Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)

Better I Leave

    My finish time is my accomplishment.  My medal is a trinket.


    **Dave clicks "like" button**



      That makes no sense.  How on earth does her taking a medal makes yours worth less?  This seems no better than the 3 hour marathoner complaining that the 6 hour marathoner devalues their race.


      I once heard the late Bill Buckley (an avid sail boater) argue that a blind man who wanted to sail around the world shouldn't do it because sailing involved taking in beautiful sights and he, the blind man, could not do so. Therefore the blind man was somehow devaluing the whole experience of sailing. Or something like that.



        I just think it is funny that just saying "it's dumb" wasn't enough.  Nor was telling us that we're all dumb.  It's one of the "dumber things in life".


        That's some bold shit there.  About running. At Disney.


        Back on topic.


        Me and Stitch back when life was happy.  Life is not so happy these days.  But at least I have my medal and I ain't dumb.



        Thanks for that lesson, SRL. Anything that makes us happy cannot be that dumb, when we think of it. And is there anything more important than happiness? Is running a "serious" marathon really more important than happiness? Who cares what other people do... if they do what works for them, awesome!


        I hope happiness finds you again soon.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          I once heard the late Bill Buckley (an avid sail boater) argue that a blind man who wanted to sail around the world shouldn't do it because sailing involved taking in beautiful sights and he, the blind man, could not do so. Therefore the blind man was somehow devaluing the whole experience of sailing. Or something like that.


          Yeah, also not the same thing.

            There's nothing wrong with saying it's dumb to run a Disney event. People have to decide for themselves what judgements are purely arbitrary and no one should not do something they want to do because some one else thinks it's dumb.


            Short list of widely criticized things (on this forum) that are not at all bad:


            1. cross fit

            2. using the Galloway method

            3. running obstacle races

            4. running mudders

            5.running in place at stop lights

            6. wearing the t-shirt from an event while running the event

            7, naming your daughter "Agnes"


            ok well the last one might be bad. But all the others are not.

            1- not evil

            2- if i wasnt cheap, i would buy a book for my wife

            3. I am chicken and wont do them

            4. see #3

            5. WTF do people do that for. I stand and looked pissed, even though I am usually happy that I get a break.

            6. I smile whenI see this, because I could care less, but other people think you shouldnt do this.

            7. could be worse. your name could be T-Rod Smile

            ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

            “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”





              Which is fine. Don't disrespect what other people value, though.


              Seriously you value the medal? Not a criticism, just trying to understand.


                Seriously you value the medal? Not a criticism, just trying to understand.



                Well, I sure as hell don’t value my finish time. Yes. I was born with a birth injury. I spent 30 years not doing any kind of physical activity outside of PE class. Training for a marathon was HARD, and I didn’t even do it correctly because I was injured. I was not 100% sure I was going to finish. Looking at my medal on my wall makes me remember, even when I’m feeling terribly about myself or my muscle disorder, t hat I can accomplish incredible things.



                  Yeah, also not the same thing.


                  it's not quite the same thing, I admit. What your saying is definitely not as stupid as that. I wanted to jump into the TV and slap bill buckley when he was saying it.


                    Seriously you value the medal? Not a criticism, just trying to understand.

                    I have a cooler medal than my marathon medal, its in a drawer. I have some championship rings through school that sit in drawers. my wife hung up my marathon medal, so I will leave it on the wall.

                    ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”






                      Well, I sure as hell don’t value my finish time. Yes. I was born with a birth injury. I spent 30 years not doing any kind of physical activity outside of PE class. Training for a marathon was HARD, and I didn’t even do it correctly because I was injured. I was not 100% sure I was going to finish. Looking at my medal on my wall makes me remember, even when I’m feeling terribly about myself or my muscle disorder, t hat I can accomplish incredible things

                      and that is cool.  other people went through different things and the medal may mean something different to them. and that is ok too





                        Well, I sure as hell don’t value my finish time. Yes. I was born with a birth injury. I spent 30 years not doing any kind of physical activity outside of PE class. Training for a marathon was HARD, and I didn’t even do it correctly because I was injured. I was not 100% sure I was going to finish. Looking at my medal on my wall makes me remember, even when I’m feeling terribly about myself or my muscle disorder, t hat I can accomplish incredible things.


                        i respect that. But really, then, that's even more reason not to care if someone else gets a medal they shouldn't be getting.


                          Seems like it's almost always some clueless n00bs who just got off the couch that harp about people "earning" medals and race shirts and the right to wear them. If you ask me, you "earned" your medal and shirt when you went to work so that you could make the ca$h you used to pay for the race entry that came with said shirt and medal. Whether you run the race, you paid for that junk, so it's yours to do with as you please.



                          Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey


                          Warrior Princess

                            and that is cool.  other people went through different things and the medal may mean something different to them. and that is ok too



                              and that is cool.  other people went through different things and the medal may mean something different to them. and that is ok too


                              There's a huge difference between someone saying what you said and someone calling your medal a trinket.


                                There's a huge difference between someone saying what you said and someone calling your medal a trinket.


                                This is where it is all on you, and where you are fabricating the disrespect based on what you want to read into it. She didn't call YOUR medal a trinket, she called her medal a trinket.