Boston Marathon 2009


FOUR weeks to go! (Read 564 times)

    Wow, down to one last long run with the Eastern States 20 this coming Sunday. Had a good week, added a couple miles to my Friday run to top my previous weekly high by running 63.5 miles. Yesterday was a nice start to the new week, my 5K time was slightly disappointing (tired legs or not I was hoping to PR) but I was first in the beer line and got my money's worth before heading home. Rocking the Irish tricolor shorts in Cambridge. Photo courtesy of Ted Tyler of Cool Running (as always, LOTS more at ) Just have to hold it together for 28 days (knock wood!) That will go by in the blink of an eye, this is getting pretty exciting.

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

      BadDawg: Love all the co-ordinating colour in your running outfit. Glad to hear things are going so well. You can have a record week and add the beer on top - great endurance work. After our Florida trip I'm so happy to be back from the land of flat, hot and humid to my hilly, cool and wet. Had three good workouts in a row but my legs did feel kind of beat up at the end of yesterday's 20 miler. Looking forward to yoga tonight! Once more week of going hard. I'm excited. One area of concern: A growing fondness for Kettle Chips. These are my weakness and I had "2" bags this weekend. Yes, 2 - the full 5 oz each time. Usually I know better not to keep this stuff around but I"m being more permissive than usual. Better kick this habit before the taper or I might be carrying more than I want to the start line. Wishing everyone a great training week.
      Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30
        One area of concern: A growing fondness for Kettle Chips. These are my weakness and I had "2" bags this weekend. Yes, 2 - the full 5 oz each time. Usually I know better not to keep this stuff around but I"m being more permissive than usual. Better kick this habit before the taper or I might be carrying more than I want to the start line.
        I've been eating way too much lately, and I seem to have ridiculous peanut butter cravings as the mileage goes up. I just bought an oil drum sized tub of Teddie creamy, and I've been going to town on it. I really have to rein it in, I don't want to be lugging an extra five pounds from Hopkinton to Boston. Blush (oh and pizza and beer with the Shamrocks on Thursday nights aint helping either, I definitely get my ten bucks worth)

        Greater Lowell Road Runners
        Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

        May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


          nice work, baddawg!! hey, who takes all those awesome shots of ya?? wktbfstr, yay for hilly, cool and wet Wink i'll take that any day over flat, humid, nastay. i hear you on chips. it also remains a vice for me. that and cookies. i actually have a funny story. one night 2 weeks ago when i was having a hile mileage week i woke up starving around 4am so i grabbed a bag of chips, went to bed, and proceeded to LIE IN BED eating chips b/c i was, at the same time, too tired to sit up and eat them. how sad. Roll eyes last week looked like this for me: mon- off tues- 12.3 total with 7x800 at 3:31 avg, 400 recoveries. the encouraging thing about this workout was that it felt pretty manageable and *almost* easy. time for a little bit more of a challenge! wed- 6ez thurs- 12.3 with 6xhill repeats fri- 4.13 ez sat- 22.2 long sun- 6.5 ez total 63.4 i have an 8k i'm hoping to kick in the teeth this coming sunday. FOUR MORE WEEKS TIL RACE DAY!!!!!!!!

            p.s. 5oz bags?!??!??!??? ppfffttt. amateur. i can down family size bags in one sitting. ALONE. Yes
              nice work, baddawg!! hey, who takes all those awesome shots of ya??
              I post tons of those pics in my Good Times forum, and forgot to post my standard "tons more at..." verbiage here because Jim didn't take the pics this time, it was Ted. I added it to the post above, this time there are 63 pages posted. Jim Rhoades is a well known runner around here, a quick look at his running log shows a 15:52 5K a few years back. He shows up at tons of races to take pics. Sometimes solo, sometimes with Ted Tyler, and sometimes it's just Ted. He posts the pics and lets anybody download or use them as long as they give credit for the photography. If you run enough races around here, you eventually wind up with a nice pic free of charge. Good stuff.

              Greater Lowell Road Runners
              Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

              May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                Missy: I haven't done the eating chips in bed at strange hours since the first trimesters of my pregnancies. Something so wrong yet so right about it! Self indulgence at its best. BTW, since when has an 8K race considered an "EZ" day (I'm assuming that means easy). Looks like a challenging week coming up for you.
                Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

                  Hard to believe in 4 weeks, the temps will be in the 80's and 90's..... Wink No worries about the extra weight gain it seems most of you are working on. Boston is a net downhill, so the extra weight will serve you well. BadDawg - nice color coordination, and some speedy running for this point in a marathon training program. workn' - welcome back from the land of magic. I'm glad you all survived! missy - next time just take the chips to bed with you when turning in for the night. That way you won't have to put in the effort to get up and get them at 4am. Gotta save your energy you know for that 8k you have coming up. Good luck! dcv - I know you haven't posted yet, but great job with that 4 mile race last weekend. Very speedy time, and nice win for your AG! And how about Danny C.! Kicking butt as the 3:20 pacer this past weekend! Nice tune up for Boston!
                    No worries about the extra weight gain it seems most of you are working on. Boston is a net downhill, so the extra weight will serve you well.
                    Good thing too, the jelly beans and pastel wrapped peanut butter cups bloomed at work today. As sure a sign of Spring as you will find.
                    And how about Danny C.! Kicking butt as the 3:20 pacer this past weekend! Nice tune up for Boston!
                    I can't even pace myself, to take on that responsibility for a group and do it like a human metronome is absolutely awesome.

