Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    4.93 miles, 11:08 avg pace, 138 avg HR.


    64 degrees, 96% humidity, DP 63, East wind 15 mph. Felt good with the breeze the humidity wasn't near as bad. Had to cut it short due to the call of nature though. Good run.


    This run ends my longest activity strech so far with 12 consecutive days and 70.2 miles counting the elliptical workout.  I'm taking tomorrow off and then going to run a 10k on Saturday so we'll see how that goes.


    This would also end up being my PB on my new made up efficiency indicator with a relatively decent pace with a high humidity and dew point.  I think the nice breeze helped keep me cool though so again it shows how tough it is to really compare apples to apples when comparing your pace to your effort indicated by heart rate in different conditions.

    Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

    Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


      3.3 miles  5:50am  49F  w/ mist and haze.


      Took things easy @ 118-120ave



        3.3 miles  5:50am  49F  w/ mist and haze.


        Took things easy @ 118-120ave




        SOunds wonderful.Cool


          Check-up Friday:  Recovery Day 54, 9PM HS Track, 27C, 23C dp, humid, MAF=138


          5k shodded 0:41:28 HR: 130 pace: 13'15"mpm


          Had the yearly check-up this morning so I couldn't run (or drink water or eat past midnight), so I did it at night, 9PM.  Had my body-fat percentage measured for the first time: came out to be 14.9%, a few percentage points lower than I expected.


          Hot 27C=80.6F night and even more humid than yesterday.  I was experimenting with a 16kg kettlebell before the run, so that might have slowed me down a bit.  Anyhow, since I plan to run tomorrow morning, I just did a short 5k jog.  On a night like this, I can only say that I felt great... ...afterwards.


          BTW, for a 41 minute run, I lost 1400cc of water...  ...that's just insane - maybe I should fold water consumed as part of my efficiency factor since it takes into account humidity and temperature (but then I would also have to include distance in there).


          - Ken

          Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

          Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

          Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

          My Training Log




            4.48 miles

            walk/run  83°

            zone 100-120

            16:12 pace


            Three full weeks under my belt. Things are progressing.

            Recovery next two days.

            Have a great weekend!




              8k Saturday on 3 Hour Sleep:  Recovery Day 55, 4AM HS Track, 28C, 23C dp, hot humid, MAF=138


              5k shodded 0:43:43 HR: 120 pace: 13'58"mpm

              3k barefoot 0:25:56 HR: 116 pace: 13'48"mpm


              Friday night activities (checking out a new gym, learning about kettlebells, chatting on skype past midnight) yielded me 3 hours of sleep last night.


              Add a hot and humid 28C=82.4F morning and the result is an take-it-easy Saturday.


              HR120=MAF-18, HR116=MAF-22 (probably a new low record!!!)


              - Ken

              Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

              Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

              Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

              My Training Log


              Can I be Frank

              Walk This Way...this way

                Saturday, June 09, 2012
                Gaggle of walkers
                The sight of mid twelves (earlier, during easy downhill runs), embolden.
                An impromptu mini maf test ensues.
                Recent training funk, and 70ish temps manifest.

                1.51 mi*
                13:06 pace
                120 bpm
                (*JogTracker © 2011 Highway North Interactive Inc.)

                vs Polar:
                6 laps lane one
                13:25 pace

                Average the two:
                13:16 pace



                  Bobby Birdsong Memorial Levelland Lope 10k race.


                  6.3 miles, 8:37 avg pace, 173 avg HR.  (Official time 6.2 miles, 54:12 for a 8:45 pace)


                  Obviously not a MAF run, but I thought I would post it anyway.  Ended up almost 2:30 faster per mile than my MAF run 2 days ago under similar conditions. 


                  65 degrees, 90% humidity, dewpoint 63. 15 mph South wind. Flat course, tough wind coming back at the 4.2 mile mark to about the 5.5 mile mark.  Didn't felt like I pushed it super hard, felt really good at the finish.  Good run.  Hopefully I won't screw up my base building too much.  Really enjoyed getting in an actual run instead of the normal heart rate shuffle.  I think if I had done some speedwork to get ready I could have gotten under 8:30.  This was the first time I averaged over 140 HR on a run in a month.

