (given the pace differential possible this won't take too long lol).  Repeat sequence.


                        I was looking for group workouts this summer, but for the track. We settled on a dice game where the dice you roll determines how many laps and at what effort. That way no matter your paces, everyone got a similar workout based on effort. I’m not sure about trails, but when our group runs on the sidewalks, the faster runners go ahead and run back every few minutes to chat a minute or so with the slower runners and then surge ahead again. We also try to reach a point where there are either loops or a contained trail where we do 8-10 minutes out and back at your own pace so the faster runners can open up a little and then we regroup and head back to the start together. I don’t really know a better way with a small group and various paces.


                          I ran 8. There were lots of slick and icy segments that I had to walk through, but most of the trail was salted good today. It was nice and sun-shiny today.


                             I was looking for group workouts this summer


                            Dang it, I couldn't think of who it was for the life of me.



                              Dang it, I couldn't think of who it was for the life of me.


                              No worries, that was months ago! I have the workouts saved on my work computer. I can pull them up tomorrow and email or figure out how to post it here if anyone is interested. My group had fun with it.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                21 miles with 5 @ MP, 4 @ MP, 3 @ MP, 2 @ HMP (barely finished that) and 1 @ 10K (I did MP).  Super warm at the gym but it's done.


                                75.5 miles for the week.