                    Greater Lowell Road Runners
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.



                      Congratulations on the beer BadDawg ... and the race thingy. I had another record-long week at 60.1 miles (beating my old record of 54 and change), though it was a technicality - I had to move a long run, and it landed in the same 7-day period as the following long run. I had a pretty cool week, because most of my runs were in DC (I never noticed there were so many hills there!), and I even managed to accidentally hit the Lincoln Memorial and reflecting pond at sunrise on Saturday morning, which was awesome. I ran back to my hotel to pick up my husband for the second half of the run, and we cheered on a lot of the National marathoners (and halfers) on our way out. I managed to gain weight again, despite the higher mileage, and I am now up 6 lbs from where I was mid-February or so and about 10 lbs from where I'd like to be. Maybe I'll just roll down the course. Wait, is that legal, or do you have to actually be on your feet? Of course there'd be a whole lot more vomiting... I also got my official volunteer assignment - I'll be working registration at the Expo on Friday afternoon.

                        I also got my official volunteer assignment - I'll be working registration at the Expo on Friday afternoon.
                        Cool! When did you get your notification? I haven't gotten mine yet, but I also applied for Friday registration. Nice work with the mileage this past week! Looks like you may just pull an awesome race out of your hat after all.
                        Good thing too, the jelly beans and pastel wrapped peanut butter cups bloomed at work today. As sure a sign of Spring as you will find.
                        The pastel M&M's made their debut here last week. Gotta go looking for the peanut butter cups now...
                          btb - Thanks. The race went well. Though I'll never understand why the put the finish line of course at the end of a couple steep uphills (net 100ft elevation climb over last 0.5 miles). Anyway, it was my first age group award ever, and I got a nice new pair of sneakers.... Ran 24:17 for 4 miles. I was surprised by the race ( a good surprise). I was running with one master's runner that usually kills me in races for about 3 miles until he pulled away... It was a good day... Hopefully the weather forecast will improve for Sunday. Don't really want to be running outside in rain.... I am trying to refrain from eating junk, but I sometimes I can't help myself. My biggest problem is I don't bring enough food to work with me. So when I get home I eat everything in site. Tonight will be no different and I didn't even run today... This is the last really hard week for me. Have 73 on the schedule over the next 6 days... Then around 60 next week, then a big drop off probably for taper (30ish, 20ish)....
                            4 WEEEKKKSSS!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH! I'm SO excited! Nice Picture Ed! How do you do that? I just looked at pics from my last 10k and they are hilariously BAD! My face looks like pure pain on the verge of crying, LOL! my form looks slouchy and sad. sigh. shame on me for ignoring those core workouts! food? foooood? I just kicked it up a notch trying to get back to race weight after gaining a few lbs during my down time. I haven't hit the hungry stage yet...but I feel it coming on and watch out! Last week was a weekly mileage PR of 83.3 for me. Got another 21-15.3 back to back this weekend...need to get another 1 or 2 of those in before Boston so I'm ready for PCT 3 weeks later. I feel ok. Did 3 recovery today and was really dragging. Not sure what I'll do this week but I'm on high alert for niggling pains and will cut down if anything rears it's ugly head. Other than that, just holding on tight. Not a lot of speed in me but I think at this point I'll be able to do a steady 26.2. Stay cool and healthy this week!

                            Jennifer mm#1231


                              I had a PR week of 58.7 for me last week, just barely a PR but I'll take it. Turns out being without all the family responsibilities while out of town is good for the running! 20.3 miles yesterday, 8:24 avg pace. Felt pretty good the whole time, but I can tell I really need new shoes. Curses to Asics for discontinuing the 9 and putting me in a quandry! The Brooks Glycerine 6's that I got at the NY expo seemed to be the perfect shoe, but now with high mileage on them (almost 550) they're doing a number on my toes every run. I ran in my old Asics yesterday, and they felt much better. But they're old, too. Rolling downhill. Heh. Might have to try that. Holding well on the weight front so far, but it feels like I'm hungry all the time. Hey BTB, how's little Amy??


                                Cool! When did you get your notification? I haven't gotten mine yet, but I also applied for Friday registration.
                                Oooh, what time? I'm not sure when they arrived since we can only be bothered to pick up our mail once a week or so, but I would guess the end of last week sometime.