                  Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                  Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                    Earthquake Sunday : Recovery Day 56, 6PM HS Track, 32C, 23C dp, hot humid, MAF=138


                    8k shodded 1:04:52 HR: 130 pace: 12'57"mpm


                    Hung out in bed a little too long this morning and got woken up by a 6.5 Earthquake at 5AM that lasted for 15 seconds or so.  So instead of my normal 4AM run from darkness to light, today was a 6PM run from lightness to dark. 


                    Unfortunately, tonight's run was even hotter than usual 32C=89.6F.  Good news is, according to the pace, I am adjusting slightly better to the heat.  Bad news is, lost 2.2 litres of sweat in one hour.


                    Most of the run was ok - was shooting for a 10k shodded, but at km 7, there was some sharp pain inside of my right ankle that wouldn't go away, so I stopped after 8km.  Walking home made it go away so most likely it was just a bad form: probably a heal strike on fatigue. 


                    - Ken

                    Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                    Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                    Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                    My Training Log


                    Can I be Frank

                    Walk This Way...this way

                      Back when I was a walker, I had eclipsed 5 mph and there were still some women who were lapping me. And those race-walkers in the Olympics can go 6:30 per mile pace for 20k (which is better than 9mph)!



                      Sunday, 10 June 2012

                      FactCheck, notwithstanding; I'll side with David Feherty on this one:
                      "That's just wrong."  Cool

                      10.2 Mile "out n' back" walk today.




                        Heat Acclimation Monday : Recovery Day 57, 6AM HS Track, 29C, 23C dp, hot breezy/windy, MAF=138


                        10k shodded 1:16:34 HR: 133 pace: 12'14"mpm


                        Temperature this morning of 29C=84.2F down from 32C=89.6F last night, but the big difference was a noticeably strong breeze which made the run much more pleasant.  Despite 2km more distance today, I only lost 1.8 liters of water compared to 2.2 liters yesterday.  The pace also improved from 12'57" to 12'14".


                        No strange pains during the run, except recently, for about the past week or so, I have been getting a strange pain in my left outer knee.  It feels like a tendon or a ligament is getting in the way as I jog/bend my knee.  The odd thing is, the pain goes away after 300m of jogging, consistently!  I think something must be wrong with my form at the start of my warm-up...


                        - Ken

                        Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                        Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                        Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                        My Training Log



                          3.09 miles, 11:44 pace, 138 avg HR.


                          Recovery run.  92 degrees, 10% humidity, DP 27. SW breeze 7 mph. 11:44 avg pace, ran first 1/2 mile at 10:30 pace and HR was way high 149 at the 1/2 mile mark and then dropped the pace and HR followed down after that. Ended up just a couple over MAF in the end.  Good run, nice sunset.


                          Having upload troubles on my log for some reason.

                          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                          Can I be Frank

                          Walk This Way...this way

                            Monday 11 June 2012
                            Feeble trial balloon launched

                            *1.50 miles 12:30 pace

                            *Largely downhill, under wraps (117 bpm)
                            What's the equivalent "flatland" pace?
                            Did the 60+ dewpoint mean anything?

                            Wait, wait, don't tell me..
                            J. Parsons, aka Dr. Sheldon Cooper
                            deserves to factor this equation..




                              Thunderstorm Huaraches Tuesday : Regular Day 58, 4PM HS Track, 26C, 24C dp, drizzle/light rain, MAF=138


                              10k huaraches 1:09:53 HR: 134 pace: 11'10"mpm (PB 10k 1:09:51)


                              Massive thunderstorms hit the area overnight so I had no chance of getting out this morning.


                              Luckily, this afternoon, the huaraches arrived, so I had to try them out.


                              There was a steady drizzle with sporadic light rain so the conditions were cooler than usual.  The huaraches were perfectly comfortable, allowing me to PB the 10k with 1:09:51 (prev was on Day 48 1:12:12).  I felt great after this run.


                              Glad to see some progress after the hot and humid weather last week, where everything seemed to stall.


                              - Ken

                              Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                              Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                              Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                              My Training Log



                                6am - easy 3.4 miles, 122 ave.  (138 spike on uphill)


                                I've been watching my diet more closely and trying to cut out all poor food choices.  Taking in a lot of veggies and very little processed stuff.  Not quite the 2-wk test diet, however similar. 


                                For some reason it appears my HR may be more sensitive to minor stresses and tends to rise on uphill grades and hills?  Maybe this sensitivity is linked to a more restrictive diet? 
