Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Max McMaffelow Esq.

    Tuesday 12 June 2012 Chicago, Inner city Cooling heels on biz, awaiting transportation. Back-up Id proves helpful, as login's misplaced. Wide receiver type buzzes by, followed closely by linebacker type. Both "be flyin". Sportin silly midwestern grin, I'm thankful britches aren't lowered to ankles. AWOL for months; Still I blather. lg/bf
    ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
    Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
    ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)

      7.25 miles, 11:53 avg pace, 136 avg HR.


      Got in a nice run before my meeting today in Ruidoso, NM. Beautiful morning and beautiful place to run! Saw 3 deer and 12 elk including one nice bull. 54 degrees, 72% humidity and DP was 45. Calm. Mostly uphill going out and mostly downhill coming back. Lots of walking mixed in on the uphills. Elevation 6,925' with 908' of elevation gain during the run.  Great run.

      Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

      Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


        Npaden, sounds like you had a very cool adventure. That's a lot of wild mammal to see on run!





        easy day


        15:00 pace


        --Jimmy Cool


          Easy Wednesday:  Recovery Day 59, 4PM HS Track, 28C, 21C dp, hot, MAF=138


          5k huaraches 0:38:43 HR: 127 pace: 12'22"mpm


          Didn't get enough sleep last night so slept in.


          Took it easy with an afternoon 5k at HR=127 (MAF-11).


          - Ken

          Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

          Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

          Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

          My Training Log



            6am - 3.7mile and 122 bpm ave.  - light rain 


            All good



              6am - 3.7mile and 122 bpm ave.  - light rain 


              All good


              Hey Lab!




              Silver Comet Trail  71°f


              3.88 miles

              15:27 pace


              17:02  95  (first 15:00 walking)

              15:18 118 (all running)

              14:45 118 (walk/run)

              12:54 118 (walk/run)


              Went out just before sunrise. Nice morning. Peaceful.


              --Jimmy Cool

              Can I be Frank

              Walk This Way...this way

                Wednesday 13 June 2012

                Seasoned road warriors would scoff;
                Jet lag from a <500 mile trip? Absurd!
                Dunkin Doughnuts, followed by Chicago CheezBorger?
                Much more plausible.

                Today's agenda.. recovery trots.



                  Wednesday 13 June 2012

                  Seasoned road warriors would scoff;
                  Jet lag from a <500 mile trip? Absurd!
                  Dunkin Doughnuts, followed by Chicago CheezBorger?
                  Much more plausible.

                  Today's agenda.. recovery trots.



                  takes hunkin tuffnuts

                  to precede a cheezborger

                  with dunkin duffnuts


                  Oh, Frank....you inspire me


                    2.22 miles, 10:57 avg pace, 133 avg HR. Another beautiful morning in Ruidoso. 57 degrees, 88% humidity, DP 54 and calm wind. Elevation 6,926' with 257' of climb. Only saw 3 deer this morning. Must have gotten a little aclimatized to the altitude. Cool morning offset the elevation difference and ended up with a decent pace although it was short. Great run.

                    Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                    Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                      Wet Thursday:  Regular Day 60, 5AM HS Track, 26C, 23C dp, light rain -> drizzle, MAF=138


                      10k huaraches 1:17:08 HR: 124 pace: 12'20"mpm


                      Easy jog at HR=124 (MAF-14).  Felt a bit humid: started out with a light rain and ended in a drizzle.


                      - Ken

                      Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                      Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                      Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                      My Training Log


                      Can I be Frank

                      Walk This Way...this way

                        takes hunkin tuffnuts

                        to precede a cheezborger

                        with dunkin duffnuts


                        Oh, Frank....you inspire me


                        Agreed. Lesson learned.

                        This joint was inspiration for early SNL skit:

                        (cheezborger. cheezborger. Coke..no Pepsi!)



                        Can I be Frank

                        Walk This Way...this way

                          Wednesday 13 June 2012.

                          A bad day running burns more calories than
                          a great day couch surfing.

                          Ineptness needn't be a barrier to running enjoyment.

                          Continuing down this path I enjoy, it's
                          2 miles out, 2 miles back.


                          Joking,   Smile,   Big grin.   Shocked.   Wink,   Cool   sequential emotadorphins ?





                            6.06 miles, 10:54 avg pace, 137 avg HR.


                            6 mile MAF route at the house. 70 degrees, 75% humidity, DP 63. SSE wind at 9 mph. Pushed it a little too hard at the end, HR ticked up to 137 right at the last 1/2 mile. Best 6 mile MAF pace ever even with the warm morning and high humidity. Probably helped that the last 2 1/2 days were at 7,000' elevation. Good run.

                            Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                            Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                              Treadmill Friday:  Recovery Day 61, 8AM Treadmill, MAF=138


                              5.07k huaraches 0:40:03 HR: 130 pace: 12'39"mpm


                              Easy recovery jog on the treadmill at the swimming pool.


                              - Ken

                              Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                              Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                              Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                              My Training Log



                              Max McMaffelow Esq.

                                Friday 15 June 2012 Ballwin Mo McDs (lg story) After ordering Sr coffee, I quietly take place amid a wholesome group of same. They summarily adjudicate/sentence Penn St coach, quote bible, and exchange bawdy nursing home happenings. Attempting to project youthful continence (or is it countenance?), I stroll the hood. bf
                                ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
                                Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
                                ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)