Boston Marathon 2009


6 weeks to go (Read 408 times)

    Hard to believe, but in six weeks Hopkinton will be hopping. I had an uneventful week of easy running, then switched a Friday run to Thursday due to a rainy forecast. With Friday and Saturday off, I surprised myself by running mile repeats really well at the track yesterday. I could smell the sun baking the black rubberized surface, it was about 60 degrees and breezy and wonderful. At the moment it's snowing like crazy, and we're supposed to get a delightful wintry mix this morning. Rain, freezing rain and snow. This winter will have to give up eventually, but it's not gonna do it without a good fight. Damnit. Hope there are lots of good reports for this week, we're heading into the home stretch.

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

      I ran my first 18 miler of the year. It was a beautiful day, but way too hot. It was 74 when I finished. The last three were difficult due to dehydration, etc. But I survived and am ready for my first 20 this Saturday. I'll end up running one more 20 before Boston. Boston is my last long run before the Flying Pig. I know that sounds crazy, but I'm going to enjoy Boston and not kill myself to finish in a certain time. This will likely be my last Boston Marathon (as well as my first) and I'd like to enjoy it!
        I had a strong week of running. It was capped off with my longish run yesterday. I ended up chatting with a group I "ran into". They were holding a quick pace (a bunch of 3:00-3:30 marathoners). Turned my run into a "marathon pace" run and had a pleasant chat to boot! It is snowing in Vancouver - very unusual. Everyone was doing garden work yesterday morning. The poor crocuses and snowdrops! I found out I was drawn for our local summer 50K trail run. Yeah! Third year entered, first year lucky. Happy, healthy running to everyone this week. I'm off to Disneyworld on Thursday.
        Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

          I finally got a "long" run (i.e. 20 or more) done yesterday! Had to sort of break it up though... did the first 14 outside, average temps of -10°F, along the roads with ice and traffic. Angry Had enough of that, so came home and ran the last 7 on the treadmill. Average pace for the whole lot was 8:42, which works for me. After crashing on so many of my >15 mile long runs lately, it felt really good to get 21 miles in the books. While I don't envy you guys your mid-70° temps, I'm sure tired of snow, ice and cold. I've adjusted my schedule now to have my last long run (21-23) on Sunday, April 5. Should be good conditions by then...

            BadDawg, uneventful weeks are what we want at this point. Sounds like you are fine tuning that engine of yours. CfKid, congrats on the 18 miler! Good luck with your upcoming 20. workn', it's a good sign if you were able to chat while running a marathon pace workout! Have a good trip to DisneyWorld. You bringing your running shoes? evanflein, as always, great job getting it done. I hope come April you won't have to be dealing with that stuff any more. Not much running going on here due to continued dealings with family health issues. The stress finally broke me down and I got sick this week. Tried to run a 15k race on Saturday, it was held near the hospital so I thought I'd give it a try. It was one of those things that you knew was a bad idea as soon as the starting gun went off. Getting the bad stuff over with now, right? So in 6 weeks, all should be good. Hang in there gang!
              I had a good week last week, even though my knee did flair up again. Had a good MP run yesterday and it was finally nice to run in short the past two days.... Only 6 weeks lefts. Four more training weeks and then cutbacks.... btb, you're not happy with your time on the course? It seems you did well on the hilly course...
                I started last week feeling pretty strong. Not sure what happened at the end. I don't think THIS has EVER happened...I was so completely and utterly exhausted by my run on Friday. My knee was a little sore so I took off Saturday (unheard of!). I spent the day in and out of naps. Sunday I woke up late (forgot to spring forward) and only got in 2 miles before I had to get back home to wake dh up so he wasn't late for work. I never did my long run. I laid around all day yesterday, in and out of naps. wth is wrong with me!? I think maybe it was the previous weekend's 20/15 back to back. Confused or maybe it was because I picked up my pace a bit? Confused I'm still exhausted today but I felt really good on my run this morning. Is there any such thing as too much sleep? I've been in bed by 8 or 9 all week, and my alarm goes off at 4:30 am. But I wake up at 3 and have a hard time going back to sleep.

