Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)


    Your log isn't showing as public to me.


    I personally think it is a good idea to just stick to a specific number to shoot for for MAF within reason.


    When I turn 45 next spring I don't think I'm going to drop my MAF to 135, and if I go another year without any injuries or setbacks I'm not going to add +5 to my MAF and jump it up to 140.  I think keeping it at a constant number helps as a measuring stick. 


    Of course in 4 or 5 years it might need adjusted, but even then it would depend on how my training has been going.


    I really like the fact that right now my MAF lines up perfectly with 70% of my Max HR also.


    In the book, The Maffetone Method, Dr. Phil says you can keep the same MAF for up to 5 years, as long as there are no major problems and you're staying healthy. If you're improving in racing and training and feel you're getting pretty fast at MAF, adding 5 isn't usually a problem (fast to me is getting my paces in to the 9:00-10:00 range or better). You could also try the treadmill test (click) I devised to give yourself some confidence as to where your MAF is. An RQ test (you can get these as part of the V02max test) will also help you be more certain. The main test of your +5 increase would be if you continue to improve aerobically. What I take away from all the Dr. Phil books is that it all depends what state your RQ is in at any given time. The MAF test tells the tale.



    recovery 4 miles.


    --Jimmy Cool

    Chasing the bus

      Jimmyb, that treadmill test is AWESOME! Thanks for that link. I'm due for a short break from LHR soon, and that's one of the first things I'll do. I'm pretty sure I've not been diligent keeping HR below MAF very well, which may explain my lack of progress.


      majope - yeah, I thought they were supposed to be sock-less compatible, but the website doesn't specifically say that, and after reading the reviews, others have said they had similar problems.


      Re-scheduled my run today, so tragic. Perfect weather in spite of the forecast (-15F, wind almost zero, woulda been BIG points in the winter running contest!). The knee is still feeling tweaked. Pretty sure it was those form drills the other day aggravated an old non-running injury. Plus the foot abrasions, and it's my longest day, swapping back off of nights by staying up until bedtime tomorrow. I'll run another day soon.

      “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
      Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

        First run watching my HR like a hawk. We've had several inches of sure the last couple days, so it was a mess out there. I'm also transitioning from Newtons to Altras and an staying to feel at home in them. Last summer I was using 160 a my base pace (from a coach) and my Maff is 156, so it was hard to get into the zone, didn't go over, but accidentally dropped down into the 140s several times. Overall it was a great run. Always a good feeling when everyone is bitching about walking to theit mailboxes and I'm going out and running a sixer. Mile 1: 8:45 152 Mile 2: 9:02 153 Mile 3: 8:57 154 Mile 4: 9:32 154 Mile 5: 8:57 156 Mile 6: 9:20 156 I live in duluth, mn so there are a lot of hills. Thats why there is some up and down in my miles... Haha, didn't even mean that as a pun...


        Fellow Minnesotan here and I know your area so some ups and downs don't do justice to where you run. Anyway, below MAF is fine, its the above stuff you try to avoid while base training. A few beats here and there north of MAF is okay, just try not to sustain that for long. Personally I tend to go with the MAF +5 beat range when chugging up a hill before I slow and possibly walk if its to much of a climb.


        The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


        2014 Goals:


        Stay healthy

        Enjoy life



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning, guys.  I ended up doing 4.50 miles with 2 @ MP (instead of 6 total).  The HR was fine with me doing the 2 @ MP at 157 and 161 (plan was 160) and they were close to the pace I want to do for Vegas, so I think my HR is on track.


          One question I forgot to ask.  After the Berlin Marathon, the one I did for a PR, I took a week off while on vacation and then restarted running.  The HR was super high.  As in I couldn't run at 11:45mm at 145, the HR would be at 155.  The resting HR was fine, it was just while I ran.  The weather was still hot and humid (heck, I live in Miami; that never changes), but I wonder if it's typical after a hard effort marathon to have high HR for a week or more while recovering.  I finished MCM a month later and didn't get that HR issue after it (in fact, the HR was pretty low afterwards).  I did get sick two weeks out of the Berlin Marathon, so maybe it was a sign that I was getting sick?  I know Maffetone talks about the HR as an indication of overtraining and illness.



            Morning, guys.  I ended up doing 4.50 miles with 2 @ MP (instead of 6 total).  The HR was fine with me doing the 2 @ MP at 157 and 161 (plan was 160) and they were close to the pace I want to do for Vegas, so I think my HR is on track.


