Boston Marathon 2009


Twenty one days to go - it's taper time (Read 715 times)

    It's time for cruise control and bubble wrap, just gotta stay safe and sound and make it to Hopkinton now. March is the first time I've broken two hundred miles in a month. Partly attributable to more running, but also due in part to a thirty one day month with five Sundays. Yesterday's Eastern States 20 was so bad it was funny, nothing like sloshing along for twenty miles. At least the temps remained bearable, if it had dropped five degrees or so we would have been hurdling frozen runners left and right. I ran it with Fireman Bob of the Shamrock Running Club, he is the one that suggested the race. Giving him grief about that for two hours and forty one minutes made me feel much better. I know most folks really don't care for the taper, which makes me an exception. Finishing any long run is great (like hitting your head on a wall, it feels good when you stop), but finishing your last long run is really great. I love backing off, knowing that the hay is in the barn. I hope things are going well for all, especially those that have been battling illness and/or injury. Hang in guys, the end is very near.

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


      Very, very impressive BadDawg. Barring unforseen circumstances, you are gonna kick some major butt at Boston. Your training seems to have gone very well. Congrats on the mileage PR for the month. Speaking about slogging, both dcv and myself were out slogging in the same ick as BadDawg on Sunday. We both used a local half marathon as part of our long runs on Sunday, tacking on some miles both before and after the event to give us 21 miles or so for the day. I tried to keep goal MP for the half marathon, but found it very tough. I won't spoil it for dcv, but he kicked major butt out there and said it felt comfortable. I'm feel the same as BadDawg and tapering..... bring it on. Best of luck to everyone the next 3 weeks. Keep washing those hands to avoid getting a cold!


        I learned something this week: I'm a coward After going out really slowly on my last 20 miler (just to be safe), I realized around mile 17, that I didn't have to be going so (@#*$@#&$ slowly. I cut a minute to a minute:30 off the pace for the final portion, and it felt completely fine - better, even. I wish I'd realized earlier that I didn't need to be such a chicken when it comes to pacing - guess I need to start using my HRM again. Ended my run (thoroughly soaked) at a Marathon Sports, and, since my windbreaker was being held together by safety pins, picked up one of the (dry) Celebration windbreakers (15% off, thanks to local club membership - I also have a couple coupons if anyone else wants the discount for the marathon gear - they give them out like candy). It's really nice quality, embroidered on the back instead of printed. This time, I couldn't be happier that taper has rolled around. This has been a rough training cycle, and I am so, so busy with school and boards right now, it's been hard to justify the time spent running. Hey! Looks like I'll also get a record 200+ miles for March. High-five! Can we get a secret handshake?
          I learned something this week: I'm a coward After going out really slowly on my last 20 miler (just to be safe), I realized around mile 17, that I didn't have to be going so (@#*$@#&$ slowly. I cut a minute to a minute:30 off the pace for the final portion, and it felt completely fine - better, even. I wish I'd realized earlier that I didn't need to be such a chicken when it comes to pacing - guess I need to start using my HRM again. Ended my run (thoroughly soaked) at a Marathon Sports, and, since my windbreaker was being held together by safety pins, picked up one of the (dry) Celebration windbreakers (15% off, thanks to local club membership - I also have a couple coupons if anyone else wants the discount for the marathon gear - they give them out like candy). It's really nice quality, embroidered on the back instead of printed. This time, I couldn't be happier that taper has rolled around. This has been a rough training cycle, and I am SO busy with school and boards right now, it's been hard to justify the time spent running.
          That's actually not a bad way to do a long run Erica, err on the side of caution and finish fast and strong. I ran easy with Bob the Shamrock for nineteen miles yesterday, then ran the last mile at about 6:15 versus 8:06 overall average. It feels good to empty the tank, knowing the end is near. Is the price (before discount) at Marathon Sports about the same as the expo? And nice job coming to the Dark Side, taper lovers unite!

          Greater Lowell Road Runners
          Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

          May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.



            Is the price (before discount) at Marathon Sports about the same as the expo?
            I would imagine so - the price was permanently affixed to the jacket by Adidas, and it's the same price as the Adidas website ($90).
              I would imagine so - the price was permanently affixed to the jacket by Adidas, and it's the same price as the Adidas website ($90).
              Is the Celebration jacket really a windbreaker? Some of the previous year jackets (including last year) seem to be a lot heavier. Good deal. Is the club discount the same as the coupons? If so, I can just use my Greater Lowell membership. If not, I'll be bugging you for a coupon. Smile And we can be real geeks, and wear our jackets while exchanging our super secret 200+ handshake. Clowning around

              Greater Lowell Road Runners
              Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

              May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                Hey all...some really nice runs out there. I just wanted to post my results from yesterday's Eastern States 20 Mile Border to Border Run. I went into this with no intention of racing which is no easy task for me. But I knew after running 18 miles last Sunday at Marathon Pace, 12 miles last Friday with the bulk of that at Marathon Pace and then working in the yard with my son-in-law on Saturday cutting down a large tree that had been damaged by the ice storm this winter. Well I pretty much knew that my legs wouldn't be in for an all out 20 miler. So I figured I would head out and try to hold onto a 7:20 pace for at least 10 miles and then ease on back whenever I felt I needed to which would be a pretty good run on tired legs. As it worked out the weather was pretty lousy, rain, wind and very cool temps in the lower to mid 30's. I ended up running about 13.5 miles pretty much dead on 7:20 average pace but could really feel my legs tiring during that 14th mile and pulled it back and eased on in to finish at 2:35:59 for a 7:48 finishing pace. Overall I am very happy with that even though it was over 7 minutes off last years race...that is the difference I didn't race it and was acutally able to pull back and run some pretty slow and easy miles and walked away at the finish satisfied...very wet and very cold...but satisfied. Oh and no injuries, my back was fine, my right hamstring was fine and the weather really was a non-factor. Luckily the wind, which was brutal was at our backs for about 99% of the course, otherwise it could have been a factor. Now for the taper and of course I won't mimic anything close to this past week of running prior to Boston and will hit the starting line well rested and ready to least that's the plan. Big grin BadDawg, I thought I saw you once and I was talking with someone and then looked up and you wree gone. Erica, since I know I'll be buying some of that Adidas marathon stuff I would love a coupon if you could get one to me I would appreciate it - you can e-mail me at if you want.

