Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Checking in. Late run, 5.0 miles. T-mill, level. 52:54, avg HR=136. Two good things about LHR: less sweat and my interest in checking HR so far has resulted in less reliance on Shuffle, probably preserving my ears.

      2 miles 12/21/07 pace: whatever, slow enough Did not have time, prepping for the holidays. Ahhhhhh! Was the right thing though, as I've been feeling a bit tired the past three days. Sometimes, you just have to throw the schedule out the window. --Jimmy
        Saturday morning run 7:42AM 5.75 miles MAF 140 14:04 pace Avg HR 133 (max 144 - jumped at top of hill) Laps Avg HR 13:52 126 (5 min walk warmup) 13:33 135 13:50 136 14:13 136 14:18 136 14:50 135 (cooldown walk included) Definitely more evidence of a severly broken aerobic engine. Saw my two guardian angel deer who seem to show up on a lot of runs (visualize the bald guy from The Doors). Best song on shuffle heard today - Manhattan Project by Rush Fluid loss: 1 lb.
          9M early this morning in what I consider the best running conditions in the world. Dark, steady snow falling, no wind, warm (34F). Nothing more quiet and peaceful than running in the snow before first light. Slow run but the cumulative effects of running 9M through an inch or two of heavy wet snow were definitely felt by the end...heavy legs! avg HR 122

            Saturday morning run 7:42AM 5.75 miles MAF 140 14:04 pace Avg HR 133 (max 144 - jumped at top of hill) Laps Avg HR 13:52 126 (5 min walk warmup) 13:33 135 13:50 136 14:13 136 14:18 136 14:50 135 (cooldown walk included) Definitely more evidence of a severly broken aerobic engine. Saw my two guardian angel deer who seem to show up on a lot of runs (visualize the bald guy from The Doors). Best song on shuffle heard today - Manhattan Project by Rush Fluid loss: 1 lb.
            I see deer from time to time on my runs on the bike trail. One day, I was running along this section where there is no where to go but forward, back, up over an eight foot railroad fence, or over a fence into the river below. As I turned the corner, there was a deer in the middle of trail. It saw me, and started to move the other way, but someone else was coming, so it tried to hop over the fence but just bounced off of it, no way it was going to get over it. I immediately started to back up, and put my back against the fence, hoping it would get the message. It got it, and it started running at me, and it passed within 4 feet of me. When it got by me it started to bound like I'd never seen a deer do--almost as if it were psyched to be okay. That was a cool moment. Unforgettable (if I forget it, it's time to check in to the dementia ward). --Jimmy
              Saturday AM Very slow 17.5 Untimed-Deleted time from my Garmin before I looked at it. Very slow and easy Average HR below 130 Temp: Mid 20's Kept it in shorts Ipod: Bighead Todd and the Monsters followed by a little old school VH Modified to add that I saw about 5 deer also. Was running on snowpacked trails so they were absolutely beautiful in their surroundings.

              Max McMaffelow Esq.

                Got a great deal on a pair of Mizuno Waves last week; $59.95 plus tax. These babies are low (7,922) mileage new in box. That is not a typo.... 6363 Nautical miles via cargo ship Hong Kong to L.A. 1559 miles via 18 wheeler to local Sports Authority....as always, YMMV. Tomorrow's scheduled Long run is where the rubber meets the road. LG1 Rollin'.....in experienced footwear
                ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
                Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
                ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)

                Master of Inconsistency

                  8.17 in cloudy NJ avg.pace 11:52 AHR =132 Max=137 MAF =137 Cut back week for me 28.6miles avg. pace was 11:39,next week will jump by 10 more miles then on to the forties! Best thing about MAF- being able to go Christmas shopping after a 8 mile run and not feeling tired. Have a great day everyone,Greg

                  Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


                    Saturday AM Very slow 17.5 Untimed-Deleted time from my Garmin before I looked at it. Very slow and easy Average HR below 130 Temp: Mid 20's Kept it in shorts Ipod: Bighead Todd and the Monsters followed by a little old school VH Modified to add that I saw about 5 deer also. Was running on snowpacked trails so they were absolutely beautiful in their surroundings.
                    That's weird that we are all seeing and talking about deer, and my Avatar is of deer. On Van Halen, I saw them Worcester Centrum 1984 Album Tour with DL Roth. 8th row on the floor (my frat brother ran Food and Beverage dept there and got us good tickets). I was in a "spacious" state of mind, and (being a musician) I was thinking "why not do this for a living?" And at the precise moment David Lee Roth looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and mouthed off mike "Why not?" True story--life is a weird thing sometimes. Good luck on your longie, Lowgear. How long? Todays run: 12/22/07 6 miles ave pace 11:38 Aerobic Hill repeats for 3.5 miles (average pace 11:56) 7x 8 .25 mile hills @ 4% incline with .25 mile rest @0% keeping heart at 132-134 on hills (MAF 134), and 124-126 on rests no music or tube, just relaxed and ran, and played Have a great weekend. --Jimmy

                    Max McMaffelow Esq.

