The Graduates


What cross-training are you doing? Planning to do? (Read 400 times)

    Hey all, So in addition to running I was wondering what else you all are doing. Are you into any other endurance sports? Strength training? Walking? I'm currently trying to up the amount of exercise I get per week by quite a bit and I want to mix it up. I'm working out with kettlebells and planning to increase that as much as possible. I like kettlebells because they really achieve a combo of strength and cardio in a single workout. They kick my butt though! I also started going to a weekly yoga class which I really enjoyed and I'm trying to walk as much as I can. I haven't done a whole lot of anything this week though since I'm nursing shin issues but they are feeling pretty good today.
    The Graduates - a community of post C25K runners!

    Started Running 21 April 2008

    2008 Running Goals
    • Finish C25K 22 Jun 2008
    • Run 5K 43:29 29 Jun 2008
    • Complete a 10K fun run

    Speediest Slug There Is!

      For Spring Training we are supposed to do one cross-training day a week. For now we are walking, but once we move we have discussed getting a pair of bicycles. Personally I love to rollerblade. Maybe I will be able to talk Dom into buying a pair of rollerblades for himself. Most likely whatever we choose to do for cross-training, we will switch it up as often as possible. I'm a big man of martial arts and eventually would like to get back into training. I think twice a week would be sufficient and a good alternative exercise.
      Fall seven times, stand up eight.
      *Complete a 5K (no walking)
      Tortoise and Hare 5K, 42:05, 13:35 pace PR
      *Weigh 160 lbs 5 to go!!!
      *15 mpw base

      Professional Noob

        For Spring Training we are supposed to do one cross-training day a week. For now we are walking, but once we move we have discussed getting a pair of bicycles. Personally I love to rollerblade. Maybe I will be able to talk Dom into buying a pair of rollerblades for himself. Most likely whatever we choose to do for cross-training, we will switch it up as often as possible. I'm a big man of martial arts and eventually would like to get back into training. I think twice a week would be sufficient and a good alternative exercise.
        You like martial arts? *perks ears up* Come join me in our new Martial Artist Runners group! Big grin (link in my sig below)

        Roads were made for journeys...

          I'm walking for cross training, but I'm wanting to get an aqua-belt and try water running. I hear it's a great cross train exercise and our neighborhood pool is huge and only 4 houses up from me. I'm also doing yoga on Monday nights each week, which I know is helping with my hamstrings and over-all flexibility.
          Started C25k on April 21st '08 Ran 1st 5k on June 14th, '08 Currently training for a 10k using Hal Higdon's program
          His Sinfulness

          His Sinfulness

            I'm doing kettlebells - but it's strenuous enough that I'm afraid that it might not really qualify as "cross-training." After 30 minutes of kettlebells, I'm completely winded and my limbs feel like jelly. On the plus side, I'm burning off the fat like crazy!
              ooooh another Kb'er. I haven't seen the fat loss effects yet. Maybe you could share some tips on how to put together a good routine of some sort. They are super intense though eh. My cardio is just finally getting to the level that I am able to sustain a decent set of swings without feeling like death is imminent.
              The Graduates - a community of post C25K runners!

              Started Running 21 April 2008

              2008 Running Goals
              • Finish C25K 22 Jun 2008
              • Run 5K 43:29 29 Jun 2008
              • Complete a 10K fun run

                I'm going to start biking more, and I'm working on acquiring and using weights and doing body-resistance core workouts (planks, etc).

                Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


                  I do jiu-jitsu 2 to 3 times a week. I would like to go back to swimming as well (maybe just once a week just to get the feel of water back) but I'm running out of time to do everything that I would like No *sigh* So many things to do, so little time Evil grin
                  - Run 5 km in 30 minutes or less
                  - Lose about 10/15 lb. to fit back in my clothes and maintain weight
                    I'm doing swimming primarily as my x-train activity, though I would like to get back to using some weights/nautilus and at some point I want to get over my irrational insecurity about trying yoga Smile I took a pilates class in college and got frustrated because I'm overweight and the positions were really taxing on my lower back, but I'm told yoga is not really like that as much. Still, I'm intimidated. I'm loving the upper body workout I'm getting from swimming though, my arms and shoulders feel stronger.
                    2009 Goals:
                    PR 5K (Ha, current 43:10)
                    Run a 10K
                    Meet Seasonal Weight Loss Challenges
                    Complete my first Sprint Tri
                    His Sinfulness

                    His Sinfulness

                      ooooh another Kb'er. I haven't seen the fat loss effects yet. Maybe you could share some tips on how to put together a good routine of some sort. They are super intense though eh. My cardio is just finally getting to the level that I am able to sustain a decent set of swings without feeling like death is imminent.
                      I recommend getting one of Pavel's books from the Dragon Door Forum - I think the one aimed at women is called, "From Russia with Tough Love." Cool


                        WohooO! My SIL and I are going to register for a yoga class. It's Wednesday nights, 615 to 730, from Sep24 to Dec10 (or somewhere around there). Fits perfectly since my regular run days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I'm really looking forward to it. I've never taken a class, usually just doing yoga at home. I'm still going to try to do sun salutations once or twice a week until then, but yay! This will be good! Hmmm, maybe I should buckle and finally get my own yoga mat. Clowning around

                        Half Fanatic #9292. 

                        Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.