Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: Coming out of the final turn like a Boss (Read 35 times)




    It snowed again here but nothing significant. If nothing else at least now it looks like winter (for the record, I am NOT complaining!).


    I just had spinach pie for breakfast and will head out to run once it settles (don't judge, that shit was delicious). The sun is peeking in and out so this might be a run with sunglasses. I haven't had a single one of those while I've been off, which indicates just how grey and depressing it's been up in here up in here.


    Former Bad Ass

      Getting some lunch soon so I can hit the gym TM at 3pm for my 21 miler.  Sigh.



      Are we there, yet?

        Getting some lunch soon so I can hit the gym TM at 3pm for my 21 miler.  Sigh.


        So how many TMs will you break in 21 miles?  I'm waiting for the gym to ban you because you keep breaking them.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





        delicate flower

          Hello.  I ran 14 miles.



            Ran an easy 10K wearing the 12mm drop Mizuno Riders. Felt great. Didn't feel anything, actually. Tomorrow I'll probably take the 8mm Saucony Rides out for a spin.


              Getting some lunch soon so I can hit the gym TM at 3pm for my 21 miler.  Sigh.


              Do they kick you off the equipment after 30-60min? Our gyms have a policy in which, if it’s during peak hours, or if they are all full, we can’t be on a TM for longer than that.


                Ran an easy 10K wearing the 12mm drop Mizuno Riders. Felt great. Didn't feel anything, actually. Tomorrow I'll probably take the 8mm Saucony Rides out for a spin.




                todays a rest day for me.

                Hip Redux

                  Hello running peoples, I actually have a running question for you.


                  We have a fairly wide-range of paces in our trail running group.   We do social runs that try to accommodate everyone but every once and a while - because of the terrain or who shows-  it becomes logistically hard to not lose people in the woods.  lol 


                  So I'm trying to come up with a weekly run that ties together the different paces in like a fartlek or speedplay games kind of thing.  I KNOW I've seen a list, either here or on the interwebs somewhere, for something like this, but I am striking out.   Halp.


                  I'm thinking something like - two pace groups - one slower, one faster.   Faster group runs ahead for 1-2 minutes, sprints back to the slower group.  Slower group surges ahead at a faster pace until faster group recovers and regroups with them (given the pace differential possible this won't take too long lol).  Repeat sequence.



                    I KNOW I've seen a list, either here or on the interwebs somewhere, for something like this, but I am striking out.   Halp.


                    You?? GASP! 😱


                    Lord help us all, hell hath frozen over. lol



                      I'm thinking something like - two pace groups - one slower, one faster.   Faster group runs ahead for 1-2 minutes, sprints back to the slower group.  Slower group surges ahead at a faster pace until faster group recovers and regroups with them (given the pace differential possible this won't take too long lol).  Repeat sequence.


                      I could be wrong but I believe it was Lauren. who was looking to solve a similar issue for speedwork at the track.



                        Good morning!


                        I did 1 hour on the trainer.  My son is in from Seattle, so for the next few days I may spend more time drinking beer than working out.


                        Have a great day!

                        Runner with a riding problem.

                        Hip Redux


                          You?? GASP! 😱


                          Lord help us all, hell hath frozen over. lol


                          I KNOW!


                          And I don't really have access to a track... we do have access to a rail trail and a 3/4 mile loop around a reservoir that would suffice, I think.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Ran an easy 10K wearing the 12mm drop Mizuno Riders. Felt great. Didn't feel anything, actually. Tomorrow I'll probably take the 8mm Saucony Rides out for a spin.


                            I go back to the high drops when my achilles is achy, so it helps let it rest a bit.



                            Former Bad Ass


                              Do they kick you off the equipment after 30-60min? Our gyms have a policy in which, if it’s during peak hours, or if they are all full, we can’t be on a TM for longer than that.


                              Since I wrecked one TM yesterday halfway through my run, I didn't see whether the TM would stop at 60 minutes.  Unless the gym is full, they don't kick you out.  The TM might stop but you can always restart.  They won't be full on the last Sunday of the year and they have 30 TMs.



                                I'm in NYC for the Phish New Year's run and I did my traditional run across the Manhattan Bridge to Brooklyn and back. 2.9 miles (starting at my hotel) at 8:52. I'll take it.
