Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)



    4.69 miles

    16:40 pace



    End of cutback week. WIll start a new cycle on Sunday.

    Have a great weekend. Cool




      Forced-Shodded-on-Treadmill Saturday:  Recovery Day 62, 8AM Treadmill, MAF=138


      5k shodded 0:44:23 HR: 132 pace: 14'11"mpm


      The gym nazis would not let me use my huaraches on the treadmill.


      Going shodded on the treadmill resulted in one of my absolute worst runs ever.  I intended to jog for an hour, but after 5k, I had enough of this crap.


      I'm never using the treadmill at the gym any more - it's either spinning at the gym or huaraches on the track.


      - Ken

      Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

      Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

      Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

      My Training Log



        10.60 miles, 11:30 avg pace, 139 HR. Long run down into the canyon and back. Beautiful morning, 69 degrees, 70% humidity, DP 59. SE wind 10 mph. Had to cut it short because my underwear were chaffing me really bad. Walked about the last 1/2 mile. HR was high too. Still good to get a long run in.

        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


          Dusk Sunday:  Recovery Day 63, 6PM HS Track, 31C, 23C dp, hot, MAF=138


          5k huaraches 0:37:27 HR: 135 pace: 11'58"mpm


          Woke up with a sore throat this morning due to my staying in the ice bath too long yesterday.  Too bad because the weather was perfect this morning.


          Ended up going for a dusk run in hot 31C=87.8F temperatures, but the run was very satisfying in huaraches on the HS track vs the nightmare yesterday (shodded on treadmill).  Felt great afterwards.


          Hope to get back on track with huaraches and barefoot running next week.


          - Ken

          Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

          Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

          Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

          My Training Log



            7:35 am, 62F, partly cloudy, 8.1miles, 128bmp, 12:30pace


            Happy Father's Day!



              Fat-Filter Monday:  Regular Day 64, 5AM HS Track, 27C, 23C dp, hot, MAF=138


              10k huaraches 1:12:05 HR: 134 pace: 11'31"mpm


              27C=80.6F, but felt cool relative to last night's run!  


              HS gate being renovated, there was no way to get to the track.


              I walked around the perimeter and found the leader of morning workout crew behind the stone bleachers outside (he's always at the track before 4AM).  This guy has a barrel belly (not just a beer belly).  He told me about the construction and how there was no way inside.  As I was walking back, a couple of old hens told me that there were some openings on the side.  So I followed an elder guy through a broken bar in the gate.


              He commented, "fat guys can't get through here".


              I felt like a HS delinquent sneaking in like that! Wink


              The run was good.  I had planned to do a 5k, but felt good enough to complete a 10k at a decent pace (for me).


              The only negative was, walking through the weeds meant wading through some insects.  For some reason, they always hone in on me really fast, so I ended up with a mosquito bite on the left cheek.


              Luckily, it doesn't itch.


              - Ken

              Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

              Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

              Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

              My Training Log



                3.10 miles, 11:48 avg pace, 141 HR (static issues, actual probably should be 2 or 3 beats lower).


                Sunset run at the house. 86 degrees, 33% humidity, DP 54, ESE wind 13 mph. Had some static issues around the 2 mile mark and think actual avg HR should have been at least a couple beats lower.  (It maxed out at 181 when it should have been around 136).  Crazy thing was that I wasn't wearing a shirt.  As soon as I moved my chest strap around it dropped right down where it should be.  Good run, nice evening.

                Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                Can I be Frank

                Walk This Way...this way

                  Rest of Today:

                  Hot...breezy and sunny. Highs 97 to 100. Southwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to around 30 mph. Heat index values 100 to 105.

                  Po' me,
                  A moderate stroll is all I can muster.



                    5:45am, 52F, 5.18miles at 122bmp



                      Giant Snail Tuesday:  Recovery Day 65, 6PM Sidewalk, 26C, 22C dp, hot/drizzling, MAF=138


                      5.2k huaraches 0:39:45 HR: 132 pace: 12'01"mpm


                      Decided to do something different today: jogged out to the local swimming pool/gym and back.


                      It has been raining all day, so the giant snails have come out of the grass and onto the sidewalk, providing some obstacles to dodge besides the occasional dog poo.


                      These suckers are the size of a clenched fist - I saw about a dozen on the way there.


                      - Ken

                      Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                      Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                      Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                      My Training Log



                        Rainy Wednesday:  Recovery Day 66, 4PM HS Track, 26C, 24C dp, medium rain, MAF=138


                        5k huaraches 0:35:50 HR: 133 pace: 11'28"mpm


                        Uneventful short run on the track.  I was miserable during the warmup, but felt great afterwards.


                        - Ken

                        Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                        Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                        Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                        My Training Log




                          3.73 miles

                          17:08 pace



                          18:15  91 (walk/run)

                          17:08  112 (all running)

                          17:08  117 (all running)

                          12:29  119 (all running)


                          Had a block of 50 minutes straight of running after the initial 15 minute walk. Resting heart rate has come down, as well as the heart rate during the cool down.


                          All good signs.




                            Yesterday morning: 6.06 miles, 11:13 pace, 139 HR.


                            6 mile MAF route. 71 degrees, 61% humidity, DP 58. SE wind 15 mph. Had some static issues with the HRM again. Avg HR 139, but really should be a couple beats lower.


                            This morning: 4.13 miles, 10:54 pace, 137 HR.


                            Windy! 73 degrees, 73% humidity and South wind 23 mph. DP 64. Ran into the wind the first 2 miles then with it back to the house. No static issues this morning. 


                            One neat thing this morning running into the wind, was that I had negative splits with the wind pushing me back to house.


                            Mile 1 - 11:37, Mile 2 - 11:27, Mile 3 - 10:31, Mile 4 - 10:09.


                            I did let my avg HR get up to 137 right there at the end, but looking at the graph I kept it fairly close to 136 on that last mile.  A few bumps into the lower 140's but most of it was in the upper 130's.


                            Think I have the static issues figured out, just need to wiggle the chest strap a few times when I'm getting started out after I start sweating a little.

                            Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                            Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                            Can I be Frank

                            Walk This Way...this way

                              I experimented with a new (to me) oval.
                              It has a nicely cushioned surface.
                              Walked 4.2 miles to, and 4.2 miles from.
                              Ran ( Wink ) 6 laps. (1.5 miles, at 115 bpm).

                              Getting there took spring from my stride.



                                bf, welcome to the infinite loop...


                                Midway Thursday:  LSD Day 67, 5PM HS Track, 24C, 22C dp, cool drizzle, MAF=138


                                10k huaraches 1:16:02 HR: 127 pace: 12'09"mpm


                                Nice, easy 10k in the cool drizzle at MAF-11.


                                My weight this morning was 65.1kg, or about 64 days until I hit my target of 59kg.  


                                Since today is Day 67 of my MAFing, that means I'm past the half way mark.  Yay!


                                - Ken

                                Age:42, MAF:138, 168cm/5'6", 62.2kg/137lb (from 73kg/161lb), BF: 14.9%

                                Goals:  MAF10k@56:50, 59kg/130lb (32 days to go)

                                Stage: Trying to get back to MAF Base Building after muscle strain injury

                                My Training Log