Boston Marathon 2009


13 weeks to go (Read 516 times)

    The show that we have on the ground will probably melt before April 20th, at least I hope so. We got a foot of the lovely fluffy stuff between yesterday and this morning, and it just looks like a Currier and Ives painting. Sucks for running, but for the first time in ages the temp's above freezing in the Hub! I guess we should be thankful for that. I'm off to try to slog a couple of miles, hopefully there are at least some stretches of cleared sidewalk.

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

      I'm on the train heading back to eastern long island from Houston. After the race yesterday I was sitting in the sun in shorts and sitting outside in the hot tub and pool. Now I'm back to this crappy weather. Makes me wonder why do we live here again?
        The show that we have on the ground will probably melt before April 20th, at least I hope so. We got a foot of the lovely fluffy stuff between yesterday and this morning, and it just looks like a Currier and Ives painting. Sucks for running, but for the first time in ages the temp's above freezing in the Hub! I guess we should be thankful for that. I'm off to try to slog a couple of miles, hopefully there are at least some stretches of cleared sidewalk.
        Not much snow here in Cincinnati, but lots of cold and wind. I ended up cutting my long run a couple of miles short. I figured that if I couldn't feel my face, it was time to call it quits. The good thing is that the cold weather gave me time to let my IT Band heal up. I'm back to 100% and feeling good!
          Not much snow here in Cincinnati, but lots of cold and wind. I ended up cutting my long run a couple of miles short. I figured that if I couldn't feel my face, it was time to call it quits.
          Well the sidewalks were impossibly impassable, so I had to take my chances playing in traffic. Kinda hairy in spots, because the snowbanks narrow the roads considerably. I had just the opposite of your long run experience CFK, I definitely feel your pain. Today's temperature of 36 degrees felt absolutely tropical compared to the single digit deep freeze we've had. It felt so good that I added to my run. I noticed my Garmin read 11.1 when I got home, and I was in a carpe diem kinda mood. Not knowing when it would be this nice again, I tacked on two miles to make it a half. Great to hear your ITB responded so well to rest, I hope the weatherman has some good news for you soon. And speaking of tropical conditions, where's our detailed Houston report Mr Hot Tub? Big grin

          Greater Lowell Road Runners
          Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

          May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


            In the decade or so that I've been doing Boston, there has been heat, 40* rain, nor'easters, perfect conditions, tailwinds, headwinds, you name it. But has there ever been snow to deal with during the race? They way thing have been going in the northeast this year, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the year for that. Yeah dcv... where's our report? CfKid, great news about the ITB! Last week of basebuilding for me this week, then the fun training begins. Keep at it gang!
              I feel almost silly for complaining about the Westcoast weather earlier on in the month! You guys out East are tough. The snow is pretty much gone. It is still quite icy in parts of Vancouver early in the day and the fog is thick and constant but we are back to our normal weather. The milage is increasing again. I'm looking forward to my first half marathon of the year Mid Feb. It will be a good indicator of where I am. Overall, I"m feeling good and getting excited!
              Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30


                Well the sidewalks were impossibly impassable, so I had to take my chances playing in traffic. Kinda hairy in spots, because the snowbanks narrow the roads considerably.
                You were smarter than I. I ran on Sunday morning during the storm.I tried the bike path for a while, then got tired of running in 6" snow, so I kicked off in Lexington to piss off drivers instead. I had to keep jumping in snow piles and unshoveled sidewalks to avoid the maniacs and the plows. Luckily the bike path had been (mostly) ploughed on the way back, but my shoes and Yaktrax were so caked in ice and slush at that point, that I was slipping around quite a bit. I had to pull off chunks of ice to even get my shoes off when I (finally) got home. I managed barely under 12 minute miles, which is a record low for me, but at least I finished it, I suppose. I don't think I'll be doing that again - next time I'll do my long run on the treadmill over a snow storm. The boredom I can handle. -Fussypants
                  I ran on Sunday morning during the storm.I tried the bike path for a while, then got tired of running in 6" snow, so I kicked off in Lexington to piss off drivers instead. I had to keep jumping in snow piles and unshoveled sidewalks to avoid the maniacs and the plows. Luckily the bike path had been (mostly) ploughed on the way back, but my shoes and Yaktrax were so caked in ice and slush at that point, that I was slipping around quite a bit. I had to pull off chunks of ice to even get my shoes off when I (finally) got home. I managed barely under 12 minute miles, which is a record low for me, but at least I finished it, I suppose.
                  You were tougher than I. After shoveling for most of the day Sunday, I had all the sidewalk, driveway, steps and walkway down to bare pavement at 8:00pm. At 9:00pm, I had geared up and had stepped onto the porch when I was hit in the face with MORE snow driving sideways. "F*** THIS" was my response to that, I went back inside and had a beer. Monday morning I awoke to about four more inches on all the aforementioned surfaces. And speaking of tough runs...the Boston Prep sold out and they've taken down the link to registered runners. Is Fussypants in for Hell on Hills?

                  Greater Lowell Road Runners
                  Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                  May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                    And speaking of tough runs...the Boston Prep sold out and they've taken down the link to registered runners. Is Fussypants in for Hell on Hills?
                    It looks like its going to be pretty cold for us on Sunday, but with a little luck at least the roads should be clear...clearer than they were last year...that kind of sucked! Wink
                      You were smarter than I. I ran on Sunday morning during the storm.I tried the bike path for a while, then got tired of running in 6" snow, so I kicked off in Lexington to piss off drivers instead. I had to keep jumping in snow piles and unshoveled sidewalks to avoid the maniacs and the plows. Luckily the bike path had been (mostly) ploughed on the way back, but my shoes and Yaktrax were so caked in ice and slush at that point, that I was slipping around quite a bit. I had to pull off chunks of ice to even get my shoes off when I (finally) got home. I managed barely under 12 minute miles, which is a record low for me, but at least I finished it, I suppose. I don't think I'll be doing that again - next time I'll do my long run on the treadmill over a snow storm. The boredom I can handle. -Fussypants
                      I really wanted to do my long run outside but way too much snow...18 miles on the dreadmill with 6 around marathon pace. and one strong finish at sub 7. I'm tiring of the treadmill as it is so when we get these horrific storms it just messes me all up! All I need is about 30 more minutes of daylight and I'll be able to get most of my weekday evening runs outdoors as well.

                      A Saucy Wench

                        My mileage is on the downhill spiral. I popped something in my hamstring on tuesday and for 2 days mild slooooow running seemed to be making it feel better, but today, not so much. Could be awhile.

                        I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                        "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7