Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

    No clue on the treadmill thing--don't use them. Do you set it at an incline? I know I've read that 2-3% better mimics running outside, but I don't have personal experience to back it up.


    2.06 miles today in 15:16 pace, ave HR 133 max 140 (MAF 136). Still cold (-8F air temp, "feels like" -18F), but I'm happy to see it's supposed to warm up to the 20s this weekend.


      Not sure if my treadmill speed is calibrated wrong, or the HRM on the treadmill registers low, but it seems like my treadmill workouts are too easy.


      6.17 miles, 9:43 avg pace, 130 avg HR.


      Many runners use 1% incline as flat on the TM to compensate for the help the TM gives you, and the fact that you aren't pushing through any air as you run.. Since you aren't pushing any air, it can feel much easier, although you can build core heat faster. Still, if you work out at the same HR as outdoors, then you'll be getting pretty much the same workout, minus downhill (unless you have that function). The pace will be different indoors at the same HR, not by much. For some it's faster, for some slower.




      4 miles walking

      6x.25 mile hills @4% incline



        Not sure if my treadmill speed is calibrated wrong, or the HRM on the treadmill registers low, but it seems like my treadmill workouts are too easy.


        6.17 miles, 9:43 avg pace, 130 avg HR.


        I don't use much incline when I'm on the dreadmill (0.5%, sometimes zero) as I seem to heat up much too quickly. I'm usually a soaking mess when I'm done with the mill. I'm also much faster on it.


        Are you using a fan to cool yourself when you run on it?


        At the local HS fitness center that I use to workout at we could use some portable fans to cool ourselves down with when we ran on the dreadmill. Whn I was there, I was really fast at MAF and my HR hardly drifted during the run. Now I run at the local YMCA and they do not have any fans for us to use and the air doesn't move around very well so I heat up pretty quickly.


        The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


        2014 Goals:


        Stay healthy

        Enjoy life



          I do have it set at 1% incline to compensate for the difference, but it doesn't seem to be enough.


          I do have a fan on the treadmill that I have blowing right on me and last night we had a nice cool breeze blowing and I opened the windows so that was really nice.


          When I first started it seemed like it was harder running on the treadmill, but I guess I'm comfortable on it enough now that it is actually easier?  I usually run on gravel roads and spend some time dodging big rocks and things like that and on the treadmill it is perfectly flat and smooth so I think I may not be picking my feet up quite as high.  I actually can hear my shoes drag occasionally when I take a step forward.


          Oh well, I think I'm going to try my regular HRM tonight instead of the one on the treadmill and see if it says anything different.

          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

            Running on a dreadmill used to be harder for me to run on then out on the roads, now its easier and I'm not sure when or why that happened so I have a similar experience to yours.


            The fan blowing on you is helping more then you know to keep your HR from drifting higher and higher the longer you run. You are also probably not becoming as dehydrated as you would if you were running outside in the sun, humidity and wind.


            The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


            2014 Goals:


            Stay healthy

            Enjoy life


            Chasing the bus

              Finally ran again after resting my knee two days. Ran 7.6 mi., avg hr 126, pace 11:16, which is pretty fast for being well below MAF, but I cut it short (planned 10 mi.), due to my knee/shin again. Not sure what to do with that. Tomorrow is another rest day. I'll see how it feels thurs.


              My knee is definitely bad, but somehow it feels like its in my shin (outside, high), that's worse after running?

              “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
              Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                Finally ran again after resting my knee two days. Ran 7.6 mi., avg hr 126, pace 11:16, which is pretty fast for being well below MAF, but I cut it short (planned 10 mi.), due to my knee/shin again. Not sure what to do with that. Tomorrow is another rest day. I'll see how it feels thurs.


                My knee is definitely bad, but somehow it feels like its in my shin (outside, high), that's worse after running?


                Had something similar 7 years ago. It was near the knee, but below and to the side at the top of the shin. I used the Galloway walk/run idea to get better. I would run until it began to hurt, then I walked, then I'd run until it hurt, then I walked, etc.  perhaps started with 1 minute run 2 minute walk---whatever it took. I still developed MAF speed doing this, and was better by 5-6 weeks. Was even able to build volume.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Thanks for the well wishes, guys.  It was not a good day.  Marathon # 10 will go down in history as one of my most painful.  Dust and wind caused a massive asthma attack (I am allergic to dustmites) at Mile 9.  It all went downhill after that.


                  Having said that, the first 9 miles had my HR exactly at 160 and the paces felt easy.  I'll get to practice running like this again.


                  Hope everybody is doing well.



                    Well, the HRM checked out.


                    6.19 miles on the treadmill at 1% incline, 130 avg HR (on 2 different monitors), 9:44 avg pace.

                    Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                    Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                    Chasing the bus

                      Damaris, so sorry. Sounds like you made a good run at it. Better luck next time. Thanks for the encouragement, jimmyb. Seems like the hills are the worst, but all I have to run on unless I drive somewhere, which I've been too lazy to do. I'll be running flat this next week, and if its still giving me trouble I'll try that.

                      “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                      Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi, guys.  I'm planning on a short recovery run today to check the legs and the HR.  If the HR is where it's supposed to me, I'll start training tomorrow.  If not, I'll take a few days off.


                          Sorry about the marathon, Damaris. That sucks.


                          4 miles for me today. Air temp was 9F, which is about 10 degrees warmer than it's been for several days. Even with the wind chill still below zero, it felt downright comfortable. Lots of new snow, and half the loop I was running was unplowed, so that part made for some harder running. Last mile I turned around halfway through loop and ran back on the plowed part, and my pace was 30-35 seconds faster than the other 3 miles.


                          4 miles


                          16:15 pace 

                          ave HR 135, max 143


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Hi, guys.  First run post marathon.  5 miles @ 142 HR which is exactly where I need to be.  Pace was 11:39mm which falls again within the range of my pace for easy runs, so notwithstanding I was a bit sore and slower than usual, everything seems to be working again like it should.


                            Chasing the bus

                              Back on the night shift again. Resorted to the elliptical tonight, which is a shame because the weather is as good as it gets, here, this time of year ( -4F, no wind). I'm gonna try to save the knee for speedwork next week. So I did 35 min. at avg. 126 HR and logged it as three miles...which is close. Is that cheating?


                              Welcome back Demaris!

                              “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                              Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Morning!  I ran 6 last night but forgot my Garmin so I had to use a stopwatch so no HR data.  It felt fine, so I assume I was where I needed to be.


                                Hope you guys enjoy your weekend!
