Boston Marathon 2009


12 weeks to go* (Read 546 times)

A Saucy Wench

    Wow $35 is cheap for a race here. Woohoo I did range of motion exercises at the gym today and things feel...ok. Not great - I am still way too aware of the location of my hamstring, but I was able to do hamstring curls (virtually weight free - dynamic tension mostly) and only felt fatigue, not pain. But I know that just past fatigue lies pain, so more of the same for at least a week. I was talking during my run/walk this morning and ran 4 whole minutes (at a 12 mm) continuously. Multiply by 60 and I'll be ready for Boston. Tongue

    I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


    "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


      Wow $35 is cheap for a race here. Woohoo I did range of motion exercises at the gym today and things feel...ok. Not great - I am still way too aware of the location of my hamstring, but I was able to do hamstring curls (virtually weight free - dynamic tension mostly) and only felt fatigue, not pain. But I know that just past fatigue lies pain, so more of the same for at least a week. I was talking during my run/walk this morning and ran 4 whole minutes (at a 12 mm) continuously. Multiply by 60 and I'll be ready for Boston. Tongue
      That's great Ennay! Steady as she goes. I like your attitude and your patient approach. Keep doing what you're doing, and I have a good feeling that you'll be on the starting line in Hopkinton raring to go!

        bob, its hard to lie to him b/c he has access to my log and i just can't bring myself to lie on my log Wink i normally take about 3 weeks easy.. plus, i think the message i got from him was to try and run more than just 4 miles per week for the next 2 weeks of recovery Blush dcv, like you i raced on 1/18 but my legs are feeling pretty good this week. that being said, i ran 3:39 and you ran 3 hrs so with that great of an effort, its not a surprise you're feeling like molasses. heres hoping your legs come back to you soon! ennay, hang in there!!
          We are back to more seasonalbe weather here on the Westcoast. Did 18 on Sunday in beautiful sunny weather. I certainly thought of all of you tough ones out in the snow and ice! Sorry to hear about the injuries - let's hope they go away before the "real" training begins! I'm doing a 8K race this weekend. It should be a good barometer for my fitness. Happy training weekend to all.
          Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30
            We are back to more seasonalbe weather here on the Westcoast.
            We're in for more seasonal temps here in the northeast this weekend as well, you know lows in the teens and highs in the low 30's...heck I'll take it right about now, especially if it doesn't snow! I'm doint the Mid-Winter 10 miler in Cape Elizabeth on Sunday. Hopefully with the "warmer" temps I won't have to bundle up quite so much and maybe that will help a bit. Good runs all, and stay healthy.

              We're in for more seasonal temps here in the northeast this weekend as well, you know lows in the teens and highs in the low 30's
              seriously. yesterday i was walking my puppy in what felt like mild temps here in WI. i actually thought, "hey! its not so bad". i went home, checked the current temp and it was 23F. funny how your point of reference starts to get lower as the winter draaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggsssssssssssssss ooooooooonnnnnnnnnn
                We're in for more seasonal temps here in the northeast this weekend as well, you know lows in the teens and highs in the low 30's...heck I'll take it right about now, especially if it doesn't snow!
                I had to scrap Wednesday's run due to unbelievably icy conditions, my walkway, stairs and sidewalk have about an inch of solid ice on them. I had them all down to bare pavement after three or four inches of snow, then we got hit big time with freezing rain. I really want to run as soon as I get home, but I'll probably wind up chopping/scraping/shovelling. By then, anything that melted will refreeze. Damnit. This is from today's Boston Globe and sums it up pretty nicely: A tiered, well-traveled walkway down to Haymarket had obviously been shoveled, but it was so encased in ice from melted snow that there was no reason to pay $4 to skate on the Frog Pond. In the 34-degree sunshine on the opposite side of the building, however, the red bricks of City Hall Plaza remained practically snow-and-ice free at noon yesterday, except for pools of melted sludge on stairs outside the Government Center T stop. That was Boston yesterday - ankle-deep slush in the sunshine and ice-slicked sidewalks in the shade. Pedestrians could have used ice crampons on their footwear on one block and knee-high rubber waders on the next. "This freezing and thawing is constant," said Michael Galvin, the city's chief of property management, which had a crew of eight clearing walkways around City Hall. "You have to go back four and five times a day."

                Greater Lowell Road Runners
                Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                  Hey folks! Chiming in finally. I'm 2 weeks out from the Myrtle Beach (half). (then Boston of course down the road) Logged 71 miles last week, with a solid 20 miler on Sunday. My fitness is pretty good right now, but I still need to shed some pounds. My goal time at Myrtle is sub 1:29. Best of luck with healing (for those in need) and also in getting the runs in given the weather lately in some areas of the country.


                    I missed out on Derry (though I can't say I missed it) - I had a couple renal finals this week, and couldn't justify the commute time. Instead, I just hacked out my long run on the treadmill on Sunday morning, and scooted to the library. But, if you need to know anything about the kidney, judging from how those exams went, you should ask someone else. I've been feeling guilty about not running outside much lately, so I went out for an 11 mile run - well, it wasn't so much a run as it was ice skating - yesterday. What kills me is that I was slipping and sliding everywhere, but when I finally wiped out, it was just me tripping over my own feet (me == disaster), and yelling "F**K!!" in front of a small child. I think I'll stay inside until the snow is a little more gone - the melting and refreezing is too hairy for me.

                      Yeah, this melting/freezing stuff is fun, isn't it? Tongue On my run the other day, I had to reroute 5x because of road closures, due to flooding and subsequent freezing. Careful out there gang. Nice week you had last week, Docster. I'm thinking a 1:29 half should be in the bag for you. Good luck. Good luck in your 8k race this weekend, workn' Missy, that's why you need to keep TWO training logs, one for your coach, and one for you! Wink And just because you ran a 3:39 marathon, it doesn't mean your effort was any less than anyone elses around here. My hardest effort marathon was about 30 minutes slower than my PR which was set just the previous year. It's all about how much you put into the race given your present fitness level.

                      A Saucy Wench

                        today when I left the house it was dark, not foggy and only patchy ice. About 30 degrees. As I walked the fog rolled in and froze to the road. When I got home it was light, foggy, still 30 and the roads were a sheet of ice. Crazy.

                        I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                        "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                          today when I left the house it was dark, not foggy and only patchy ice. About 30 degrees. As I walked the fog rolled in and froze to the road. When I got home it was light, foggy, still 30 and the roads were a sheet of ice. Crazy.
                          Sounds like you moved to the Northeast...

                          A Saucy Wench

                            Sounds like you moved to the Northeast...
                            Feel like it. I live in Oregon dangit, we arent supposed to have winter. We have 2 seasons...Wet and Dry

                            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7
