Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)

Chasing the bus

    I've only been doing LHR for about three months myself, still trying to figure it out. From what I read, I think Maffetone would say you  could add 5 bpm ok. The experienced guys will probably ask you if your resting HR is stable. Actually, that might be the safest, to run at 137 for a couple of weeks, and if your resting HR stays stable start increasing?


    My run;

    Night shift run, no breakfast or coffee. Left knee feeling tweaked...ran easy to start. Running sock less. HR below 115 first mile, ramped up to 11:30mm, HR slowly climbing. Able to control knee by concentrating on form. Started getting abrasion on L. foot at 4 mi., kept running. Kicked off shoes at 5 mi, quit at 5.6, left foot hurting on ball. No more sock less in these shoes!


    @Majope - first problem with the Altras...the seam across the big toe on the left shoe is too rough to go sock less. I also got some abrasion in two spots on the instep of the left foot. After running 5 miles in them, then kicking off, it surprised me how much they change my form. it also surprised me how quickly I had to quit BF...thought I was doing better than that.

    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

      miles: 2.14

      time: 32 min

      pace: 14:58 (first time pace averaged under 15:00 for whole run)

      ave HR: 134

      max HR: 143

      temp: 26F, windy ("feels like" 16)


      Well, heck. Another wind-related injury... I went out for a 32-minute run this morning, which I figured should give me just over 2 miles. First mile was fine, felt strong and fast. 2nd mile I ran across a bridge, totally exposed to the wind, which seemed to be zeroing in on the hip I've had a few twinges in lately. The hip tightened up and became painful. I only had 8 or 9 minutes left. so I stuck it out, but walked a couple of times to give it a rest. When I ran, though, I got too impatient to finish and my HR went up to 143 on a couple of small hills that shouldn't have been a problem.


      If I run tomorrow, I'll go back to babying it. But might take an unscheduled rest day.


      Furthur: Ouch on the sockless running! Is that what the Altras are made for?


        Kept it indoors this morning, TM 1%  and 5miles. 

        Started with a slow WU and then went up .1 on speed every .25miles until reaching 129bmp.  Held MAF until a slight CD at the end. 
        Decided to wear long pants and long sleeve shirt to simulate warmer wx. 

        No complaints.

        The guys on TV are talking snow later today/ tonight so may be back to the TM for 10 tomorrow.  If so, it may be another day to simulate warm wx. at home?



          Seems like the treadmill is where it's at lately!


          I've been pushing for the goal of sub 10:00 pace on a 6 mile MAF run and I hit that last night but, it doesn't really feel like it counts since it was on the treadmill.


          6.22 miles, 9:44 avg pace, avg HR 134, max 144 while talking on the phone but it dropped right back down after I quit.  Had it set on 6.2 mph and 1.0% incline.


          It is interesting seeing the HR right there in front of you on the console while you are running.  It seems like if it starts to climb a little I can just take some big deep breaths and knock it right down a couple beats almost every time.  When I'm just plodding along and not paying attention I guess I tend to breath too shallow and just taking a few deep breaths drops my HR.  I need to remember to do that when I'm running outside.

          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

            Breathing in through the nose also drops my HR a few beats when I notice it going up.


            The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


            2014 Goals:


            Stay healthy

            Enjoy life



            Former Bad Ass

              Hi, guys.  I'm an RWOL expatriate, very happy to find a new home in RA.  I've been doing Maffetone-like training since June and it has worked for me.  This has been the only training that has stopped my asthma attacks during runs and races.


              I have Marathon # 10 on Sunday and I'll be doing a mixture of racing by a HR of 160 and a pace of 9:50mm, whichever is faster.  So far, I've done 5 races since starting using Maffetone as my guide through runs and all have been PRs or close to PRs, and, most importantly, asthma attack free.


              Yesterday, I did 3 miles at 11:04mm (141HR)  Maff HR is 143.

              Today, I have 6 with 4 @ MP (160HR).  Easy pace is at 143 (but I've noticed lately it has gone down to 141).


              Question on Maffetone.  My 180-Age is 143.  However, I have asthma, so technically it should be minus 5, no, according to his book?  I've never run at 138, though, so I've not taken the 5 points down for medication and asthma.


              Thanks, guys.


                Hi, guys.  I'm an RWOL expatriate, very happy to find a new home in RA.  I've been doing Maffetone-like training since June and it has worked for me.  This has been the only training that has stopped my asthma attacks during runs and races.


