Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)


    Oh please, please let this happen.


    As to the original discussion, I care not about what anyone else does at a race unless they are in my way.  I also do not care who gets a medal.  What my medal means to me has nothing to do with anyone else's actions.  Goodness, what a bizarre thread.


    Not bizarre at all. Finisher's medals and whether they are given out to non-finishers is a huge discussion these days.

    Tar Heel Mom


      Well, I'm glad zerototwentysix is here and maybe she will stick around. Who knows? But I won't apologize for my comment about her being unprepared. Even if she knew she was, she has to expect people to weigh in on a public blog. I still say anyone who doesn't think that a warm up is necessary needs a little more education (and experience) about running.

      Nolite te bastardes carborundum.


        me and the lil hawaiian kid from a couple years before all the other pics I've posted.  You know, when I was being all serious about the race and stuff.




        Warrior Princess


          Not bizarre at all. Finisher's medals and whether they are given out to non-finishers is a huge discussion these days.


          One I have never understood.  A finisher medal is really just a pretty souveneir that you paid for with your entry fee.


            One I have never understood.  A finisher medal is really just a pretty souveneir that you paid for with your entry fee.


            Or, if you're like me, a reward for finishing something that was really, really hard to do, and required a lot of lonely hours, many injuries, and thousands of dollars.


            Warrior Princess

              My finish time is my accomplishment.  My medal is a trinket.



                Or, if you're like me, a reward for finishing something that was really, really hard to do, and required a lot of lonely hours, many injuries, and thousands of dollars.


                And that's cool.  For you and people "like you".  But not everyone is "like you" and if an org passes out medals to participants, this is what they've decided to do, and some folks (the ones not "like you") take that medal.


                And the sun comes up in the morning.


                  My finish time is my accomplishment.  My medal is a trinket.


                  Which is fine. Don't disrespect what other people value, though.

                  Mostly harmless

                    How am I judging I said rather than throwing in the towel and saying not for me to actually prepare and do one prepared before deciding its not for you.  I have had my fair share of train wreck races and am glad I didn't quit Just because I did things stupidly at times.  I would like to see her train for and complete a marathon before throwing in the towel    I am glad I didn't just take my one train wreck marathon and call it quits.


                    How are you judging?  Maybe when you wrote this: "You still don't have to take it, you still don't have to wear it for several hours, part of you has to know its wrong to take something you didn't earn."

                    "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi


                    Are we there, yet?

                      Maybe we should have another complementary thread entitled Respect the Runner. Each one of us makes a decision, whether good or bad, to train for and enter a race. We reap the consequences when we go into a race poorly trained. That's something that should be obvious and known when we made our decision to run anyway. The time to criticize and comment is at the decision point or beginning of training, not after the fact. If we can't talk a poster out of what we think is a bad decision (and it really is only our opinion), at least we can help them make the best of it.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        I don't get the medal thing.  I mean, more power to you if it's part of the reason that you sign up for a certain race, but they do nothing for me.  Thusly, I don't really care whether or not someone else gets one or not, wears it or not, whatever.  It doesn't take away from my race if some person I would never meet gets a medal without finishing.  The only time I'd have an issue is if they didn't have sufficient medals to do this, and people who did finish weren't given what they were promised.


                        I toss them in a box, never look at them, and it makes the finish line busier while we all stand there patiently waiting for a volunteer to untangle the 37 medals hanging in their hand and put it on someone.  


                        I will admit I like getting shirts.  They are useful to me.  I liked when Twin Cities gave me socks and arm warmers too.  Likewise, useful.


                        My overcrowded mug cabinet has decided that I don't need any more race-themed beer steins, though.  


                        They just posted a picture of the medal for RnR New Orleans on Facebook, and all the responses were "ZOMG MUST HAVE ONE".  I thought they were kind of tacky Undecided.  I mean, sure, I'll take one if/when I cross the finish line (not counting my chickens before they're hatched), but I might not ever look at it again.

                        My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                        5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                        10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                        HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                        Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


                        Warrior Princess


                          Which is fine. Don't disrespect what other people value, though.


                          That makes no sense.  How on earth does her taking a medal makes yours worth less?  This seems no better than the 3 hour marathoner complaining that the 6 hour marathoner devalues their race.


                          I wouldn't take a medal if I were swept, but that's me.  I do not judge those who do.  I don't understand necessarily why they'd want it.  A finisher medal like that would probably haunt me.  But whatever, it has nothing to do with me.


                          Does the fact that race directors frequently give Mira a finisher's medal as a thank you for taking pictures devalue the medal?  She doesn't run the races either.  But she likes glittery things.


                            There's nothing wrong with saying it's dumb to run a Disney event. People have to decide for themselves what judgements are purely arbitrary and no one should not do something they want to do because some one else thinks it's dumb.


                            Short list of widely criticized things (on this forum) that are not at all bad:


                            1. cross fit

                            2. using the Galloway method

                            3. running obstacle races

                            4. running mudders

                            5.running in place at stop lights

                            6. wearing the t-shirt from an event while running the event

                            7, naming your daughter "Agnes"


                            ok well the last one might be bad. But all the others are not.


                              That makes no sense.  How does on earth does her taking a medal makes yours worth less?  This seems no better than the 3 hour marathoner complaining that the 6 hour marathoner devalues their race.



                              It's really the same thing not at all.

                                could this end up being one of those friday blowups from the old place but at the start of a week?

                                ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                                “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

