Boston Marathon 2009


The Jackets are up! (Read 1472 times) darn it. I really like it! I wonder what kind of material it is?

    Jennifer mm#1231

      I like the wind jacket too, but you gotta love the BAA unicorn on the back. Cracks me up that the Bill Rodgers site can't spell Marathon.

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

        Mucho $$$$$$.....
          Mucho $$$$$$.....
          But in the same ballpark as last year, no?

          Greater Lowell Road Runners
          Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

          May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


            I got a nice lightweight Boston running jacket for free last year for volunteering at the expo. Just saying...

              ooohhh! purdy! i'll take one of each please!!!! Roll eyes yeah, right. well, if i do end up doing that, i better start saving my allowance NOW. thats it. no more eating for the next 2 months!!!!!!!! Shocked
                But in the same ballpark as last year, no?
                The jackets, pretty much, (Image Impact was $90 I think last year). But the singlet for $75??? That has to be a typo. I think I got mine for $42 last year...


                  I got a nice lightweight Boston running jacket for free last year for volunteering at the expo. Just saying...
                  Is it the same jacket as the one that's for sale? Also, do they give out Women's sizes to the volunteers? I'm on the smaller side, so men's sizes are huge on me.
                    I can't see myself paying for any of those things because they are SO overpriced and none of them are very cool looking. That singlet looks like an old school polyester cheerleader top. yuck! I did the Image Impact last year and will probably resist the urge to get another jacket...I'm sticking with the plan to embroider 2009 on last years jacket. Besides, I live in So. CA. I've probably worn that jacket less than 10 times in the last year.

                    Jennifer mm#1231

                      The prices son't seem too out of line to me. Am I just crazy, I mean I have 2 Asics "storm shelter" jackets that don't say anything on them and they were $100 apiece, and I also have a Brooks Nightlife jacket and it was $89. I have the Image impact jacket and the adidas jacket from last year and quite frankly I find it, the Image Impact jacket, to be OK looking but as far as a running jacket goes it is awful. It is some hideous satiny polyester and it is feels very high cut in the arms. Image impact had a fairly cool design but the jacket is obviously not designed for functionality by anyone who knew about running in it. The Adidas wind jacket from last year is kindof plain looking but it functions wonderfully for actual use when running. I will be snapping up both of the new jackets this year and am volunteering so I plan on getting the volunteer jacket as well. I think this years return to a more traditional color scheme and look is a huge improvement and I couldn't be happier that they will be made by a real running company. Big grin
                      2010 Goals
                      Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
                      VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
                      at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year

                        Is it the same jacket as the one that's for sale? Also, do they give out Women's sizes to the volunteers? I'm on the smaller side, so men's sizes are huge on me.
                        It was similar to, but not exactly the same, as the wind jacket. I think they had a unique jacket just for volunteers. As far as sizing goes, I'm not sure if they differentiate between men's and women's. Hopefully you checked off "SMALL" when you signed up to volunteer.

                          I like the wind jacket too, but you gotta love the BAA unicorn on the back.
                          fyi, about the unicorn... Chosen by the founding members of the Boston Athletic Association in 1887 -- ten years prior to the inaugural Boston Marathon -- the Unicorn is believed to have been chosen as the organization's symbol due to its place in mythology. In Chinese and other mythologies, the Unicorn represents an ideal: something to pursue, but which can never be caught. In pursuit of the Unicorn, however, athletic competitors can approach excellence (but never fully achieve it). It is this pursuit to push oneself to his or her own limit and to the best of one's ability which is at the core of athletics. And for this reason, as the marathon matured, that the B.A.A. also decided that the Unicorn would be the appropriate symbol for the marathon.
                            COOL! I've worked so hard to get there, I'm sure I'll go crazy at the expo and end up spending a couple hundred on BAA stuff. The jacket is a must.

                            Res firma mitescere nescit
                            Running in Tampa



                              It was similar to, but not exactly the same, as the wind jacket. I think they had a unique jacket just for volunteers. As far as sizing goes, I'm not sure if they differentiate between men's and women's. Hopefully you checked off "SMALL" when you signed up to volunteer.
                              I did, but as a women's XS wearer, Men's Small (also known (hilariously) as unisex) looks like pajamas on me. I use race shirts only as pajamas for exactly this reason, except for two where women's sizes were provided (Iron Girl Boston, Cohasset Triathlon). It is my lifelong goal to get race organizers to understand the very complicated fact that women are smaller than men, and that there is no such thing as "unisex" sizing. I know that there's a lot of other stuff going on, but at the very least, if they can provide XL and (sometimes) XXL, I don't understand why they can't go the other way to XS. Anyway, if the jacket is too big, I guess I'll just buy an expensive one. Maybe I'll even wait until they go on sale after the race. On the flip side, I've gained even more weight this week, so maybe I'll be able to fit into those giganto clothes soon. I would really love to get my mileage back up, 'cause I'm sure as hell not going to get around to eating less until after June 10th (USMLE board exams). Fuss, fuss, fuss.