                I have Marathon # 10 on Sunday and I'll be doing a mixture of racing by a HR of 160 and a pace of 9:50mm, whichever is faster.  So far, I've done 5 races since starting using Maffetone as my guide through runs and all have been PRs or close to PRs, and, most importantly, asthma attack free.


                Yesterday, I did 3 miles at 11:04mm (141HR)  Maff HR is 143.

                Today, I have 6 with 4 @ MP (160HR).  Easy pace is at 143 (but I've noticed lately it has gone down to 141).


                Question on Maffetone.  My 180-Age is 143.  However, I have asthma, so technically it should be minus 5, no, according to his book?  I've never run at 138, though, so I've not taken the 5 points down for medication and asthma.


                Thanks, guys.


                How about the +5 for running for over two years?


                In the end its up to you to decide what is best for you. If you feel like 143 is working and you can recover while still progressing, stick with it. If you start to notice that you are slowing down at that HR and are feeling overworked, drop your MAF down 5 beats.


                I'll tell you what I'd love to tell the rest of the RWOLer's.......open up your log book for public viewing and you will get much better and appropriate advice from the people that are here. You can still have your maps private if you don't want people to see where you run and I completely understand that.


                The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                2014 Goals:


                Stay healthy

                Enjoy life



                Former Bad Ass

                  How about the +5 for running for over two years?


                  In the end its up to you to decide what is best for you. If you feel like 143 is working and you can recover while still progressing, stick with it. If you start to notice that you are slowing down at that HR and are feeling overworked, drop your MAF down 5 beats.


                  I'll tell you what I'd love to tell the rest of the RWOLer's.......open up your log book for public viewing and you will get much better and appropriate advice from the people that are here. You can still have your maps private if you don't want people to see where you run and I completely understand that.


                  I've been running for 13 years, but I thought the +5 was more for 2 years of running with no issues.  Since I had so many issues in the last year due to asthma, I felt I couldn't add those.  If I were to add those, it would leave at 143 again (taking off the 5 for asthma and the +5 for that).  I think I'm running at the appropriate one.  Will continue doing the MAFF test once a month to make sure.  Thanks!



                  registered pw

                    So i might be able to add a few beats to my 143? I was thinking two would do fine, and i seem to really ahng out there when i am concentrating on 143.

                    2017 goals:

                    sub 1:30 half 



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Forgot to add, I think my log is open. Let me know if you cannot see it. It seems not all the miles are there because I've run more than it says.



                        Your log isn't showing as public to me.


                        I personally think it is a good idea to just stick to a specific number to shoot for for MAF within reason.


                        When I turn 45 next spring I don't think I'm going to drop my MAF to 135, and if I go another year without any injuries or setbacks I'm not going to add +5 to my MAF and jump it up to 140.  I think keeping it at a constant number helps as a measuring stick. 


                        Of course in 4 or 5 years it might need adjusted, but even then it would depend on how my training has been going.


                        I really like the fact that right now my MAF lines up perfectly with 70% of my Max HR also.

                        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                        registered pw

                          Forgot to add, I think my log is open. Let me know if you cannot see it. It seems not all the miles are there because I've run more than it says.

                           once it's public, you'll see a graph icon under your name when in the forums.

                          2017 goals:

                          sub 1:30 half 


                            Forgot to add, I think my log is open. Let me know if you cannot see it. It seems not all the miles are there because I've run more than it says.


                            Loko to the left of my avatar and you will see a colorful bar graph. The bar graph indicates that my log is available for public viewing. If you click on the graph, my log will open up for you.


                            The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                            2014 Goals:


                            Stay healthy

                            Enjoy life



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Done.  Although the graph showed for me all the time it was set as private.  I changed it.



                                First run watching my HR like a hawk. We've had several inches of sure the last couple days, so it was a mess out there. I'm also transitioning from Newtons to Altras and an staying to feel at home in them. Last summer I was using 160 a my base pace (from a coach) and my Maff is 156, so it was hard to get into the zone, didn't go over, but accidentally dropped down into the 140s several times. Overall it was a great run. Always a good feeling when everyone is bitching about walking to theit mailboxes and I'm going out and running a sixer. Mile 1: 8:45 152 Mile 2: 9:02 153 Mile 3: 8:57 154 Mile 4: 9:32 154 Mile 5: 8:57 156 Mile 6: 9:20 156 I live in duluth, mn so there are a lot of hills. Thats why there is some up and down in my miles... Haha, didn't even mean that as a pun...