Drinkers with a Running Problem


Best Story Involving Alcohol (Read 498 times)

    I think I should start taking bets on whether or not a RA gathering would end up with a nekkid run of some sort. Hell, I'd probably do it! Tongue k
    It would be ONE way to do some advertising for Eric! Tongue


      I know we were at a bar, and drinking...but what in the world am I doing in this picture?? Was I trying to kiss my husband, or eat his face?? I wish I knew. Ocean City MD -- This was actually one of my favorite nights. I danced more this night than I have ever danced in my life. This is where and when I learned that I like to dance. Before this night...I had only danced at my wedding.


      The voice of mile 18

        wow lots of stories. had a small talent for drinking in college even dreamed of turning pro. the best times were mardi gras i think 1998. and words just fail me. I've drunk hard before but this was an endurance event filled beads and all sorts of craziness.definitely not for the faint of heart or lightweights.

         Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 



          You know, I have a feeling that if we DID have a RA gathering that any running done would be nekkid and for short distances. I'm thinking most of us would be too drunk or hung-over most of the time to actually do any REAL running! Wink k

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay

            A bunch of friends and I were walking around campus (Univ of Maryland) and I really had to pee (something new.) ... I was sure that the library was open 24 hrs a day/ 7 days a week so I convinced everyone to walk that way. It wasn't open. So instead of peeing INSIDE the building ... I peed outside .. ON the building. Yes
            2009: BQ?
              Ha Ha...these stories are too funny. What is even more ironic, is that most of them come from college. And I am now the guy that this current college generation tries to not get caught by when doing their college drinking. "Run! It's the Coordinator, Norm!"
              If you go as far as you can see, you will then see enough to go even farther. - John Wooden

              Go Pre!

                OK, took me a while to make the time for this story, but here it goes. My wife and I were entertaining 8 work mates, nothing too formal, more like friends who we happen to work with. I was 'on the BBQ' and psyched to have a great night. It was early summer, when my allergies can be quite nasty. And on this day, they were really bad. Itchy, watery eyes and nose, stuffy and yet runny nose and it got to a point just as people started showing up that I could hardly see. I had take the max amount of allergy medication and there were no signs of letting up by the time all the guests had arrived. Everyone was joking and making fun of my miserableness and just plain laughing at the sight of me. I wish we had pictures from that night! So, I almost gave up. I took one more dose (beyond the recommended maximum) and headed for a hot shower as one last ditch effort to relieve the symptoms....if this failed I was heading to bed. After the shower, I came back down and was feeling a tiny bit better. I sat at the patio table with everyone and figured it was time for a drink. I had grabbed a cup and a brand new bottle of tequila (26oz). I offered it up but there were no takers so i just kept the bottle by my side. I decided to do some shots to get going and after a couple of quick ones I was feeling much better. It actually dried me right up and got rid of the itching. I was stoked! So, I thought we were all enjoying this bottle of tequila and when it was gone, I was bitching that we all drank it so fast. Apparently, I was solo on this bottle. No one else had a drop. By this time I could hardly walk, though I felt great. It was so nice to not have those allergy symptoms! Somehow, I manage to cook chicken kabobs and burgers without making anyone ill! I managed to get our entire CD collection into the back yard for people to choose songs and by the time the night was over I had knocked over many items on the walls between the CD shelf, the washroom and eventually the bedroom! As people were leaving, I was finally done in and crying for my wife to hurry up and shoo everyone out and get to bed to console me. After being quite ill and passing out, I woke up with, miraculously NO HANGOVER. I still to this day can't figure out how I got away with that one! Happy times. Dave

                I've got a fever...

                  Dave, that is an awesome story. I too have had those nights where I wondered how everyone finished the bottle so fast, only to later find out it was mostly a solo job on my part. Hilarity usually ensues.

                  On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                  I've got a fever...