                  hi guys! count me in on the 200+ miles for the month Wink *performssecrethandshake* my coach seems to think that a 2 week taper would be better for me so i have ONE MORE week of training and a 20 miler this weekend. gawd. please body, hang in there!!!!!!!! well, the bright side is i have one more week of eating cheetos in bed. (just kidding. i have only done that one time only!!!) yes. tell me more about the jackets please. and if you still have extra coupon, erica, i'd love one!!

                  Puttin' on the foil

                    I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to suffer through a long run in the rain, snow and wind. Here's an off topic question - This is my first Boston. I'm staying with the parents of a friend. They want to drive me to the start in Hopkinton. They want to be part of the action. I read on the BAA website that the only way to assure you get to the start line on time is to take one of the offical buses. Should I decline the ride and take the bus or should I let them drive me out there? Thanks for the input.

                    Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'

                      As btb said, we both ran the same HM yesterday. We were lucky that we missed the really heavy rain just before the race. But it was misty, some moderate rain during the middle of the race. Some moderate wind. Luckily the temps were in the upper 40s so it wasn't all that bad. I ran 4+ with btb to warmup. Then ran the HM. Goal was to stick to MP (6:45), but after the first two miles I got into a grove and ended up running 1:26:54, which is a nice PR. I felt comfortable doing it. Was able to pick it up the last mile to get under 1:27.. Ended with 3.7+ with btb again... We both stuck around and picked up our AG awards... I'm a little sore today, but I'm always sore after long runs and we ended up doing 21 yesterday total... Does anyone remember if you pay tax at the expo on stuff... Still contemplating buying some stuff off of

                        Finishing any long run is great (like hitting your head on a wall, it feels good when you stop), but finishing your last long run is really great.
                        I love that... sums it up perfectly. It really does feel good when you stop! But... I'm like Missy and will be finishing my last long run next Sunday. I'm sure hoping I can hit 20... I had to bail on my long run yesterday as it was just not my day. Only made it 9.1, although my pace was pretty good while I was running. That was a major confidence shaker yesterday. Now I don't want to run, at all. Need a kick in the butt or something. Good job on your weekend races, you guys. I do envy those with a good HM or 20 mile race nearby when Boston is 3 weeks away. Perfect timing, as long as you don't push it and get hurt, which it sounds like was not a problem. Erica, you could be sending out lots of coupons... could you e-mail me at erika dot vanflein at alaska dot edu? T-Bone, you can get a ride, don't let the "official bus" scare tactic work! However, you won't be able to be dropped off right by the start. They close the street into the starting area to all but the "official" buses so you'll need to walk about a mile in. That's what I did last year, and it served as a very nice warm up. My hotel offered a shuttle, but they wouldn't let the driver go past a certain point and we had to walk in. No big deal, just allow enough time.
                          I'm with you Missy, 1 more week of regular training for me. dcv, not sure about tax at the expo, but if you order stuff directly from there is no tax and if you order over $150 the shipping is free. I ordered stuff last Wednesday and it is being delivered at my house today. great job to everyone that races this last weekend. see y'all soon in Beantown
                          2010 Goals
                          Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
                          VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
                          at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year

                          Puttin' on the foil

                            Thanks Erika!!!!

                            Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'


                              Here's an off topic question - This is my first Boston. I'm staying with the parents of a friend. They want to drive me to the start in Hopkinton. They want to be part of the action. I read on the BAA website that the only way to assure you get to the start line on time is to take one of the offical buses. Should I decline the ride and take the bus or should I let them drive me out there? Thanks for the input.
                              t-bone, here is another option for getting dropped off in Hopkinton. From the BAA website: Please note that roads within the town of Hopkinton close at 7:30 a.m. and no street parking will be available. Limited parking spaces are available at the Industrial Park on South St. and at the Hopkinton State Park on Route 85. Once these lots are full, we will only allow runner drop-off at the entrance of the Hopkinton State Park and will be prohibiting drop-off near the entrance of the Industrial Park at the base of the Exit 21A ramp off of Route 495 South. Expect delays! Please do not park illegally, as it will jeopardize the transportation system and will result in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense. There will be no on-street parking allowed in the town of Hopkinton. Shuttle buses will run from both the State Park and the Industrial Park starting at 6:00 a.m. Official runners being shuttled from the Industrial Park will be brought directly to the Athletes’ Village. Everyone else will be dropped off in the center of Hopkinton. Directions from Boston to Hopkinton State Park, go West on the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to Route 9 (exit 12). Follow Route 9 West to Route 85 South. OR: from Boston, and all other directions, to the Industrial Park on South St., take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Route 495 South to exit 21B. ^top

                                Need a kick in the butt or something.
                                Erika, perhaps you should get one of these? A kick your own butt device.