Boston Marathon 2009


Volunteer Update (Read 586 times)

    I got my notification in the mail over the weekend, while I was down at Shamrock. I know some of y'all got yours too. When is everyone scheduled? Mine is Friday 1:00 PM. Just wondering if that is the entire Friday shift or if there is also a relief shift that starts later in the day. Trying to figure out when I will be able to go to the expo to look around with the family.
    2010 Goals
    Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
    VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
    at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year

      I'm Friday at 1pm also, working registration. I think Erica is too. Last year it was a split shift. 1-4pm, then 4-7pm. I'm gonna contact them to see if that's the case this year as well. Friday is a great time to browse the expo.... the crowds are much much less.
        I would like to do the expo on friday, that's what I did last year and it was fairly comfortable in there especially with 2 small children. When I stopped in on Sunday last year it was a madhouse!!!
        2010 Goals
        Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
        VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
        at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year
          I think it is great that some of you are taking time to volunteer! I have lots of family coming in so it won't be possible. I think it is so important to give back and am looking forward to marshalling at the Vancouver Marathon two weeks later. I think it will be a good way to deal with post-event let down, too.
          Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

            I got an email back saying we are there for the entire 1-7pm shift on Friday. I wonder if they'll have floating volunteers that can relieve us so we can do our expo stuff on Friday? workn' - good deal helping out at the marathon. Sometimes volunteering is more fun than doing the race.
              Thanks for the update on that email btb. Guess I will plan on doing the expo Sat morning with the family. My wife is running the 5k so she will need to get there sometime. She is none to pleased with me that I might be busy for the whole day on Friday, guess I will have to make sure we go out for a nice dinner. But hey, anything for a free jacket, right? Wink
              2010 Goals
              Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
              VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
              at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year


                I'm Friday at 1pm also, working registration. I think Erica is too.
                Word. Funny that we all scheduled the same time - it will be nice to meet you all! DannyC - I solved that problem by signing up my husband to volunteer too. I also thought it was going to be just a 1-4 (or so) shift. I could have sworn they asked you to choose either Friday afternoon or evening on the sign-up form. Anyway, at most volunteer gigs they understand that you are not being paid, and have no problems letting you go early (except when I volunteered for the voting booths at the last presidential election - those people were crazy). Maybe you could shoot them an email? Maybe we can just relieve each other for a little while - I'd be pretty surprised if they actually expected us to stand around for 6 hours straight. I really don't want to have to come all the way back into town for the rest of the weekend - it's a bit of a hassle.

                Me and my gang in Breck

                  I got Friday at 1:00 at the Hynes. I signed up for a bunch more but I just got Friday.

                  That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Neitzsche "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." "Dedication and commitment are what transfer dreams into reality."


                    I know last year at the volunteer briefing before our assignment, whoever you sat next to at the briefing ended up next to you at the registration booths, since they simply went down the row as they handed out your booth assignment. So maybe we could all sit together at the briefing so that we can be together during registration, and can take turns relieving each other so we can hit the expo. Sound like a plan?
                      sounds like a good plan, we should meet a few minutes early then go in and sit together. I'm in. We will have to figure out where to meet as it gets closer. maybe exchange contact info.
                      2010 Goals
                      Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
                      VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
                      at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year


                        Sounds great. I think we should come up with a meeting place outside the briefing room - it will make it easier to find each other. Pour House, maybe? It's a bit early for beer (well, no, that's never true - it's just a bit too close to the race), but it is right across the street. We could meet in front? Or inside, whatever?

                ,-71.084075&spn=0,359.986267&z=16&layer=c&cbll=42.348247,-71.084188&panoid=OvfGAJS2zftraBKFw_qDUg&cbp=12,339.29438706075785,,0,-1.1875000000000002 The Pour House looks good. I know I will want to grab a bite to eat before the expo, so maybe we could meet there at 12:00 for those that want to eat, and say 12:45 for those who don't?


                  ,-71.084075&spn=0,359.986267&z=16&layer=c&cbll=42.348247,-71.084188&panoid=OvfGAJS2zftraBKFw_qDUg&cbp=12,339.29438706075785,,0,-1.1875000000000002 The Pour House looks good. I know I will want to grab a bite to eat before the expo, so maybe we could meet there at 12:00 for those that want to eat, and say 12:45 for those who don't?
                            Sounds good to me.

                              Thanks Erica for the Pour House suggestion. Of course anyone is free to join us, if you can. I think my train arrives at 11am, so that should just be enough time to drop off my luggage and head over there. If you guys want, I'll be the contact person that morning so we can all find each other. If anyone wants to exchange cell phone numbers, email me.


                                I'm also working registration on Friday. See yo guys there. Doug.

                                "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."