                    Okay, here's one about a night to remember followed by a morning to forget. A big weekend. Me and some buddies were planning to hike to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite as a Sunday day trip. It's a huge undertaking for a day trip -- leave around 4am, hike all day up and down nearly 5,000 vertical feet, get home really late. A smart guy would get to bed early Saturday night. I am not a smart guy. That Saturday, a co-worker had a house party. His parties tended to get pretty wild, and this was no exception. I like to think of it as a cross-cultural learning opportunity. I worked for a Japanese company, and we had many visiting engineers who worked with us for 5-year stints. At events like this party, I learned some fascinating Japanese idioms: kampei: cheers ikki-ikki: chug-it beeru kudesai: please give me beer yopuri: lightweight In return, we taught our Japanese friends some fine American customs. This particular night, kegstands and shotgunning were the featured events. You can look at my profile for a picture of me relaxing at this very party . I'm convinced that most of the world's problems could be solved via cross-cultural information exchanges like this one. Well, the 3:30am wakeup rolled around way too early, and most of us were still hammered. We got on the road, and stopped for breakfast around 6am. We started feeling human again after getting some grease in the system. So here's where the real trouble began. There were four of us in the car. Rob was driving. Bill was riding shotgun, I was behind Bill, and Randy was behind Rob. We were going down a steep hill at about 70 mph when all hell broke loose. Randy let one rip. As you can imagine, it smelled foul. So foul, that Bill, in the front passenger seat, started frantically pointing to the side of the road. Rob quickly pulled over, and Bill opened the car door and hurled. Dead If you've never ridden in a mid-90's Chevy Lumina, you probably didn't know this little tidbit -- the front seatbelts retract into the car door, rather than inside the vehicle proper. So as Bill opened the car door to hurl, he couldn't get it open very far at all due to the seatbelt. A lot of the hurl landed on the seatbelt itself. That means that when he finally got the seatbelt unhooked, it retracted into the car door, hurl and all. We all scattered from the car like it was on fire. After a few dry heaves, I wandered a little ways up the road and, figuring that none of this was my fault, promptly fell asleep on the shoulder. I slept for a good 15 minutes until I was awakened by the squeal of brakes -- someone saw me laying there and thought I was dead. Nope, I only wished it at that point. Well, we got on the road and went with the windows down the rest of the way. We completed the Half Dome hike (Bill threw up twice on the trail, the rest of us fared slightly better). It's a spectacular hike, and I highly recommend it to everyone. What I don't recommend is partying the way we did the night before. I also don't recommend parking in the sun, b/c that hurl smell pretty much got baked into the car during the day, forcing us to relive the morning's excitement during the whole 4.5-hour trip home.

                    On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.



                      I felt sick to my stomach just reading that! Tongue k

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay


                      I've got a fever...

                        I felt sick to my stomach just reading that!
                        The trick is to focus on the pretty picture (of Half Dome, not me passed out on the lawn). Clowning around

                        On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                          ROFL--- Great story! Nice picture. Your descriptions were perfect! Big grin



                          I've got a fever...

                            Hey zoom-zoom, it just occurred to me that you have yet to supply a story for this thread. Meeting your hubby at a campfire does not count -- if I want to barf on cute and cuddly, I'll go to the ROFL cats thread. Tongue You're an honorary admin for this group -- time to pony up! Big grin

                            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.



                              I'll have to think hard on this...I really don't have all that many great drinking stories--I'm one of those rare people who doesn't typically behave much differently while intoxicated (maybe that says I act drunk when I'm sober...?). I'm often the responsible drunk who makes sure that the loopy drunks stay out of trouble. I have one kind of scary drinking episode, though. When I was first in the UK I flew into Aberdeen, Scotland for a few days to spend them with did. Then I took a miserable train trip from Aberdeen to London. They had had some heavy snows and the train trip took much longer than expected. I wasn't able to sleep on the train and was still pretty jetlagged, so I got to London on a serious sleep deficit. I met with my host family that day, then that night all of the US students on the program ended up at a bar together. I had a beer or two and became chummy with a couple of gals, so we went to a quieter bar across the street (college bars in the UK are just as annoying as they are here). I was exhausted then proceeded to have a couple of snakebite blacks that went straight to my head. I left the bar drunk as a skunk and then had to figure out which bus to take back to where I was staying for the semester. Luckily I have a REALLY good memory for landmarks, but everything in suburban London looks exactly the same. I still have no clue how I ended up on the right bus and got off at the right spot. The really scary part is that busses in the 'burbs stop running BEFORE the bars close. Had I stayed out later I would have had to walk back to the house and I had NO sense of direction, it was dark, and I hadn't a clue how to get to my host family's house at that point. That's about it...pretty lame, 'eh. I do have one story that involves "breaking-into" a bakery at the resort where I met did (we had a hankering for cookies), but I think we were actually all sober on this occasion. k

                              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                   ~ Sarah Kay


                              I've got a fever...

                                I'm often the responsible drunk who makes sure that the loopy drunks stay out of trouble...That's about it...pretty lame, 'eh. ..
                                Nothing lame about it. It's thanks to responsible drunks like yourself that loopy drunks (that's putting it charitably) like me live to tell their ridiculous tales. Big grin My wife was in Scotland on business with some colleagues and they had a similar experience. They were at a pub; when they left, it was like everything had closed up, the fog rolled in, and none of them knew where the hell they were going. Shocked The bus thing reminds me of campus days. I lived on North Campus and had to ride the bus to and from Central Campus where the action was. If you missed that last bus back to North (aka the Vomit Comet), you were in for a cold night. If I remember right, the last bus came before last call or close enough to it that if you dawdled, you missed it. It was a long, cold walk back to North, even when drunk. 8 Ball

                                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.
