Charlotte, NC area runners


Week of 9/6/2010 (Read 201 times)


On the road again...

    Happy Labor Day! Hope everyone has fun plans for the day. I was really surprised to see that I was second on the list. Sashi won the gold star by .3 miles! Congrats!


    Of course, there isn't a gold star because there are no formatting options on the text entry fields (at least I don't see them).

    Everything seems to be all plain text. 


    NameDistance ▼Time
    Docster  66 Mi 9:22:14
    CliveFenster 51.1 Mi 7:37:32
    Happyfeet 41.3 Mi 6:46:17
    theyapper66  41 Mi 7:05:36
    runslikeagirl 36.1 Mi 6:50:20
    old-runner 28.2 Mi 4:13:55
    CarolinaBlue 27.2 Mi 3:46:52
    Lpadg 22.9 Mi 3:32:50
    cpaterun 21.3 Mi 3:15:22
    chuckplayer 17.6 Mi 2:25:53
    alholley 11.2 Mi 1:42:00
    ChakaKahn 8.7 Mi 1:16:00


    MTA: Looks like the formatting is back, and when I went to fix the chart, looks like Docster had a late log entry and killed it last week.  Way to go!


    MTA again: Gotcha Clive!  Nice week, although I think we should have some kind of unwritten rule about late entries that make me continue to go farther down the list. Wink

    I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.


      Happy Labor Day and good running to all!

        Update the list, please. Smile

        "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

        -- Dick LeBeau

          Nice week Clive!


          I felt so good tonight, I decided to "officially" add some speedwork in to my running weekly.  I know...I could just run more, which I will do, but is was fun. Nothing too crazy.  Mostly, I'll probably do a little tempo running as long as I don't feel it two days later.


          under a rock

            I had a big week last week! I just had to take advantage of the sweet low temps Sunday morning and do 19 miles. Looking forward to more nice cool runs this fall.


             Now for an easy recovery week. I'm ready for it.

              Hey, I was traveling and forgot to pack my Garmin cradle. Blush

              "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

              -- Dick LeBeau

                Back in the running "saddle".  Day 2 and feeling great.  Ran on trail yesterday and everything fine.  Progressed to road today.  Cadence intact which for me is always the big thing (the deep water pool running helped that).  Can't believe the refreshing weather!  Anyone racing this weekend?



                  Wow Rob... quick recovery! I thought you'd be out for a while with the ankle. Glad to hear it's okay now.


                  There are several good races in the area this weekend. I'm running the Sunrise Run on the Greenway 10k this Saturday in Morganton, hoping to redeem myself on the 10k distance after last week's debacle. If I'm even slower this week I'm considering ceremonial self-disembowelment. Either that or training harder.


                  Anybody else racing? I hear the Hog Jog in downtown Charlotte's supposed to be a good 5k.


                  On the road again...

                    I got 7 in this morning. Last run here on the coast before heading home.  I'm bummed that I've been gone the entire week of lows in the upper 50s/low 60s.  Here, it's been humid, but at least breezy.

                    I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.


                      Glorious weather this morning!  Low 60s, slight breeze -- ahhhh!  Ran in the dark, then some track work; even the cool-down plodding was nice!


                      Rob, glad things mended so rapidly.


                      Richard, good luck with the redemption race.

                      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                      -- Dick LeBeau


                        The good news...


                        I sliced about 3-1/2 minutes off of my 10k time from last week and finished in 43:32 today.


                        The bad news...


                        Happyfeet did his long run this morning, which means I have to run alone tomorrow! WHUT??

                          Allright!  That's the Richard we've come to know! Congrats.


                          Ashley, 19 miles at Whitewater sounds really hard. Great run. You make my little 6 - 7 mile trail runs seem like a sprint.  I was thinking of running all three main trails next week, which I think should be about 11, correct?  I usually add the extra mile loop on the NorthmainTrail also.  Thinking of your run, should make that seem much easier.  I had another interesting run at Whitewater this week.  I had just started on the trail Thursday night and right at the busiest section where the trails meet, I had two mtn bikers coming at me from both directions and they were flying.   Trying to make sure a friend and I didn't get plastered, I slipped on a rock beside the trail and went down pretty hard.  I came close to dislocating my shoulder, but after multiple doses of Ibuprofen, I'm better.  I still ran though.  Didn't need my arms much anyway.  No snakes this week though.


                            Richard/Clive - thanx!  Last Friday I was still on crutches but Dr. said to begin to put wt foot and "wean off the crutches".  I swam that afternoon (w/zommers) & ran 20 min in the deep water.  Then last Sat morning, I took first step out of bed & ditched the crutches for an ankle support.  Followed thru w/the swimming and deep water running which significantly speeded up the healing to pt where I built my running right back up. I have it taped when I run for support and still have to slow up on any sharp turns to the right.

                            Richard -- nice improvement on your 10k -- do you still have the knee pain (and run w/the brace)?


                            under a rock

                              Lynnwood, 19 miles at whitewater is mentally tough. The trails tend to get pretty boring but I wanted to go somewhere that I could hit the trails as soon as the sun was up and that is the only option. My 20 miler will be on the Ridgeline trail of Kings Mtn and with company. I would say 11 miles is a good estimate for mileage, it's so hard to say since GPS doesn't measure accurately in the dense leaf cover. I think most of my runs are probably longer than what I log since GPS is usually 5% rate of error on the short side on heavily wooded and technical trails.  Evenings at whitewater are crazy! I've only gone there once that late and was surprised. Running in the mornings it's pretty quiet there. Usually I don't see any many bikers until around 8am but by 10am it's pretty crowded but I'm usually nearly done by then. Lots of reports from friends of turtle on the trail this week with no snake reports.


                              On the road again...

                                14 this morning.  Ran the first 11 at long run pace and the last 3 closer to MP.  Felt pretty good, although it was muggier than I had expected.

                                I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.