            One question I forgot to ask.  After the Berlin Marathon, the one I did for a PR, I took a week off while on vacation and then restarted running.  The HR was super high.  As in I couldn't run at 11:45mm at 145, the HR would be at 155.  The resting HR was fine, it was just while I ran.  The weather was still hot and humid (heck, I live in Miami; that never changes), but I wonder if it's typical after a hard effort marathon to have high HR for a week or more while recovering.  I finished MCM a month later and didn't get that HR issue after it (in fact, the HR was pretty low afterwards).  I did get sick two weeks out of the Berlin Marathon, so maybe it was a sign that I was getting sick?  I know Maffetone talks about the HR as an indication of overtraining and illness.


            It's not uncommon after such a hard effort like a marathon to have your HR be elevated during workouts after the race. It's an indicator that you aren't recovered. It could also mean that the marathon put you into a state of overreach, which is a precursor to OT. Raised HR at the same effort is always telling you something, and it usually means "more rest and recovery." People getting a cold or flu after a marathon isn't rare, as it can lower some people's immunity for a brief time.


            Congrats on the PR at Berlin. You have a report somewhere we can read?




            Former Bad Ass

              It's not uncommon after such a hard effort like a marathon to have your HR be elevated during workouts after the race. It's an indicator that you aren't recovered. It could also mean that the marathon put you into a state of overreach, which is a precursor to OT. Raised HR at the same effort is always telling you something, and it usually means "more rest and recovery." People getting a cold or flu after a marathon isn't rare, as it can lower some people's immunity for a brief time.


              Congrats on the PR at Berlin. You have a report somewhere we can read?




              Thanks.  It is somewhere in the RWOL world, but if you click on my blog link (siggy link) you can find it.  The race was in September 2012.  I think this is the direct link.  I had asthma issues and did not run at the HR I wanted to but racing by HR worked great that day.





                Thanks.  It is somewhere in the RWOL world, but if you click on my blog link (siggy link) you can find it.  The race was in September 2012.  I think this is the direct link.  I had asthma issues and did not run at the HR I wanted to but racing by HR worked great that day.



                  Great report and awesomely run marathon. Even splits!  Way to overcome the asthma!



                Today's run:


                4.5 miles


                120-130 bpm


                --Jimmy Cool


                Former Bad Ass

                    Great report and awesomely run marathon. Even splits!  Way to overcome the asthma!



                  Today's run:


                  4.5 miles


                  120-130 bpm


                  --Jimmy Cool


                  Awww, thanks.  It sure didn't feel like that while I was running it, LOL.


                  How is everybody?  Last night I did an easy 6 and it was weird.  From the beginning, the HR kept passing 145 (145 is my limit although Maff says 143) 150, even 160.  I think it was the bra messing with my HRM, but I was not sure.  I ended up with 144 as average, which is OK, but I just hope it was not a sign that I'm getting sick or overtrained, since I am running a marathon in 3 days.


                  Chasing the bus

                    Back home, off nights, and back on the road. 4 mi, avg 125, pace 10:52, which is fast for that avg. HR. HR got a lil high on some downhills, but it sure feels good to run that fast! I'm uploading the actual log from Runmeter app, so now I can see pace, hr, and elevation throughout the run. Fun to analyze.

                    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                    Former Bad Ass

                       Forgot to say that my workout last night was in the 80s with high humidity.  That could've been why my HR was a bit higher than normal, I guess.



                      registered pw

                        Only three miles each weeknight b/c of roads being too dark.

                        35 degrees and it goes uphill around 3/4 mile and then it's another 3/4 mile uphill so i'm going as slow as i possibly can.

                        For that mile and a half my hr is above 143.


                        11:39 mile one avg hr 152

                        10:34 mile two avg hr 151

                        8:51 mile three avg hr 140

                        2017 goals:

                        sub 1:30 half 



                          Good run again tonight, a little chilly, but just have to get used to that. Mile 1: 8:37 156 Mile 2: 8:31 153 Mile 3: 8:29 156 Mile 4: 9:15 156 Mile 5: 9:35 156 Mile 6: 9:07 155 You can definatly tell where the downhills and uphills are.

                          Chasing the bus

                            Long run today, 13.29 mi, I ran a half! Ran my local loop 3 times plus a little. Pace 11:12, with all those hills (over 2000' total ascent, net gain zero)! That's two runs in a row faster than they have been. Maybe no breakfast/coffee before running is working? If that was my stall...arg!


                            Have a good weekend, all!

                            “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                            Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Another rest day. Marathon on Sunday.



                                Another rest day. Marathon on Sunday.



                                Good luck! Cool