                      Jimmy, I'm hoping to put 10 on my new Waves tomorrow,being it's their maiden land voyage. (My current long) Love 'Deja vu Deer' avatar; very clever and skillful use of hands. Generally not afraid of my own shadow, but a shadow of a shadow is a bit scarey in my world. I trust you tried hard not to inhale during that "spacious" interlude in '84 Grades thru second semester with instructor commentary: Running 101: maFF Fiftysomething Frosh T&F 'walk-on' w/promising future, (promised to stay aerobic) Running elective: haDD Dubious Development, "needs to apply himself" Running Lab: CC Cubic Centimeter of fluid reveals fat o' plenty Music appreciation: BB Best Buy I-Pod Nano proves challenging to waltz loving Analogman Extracurricular: AA Aged Analoger stepping along smartly, Bard4life LG1 Rollin ......out of bed 3:30 am cst...yawn
                      ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
                      Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
                      ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)
                        1.5 hours of snow shoveling that definitely put me in Anaerobic HR - will this set me back? 3 mile walk with Phoebe the White Lab in the evening

                          No run today. Drove down to parents hoome with family. Will get up early tomorrow morning to cap off week. Nothing like running in the old stomping grounds...at MAF, of course
                            On Van Halen, I saw them Worcester Centrum 1984 Album Tour with DL Roth. 8th row on the floor (my frat brother ran Food and Beverage dept there and got us good tickets). I was in a "spacious" state of mind, and (being a musician) I was thinking "why not do this for a living?" And at the precise moment David Lee Roth looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and mouthed off mike "Why not?" True story--life is a weird thing sometimes.
                            That is awesome, Jimmy. I also saw them in 1984, and also might have also been "spacious." You know, it was a concert and it was the early eighties. Saw them once with Sammy but it wasn't the same. Going back to see themthis year with DLR and Wolfie. $150 as opposed to $14 in '84. So Jimmy, why not?

                            Max McMaffelow Esq.

                              Sunday, Dec 23, 2007 04:50:20 CST 13 degrees farenhiet 68 % humidity 4 degrees dew point 16 mph wnw -3 degrees wind chill Sunday forecast: Variable cloudiness. Scattered flurries in the late morning and afternoon. Highs in the lower to mid 20s. NW winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to around 30 mph. Wind chill values 9 below to 4 above zero. 180/age formula plus 5 for over 50 equals 127. Use 125 however, "just to make it fair." 50% with wind, 50% against wind: Mile (1) 12:30 HR AVG 125 "Premature Acceleration!" Dr. Ruth admonishes, index finger wagging Mile (2) 13:26 HR AVG 121 Mile (3) 13:21 HR AVG 123 Mile (4) 13:36 HR AVG 122 Mile (5) 13:14 HR AVG 123 Mile (6) 13:20 HR AVG 124 Mile (7) 13:37 HR AVG 125 Mile (8) 13:13 HR AVG 124 Mile 8.5 fingers tuck to fetal position in gloves; gotta heed mitten advisory Mile (9) 13:39 HR AVG 125 Mile (10) 13:35 HR AVG 125 Mile (.5) 7:13 HR AVG 125 Hideous totals: 02:20:44 for 10.5 miles yields 13:24/mile avg pace @ sub Maf Salute to Garmin for performance above and beyond the call of duty Respectful bow to Orient for Mizuno Waves Magnificent experience today, all things considered. Shod of Waves,finding sea legs. Old salt tacks 10.5 "Lighten up Ruthie, I gave ya 10.5" LG1 rollin'....Dr. Ruth's Endurance Academy....summa cum laude, 2007
                              ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
                              Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
                              ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)

                                I ran about 8 miles back and forth in the high school parking lot. Light rain. I can only estimate distance based on MAF and known pace. I ran over 90 minutes. Avg HR=136. Beautiful day to run, glad it's over