Toronto and Beyond


Typical (Read 143 times)

    I slogged through the k's all January and February dreaming of running in weather like this. So what happens? I get a nasty sinus infection / flu / cold / ebola at the beginning of the week that I am still not over. I couldn't take not running in such great weather yesterday and banged out an easy 5k just to say I did. But today, wow. I'm thinking 10k this afternoon even though I felt like absolute garbage after yesterday's run and was quite surprised at how much of a struggle it was. At this point, though, I'm willing to soldier through it. I'm guessing I'll kick this thing right about the time the weather drops back to 6 degrees and raining.
    And who am I anyway?
    Just another fat jogger, evidently.
      sucks getting sick...but don't push it too hard and make it worse..... in mid-july you'll be praying for 6 degrees cause 35+humidity blows really hard. Feel well soon!

        I'm really sorry to hear about that whole ebola/bubonic plague thing you're suffering from. The only thing I was ever told about running sick was not to run if it was in your head....not "all in your head" but actually in your head... like I said though - hope you get lots of rest and wake up good as new tomorrow!

        First or's the same finish line

        HF #4362

          You'll be fine! Rest is what you need and you don't lose much fitness in a couple of days. It's still early in the year and the wind is pretty nasty do you didn't really miss anything. And it's kinda smoggy and you should avoid sun anyway cuz it bad for you....... Wink

          Suffering Benefiting from mature onset exercise addiction and low aerobic endorphin release threshold. Hoping there is no cure.