Marathon Trainers

Week of 11/17 (Read 381 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    When do you leave to head South , Shan?
    Fixed it for you. At least it's more south than west to me... hehe I leave tomorrow after work. Whenever that happens to be. We had flurries here today - I don't know if it's really going to turn into much.

      I watched "Spirit of the Marathon" yesterday. Great stuff. Makes me want to run Chicago next year. I'll be in Detroit by then. Hmmm.....
      I love this movie! Kimmie, any better? Thanks- yes, I am better some- but not all the way- resisted the urge to get miles in today- one more day- still a cough- I will run tomorrow. Great that you got out and ran Dave and feel good. Brian, I've looked at that too- and I think I may be just shy of 1500 miles by the end of the year. Shan, let us know when you leave! If you it makes you feel any better- for some reason, my DH has decided that driving to florida is a good option next week- 16 hours.. lovely... and we'll take Tuesday and Wednesday to get down there and probably the entire day on Saturday to get back. Of course, there will be no marathon thrown in there and I won't be by myself. Smile you're going to have a great adventure, Shan! Let us know....

      Oh Mighty Wing

        haha! Oh man!! It's actually not that bad!! DH and I do these trips whenever we can - we love driving together!! So I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun!


          Murphy, I think you're looking very good for this marathon. I'm so glad that you have scaled back your plans before race. Think how much more that training will be compared to your other marathons. Cash, Hym, seems you keep doing the same thing, getting the same results, and being surprised about it??? Sounds like the drastic change of pace is ticking off your calf?? My calf was hurting yesterday, step running must have been hard on it. I did butter knife treatment, helped a ton. Brian, When is baby due? We need to add that to the race calendar. Smile Glad you are doing well. Shan, Got your race bags packed? Bring clothes for lots of weather conditions...just to be safe. What's your race nutrition plan? Only managed 1/2 day of work, came directly home and crawled into bed for a nap, didn't even take jacket off. Probably short on fluids, but coughing a bit less. I will live.


          Oh Mighty Wing

            bags are packed - packed for lots of weather. Race nutrition??? umm well i plan on eating well the night before - they are having a pasta dinner. the morning of I will eat 1 hour before race time - hopefully - I seem to always be nauseous the day of a race. I will drink water during the race and I will consume whatever of the gu's I can that they offer. Afterward I plan on eating a lot of what is offered at the potluck (I'm bringing Nutella brownies) and maybe even having a beer (if there is any left). Is there something I should actually be thinking bout for race nutrition?


              Shan, Normally you practice this stuff in long run. You should have a plan of how many calories you want to take in during the race. Then figure out if you want to take GUs, or energy drink and plan accordingly. Do you plan on taking energy drink during race? How many GUs are they offering? Man the race itself sounds fun.



                Shan, my routine is always the same because it seems to work for me and my stomach will take it. Night before, carbo loading but nothing silly or stuffing yourself. Some pasta, some salad, etc. Morning of, raisen bagel or some other light carbs (maybe some oatmeal), and a banana or two. I have a cup of coffee too. Then sip gatorade enroute to the race (this will mean an extra portapotty stop most likely during the race). Last time I just ate a gu with a little water before starting out. During - 1 gu every 4-5 miles starting early. Many races don't pass out gu until the later miles (around 15). Might want to bring a couple for the first half.

                I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                Oh Mighty Wing

                  haha long runs haha well they offer gu 2-4 times throughout the race. I've had gu's during my last half and the 11 miler I ran in August. Both were taken when I felt like i was going to pass out. Neither hurt my stomach. So my plan is to take as much of the gu as I can/need and if I don't finish it I'll store it in my pocket. They offer sports drinks but I have to say I HATE them in normal life and can't imagine I would change my mind racing - for runs I only ever have water. They have this 18 times on the course - I will take water each time - even if not the whole cup. I guess at this point i"m just going to do what I have to do to survive. Since I didn't practice the distance I guess I figured food would be the least of my worries Smile By the way, good running to all of you who are running, and good cross training to the others. I've been really selfish this week as trying to pull this all together is taking more work than anticipated. Next week I promise to be back to paying attention!!


                    If you can take the gu's, you can probably pass on the sports drink. Just make sure you drink water with the gu packs and don't wait until you're ready to pass out this time Wink I have to admit, I'd love to be there this weekend.

                    I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.



                      Cash, Hym, seems you keep doing the same thing, getting the same results, and being surprised about it???
                      Wasn't it Einstein who said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results? And Kimmie, it can't be from stretching. Our Cashmason doesn't stretch. Have fun, Shan. Looking forward to hearing all about it... the trip, the pre-race stuff, the race, and the return trip/recovery. Details, dear, we'll want details!


                        haha long runs haha Both were taken when I felt like i was going to pass out. Neither hurt my stomach. So my plan is to take as much of the gu as I can/need and if I don't finish it I'll store it in my pocket.
                        You need to take them before you need them!! I would start at the second water stop. I do better with GU than energy drink. Towards the end you might want to switch to energy drink. At that point you will be too exhausted to stop and puke or poop. MTA: The water, GU, energy drink it is not about what you like, it is about getting through the race. Most of it is to make the last hour of the race do-able.


                        Oh Mighty Wing

                          by "what I like" I mean "what doesn't make me want to hurl". Really my plan is survival so if I need to take something I will and before it gets to ugly.


                            by "what I like" I mean "what doesn't make me want to hurl". Really my plan is survival so if I need to take something I will and before it gets to ugly.
                            That's my point. You need to take something before you think you need it. I think if you stick to the plan of a GU every 4-5 miles starting on second water stop is the best right now. Again you might want to take energy drink at the end.



                              Shan, I have one request though. Please report back if Mikeymike is as hot as his avatar. Pictures without shirt would gain you a free membership at Team Blister.



                                Shan, I have one request though. Please report back if Mikeymike is as hot as his avatar. Pictures without shirt would gain you a free membership at Team Blister.