                Jennifer mm#1231


                  i spent a long weekend in NYC andhad to juggle my schedule a little bit so last week played out like this: mon- off tues- 13 with 3x10 mins at tempo pace (7:30) and 2 min recoveries wed- 3.74 trails, 2.4 streets thurs- 17 fri- off sat- 11.2 in central park. it was 65F!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile sun- 2.7 total 50.1 it ended up working out just fine although i was worried about getting my miles in. i can't believe we're 6 weeks away!!!

                    dcv - I hope that knee/quad thing of yours just magically disappears. You doing anything for it to help it along? I guess I should be happy with my KP run, but realistically I was looking for my time to be about 2 minutes faster. My quads killed me for the two days after the race, a testimony to the need to run downhills for Boston. Lifesabeach - I'm smelling a touch of overtraining going on with you. Tread carefully. missy - another good week for you. Yep, Saturday was a beauty, you picked a good day to run the park. There are some good Boston type hills there, I hope you took advantage of using them.
                      btb - I'm not really doing anything except I added a rest day on Monday's, which I'll keep up until Boston. Then hopefully a couple of days off to a week after Boston will help. Its not that bad, but just annoying. Just have to remember not to do any more squatting... I'm probably going to sign up for the three races tomorrow (4-miler, HM, 10k). I don't think I'll be racing the HM, just use it as an MP run in the middle of 20 miles. I'd like to run 1:28Tight lippedx, which would still be a PR. I'll try to let the HRM make sure I'm not going to fast.

                        dcv - how about some self massage or foam rollering at least for that injury of yours? You're in great shape, I'd hate to see this thing keep bugging you. Dang, I'd love to run a 1:28 half and say it was a not too hard effort! I hope to see you there, but I'll be crossing the 11 mile mark about the time you will be finishing on the other side of the road. I may see you at the 10k as well.
                          btb - I'm not saying it will be easy Smile It will be a marathon effort, after probably 3+ miles along lovely Nichols Road. Then I'll finish and head off for another 4... I did 12.1 @ 6:44 Sunday (in an 18.1 miler), so thats about a 1:28.. How are you treating the HM? MP, Long run, race? I do some rolling and stretching when it gets bothersome. My wife the PT does some massage when its bad. Right now I forget about it.... I think it will be all right if I don't go and do something stupid (like start doing squats, etc.). I think the taper will help it as I'll probably cut back then...

                            btb - I'm not saying it will be easy Smile It will be a marathon effort, after probably 3+ miles along lovely Nichols Road. Then I'll finish and head off for another 4... I did 12.1 @ 6:44 Sunday (in an 18.1 miler), so thats about a 1:28.. How are you treating the HM? MP, Long run, race? I do some rolling and stretching when it gets bothersome. My wife the PT does some massage when its bad. Right now I forget about it.... I think it will be all right if I don't go and do something stupid (like start doing squats, etc.). I think the taper will help it as I'll probably cut back then...
                            Nice run on Sunday! That's right, I forgot your wife was a PT. I'm sure she keeps you in line. I'm scheduled for a 21 miler the day of the HM, so I plan on running 8 miles before the race, then continuing on in the race at my long run pace, picking it up the last 6 miles or so to MP. I'm using it to test out everything that I plan to do on marathon Monday. Nutrition, clothing, etc... That's the plan for now anyway. Are you saying that Nicholls Road is boring? ;-) You can double back after you finish and tow me in.
                              btb~ I think you are on to the sense that I forget how easily I become anemic. I'm glad I took the weekend off. I finally figured it out last night...and that's part of the problem when I go anemic...I mentally sorta space out and it takes me a while to figure it out. So, I'm off to get some floradex/liquid iron supplement today. I should be good to go in a few days. Oh. and steak for dinner tonight. Yes

                              Jennifer mm#1231



                                I have to admit that I am not enjoying this much (not even my run this Sunday when it was in the 60s), and can't wait for it to be over - a big change from fall training, which I was loving. My knee is hurting, and even when it doesn't, the leg lags giving me a fun little limp, and I spend my whole run fretting about it. I should probably start logging about it, so I can tell if it's getting better or worse - I really have no idea. Even besides that, every run feels a lot harder than it should, even after two weeks off and a mileage cutback. Bitch, moan, whine. If only I could channel my former undertraining self to cut back even more. At least the weather is finally becoming (slightly) nicer, and my runs are back outside, so that's good.