KD Summer Training


(HCL) Hollow-Channel-Lowe "MILE-STONE"
10 mi. Added by RedXC10 (2/20/2010)
Hell has officially Frozen Over this course...just when you think you got it - BAM - all uphill 1.5 mile between the 5th and 7th markers. GOOD LUCK!!!
Accomac 8k
4.97 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (1/3/2010)
Flat 98% :)
ache'n for BACON!
1.89 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (2/27/2011)
1 out and back loop
Amish Run
4.32 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (4/28/2009)
Beware of crazy Amish farmer, or atleast don't run w/ D. Starr. The farmer always threatens to shoot him.
Bel Air 5K
3.2 mi. Added by RedXC10 (6/7/2009)
One of the easiest courses...except it's very crowded at the start.
Blue Ball- Cedar Vally run
9.33 mi. Added by superfresh (5/4/2009)
I thought this would be a pretty good run to do, we have ran up to Wiley Mill Road before and taken a right to Lowe Road so this run is a little longer. Let me know what you think of it, it is somthing different but still close to the school.
Braille Awareness 5k
3.12 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (11/9/2009)
hilly course lots of ups and downs and quite a painful finish with two nasty hills (sorry about the farmers field the map oddly doesn't have the new development or road that the course goes through but the road is roughly where it is on this map.)
Cedar Valley
9.5 mi. Added by khardrunner (3/20/2010)
Surprise between 5-6!
Community Center
1.75 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (4/30/2009)
Easy run for easy days
Dan Starr's EPIC fail :(
11.01 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (2/17/2011)
J-Weav run
7.7 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (2/16/2011)
well......jeff's house basically
John Rudy County Park 5k
5 km. Added by dantherunnerman (5/6/2009)
This is certainly one of our easier 5k's mostly flat as many of you know
Morning 5.75
5.75 mi. Added by khardrunner (5/12/2009)
3.1 mi. Added by RedXC10 (5/23/2009)
This course was designed for our advantage. Being the home team, we can train on the hill encountered 3 times in the first mile and there are plenty of hidden hills that look like they wouldn't hurt until you actually run them. It's also spectator friendly at the water points on the ridge. This course will definitely give you the feeling of accomplishment afterwards. Oh, and coach can unlock the gates...and we won't interfere with any other sporting events. Apparently coach used to hav
pack man on steroids
5.44 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (7/9/2009)
Running Feet for Helping Hands 5K (Idea #1)
3.1 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (6/3/2010)
Brandon's, Dan's, and Dan's 5K
Saginaw 5k
5 km. Added by dantherunnerman (1/3/2010)
Squirrel Run
4.07 mi. Added by superfresh (5/4/2009)
Everyone from Cross should remember this run we see about ten thousand squirrels everytime we go on this run. Especially on Tompson Rd,have fun and watch out for a squirrel ambush.
The Dog Run
7.62 mi. Added by dantherunnerman (2/1/2010)
You get attacked by like 5 dogs on this run........well at least I did..
Tom's Bridge Run
6.3 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (8/6/2009)
Tom's Double Loop Run
3.72 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (4/26/2009)
This is a good run with a mixture of up and down hills. It forms a figure 8 with Fieldstone Ln as the start point. The main advantage of this run is that it can be run in several different ways and with different distances. The loops can be added for more distance, or the cross over of the figure 8 can be omitted to lessen distance. Overall it is worth your time
Tom's Fawn Grove Loop
2.85 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (4/28/2009)
Nice little run; something different from the normal grind.
Tom's Masochist's Delight
16.5 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (4/26/2009)
A course for the foolish or incredibly brave. It is the daily commute i make to school via car; yet this was meant to run on foot. If we can run this by August there will be no excuse for us not to bring a WHOLE, ENTIRE bus, and not a %#$%$@# Durango to DISTRICTS!!!! Who's with me?! CHARGE!!!!( runs mindlessly (D. Starr style) into the distance)
Tom's Middle Earth Run
4.4 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (8/6/2009)
Beware of Orcs...you have been warned
Tom's Pac-Man Run
3.96 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (4/28/2009)
Tom's XC course 1
3.1 mi. Added by Tom Bollinger (5/13/2009)
Basically Tom's idea of a interesting XC course. Begin near the SEMS West parking lot, and go along the ridge to top and turn left toward the tennis courts. Loop around tennis courts, turn right at the softball field, and head back up to ridge. Turn left at ridge, then circle around the upper softball field and the soccer/lacrosse pitch. End mile 1. Go down the old XC course finish. Go down the nature trail, and pick up tree-loop as normal. End mile 2. This is where it gets weird. Exit