Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

Chasing the bus

    Finally hit the road today! 4 miles, 10:15, avg HR 134, which is above MAF slightly. Since I started Maffing in sept, that's definitely an improvement in HR at that pace, which is close to what my tempo pace was before Maffing. Gonna go try a long slow run tomorrow, but going to find a flatter course than my neighborhood, to give my knee more time. I hope the bike trails are cleared. If not, that'll kill my time.



    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

      Looks like your goal marathon pace might be a little soft.



      If a 3:35:00 first marathon can be considered "soft", I'd take it.


      I've been looking over my run data in the SportTracks software that I use to analyze training for a clue as to why yesterdays med-long run was so easy and my HR was so low.


      My normal training has been interrupted the last two weeks because of work duties. I am an engineering specialist for a local unit of government and also fill in during snow events as a snowplow operator. The last two weekends I've been called in to plow snow and sand the roads and haven't been able to workout much on the weekends if at all. It looks like that time off is working as a mini taper of sorts.


      The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


      2014 Goals:


      Stay healthy

      Enjoy life



      Consistently Slow

        Great improvement, majope.  I would just continue doing easy MAF runs unless you want to train for something.  I don't think that will hurt you and in fact, it might end up helping more.



        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter


        Chasing the bus

          My normal training has been interrupted the last two weeks because of work duties...It looks like that time off is working as a mini taper of sorts.


          I think I can see that in my times too, after a week off for minor injury. Does this sort of thing mess up your "peaking", if your running a structured training system?


          Long run today was a no-go. I didn't dress for conditions. At -15F, I need 3 layers on bottom, as well as the 3 on top, the polar buff, hat, hoodie pulled up, and liner gloves and windblock microfleece gloves also marginal. I may just go to big arctic mittens, if I'm gonna keep trying to run at these temps.


          The sidewalks and bike trails downtown are unplowed, or plowed under, with tracked/uneven/hard frozen with very poor footing. Really difficult running. Guess I'll stick to my neighborhood hills. At least the roads are plowed.


          Anyway, 3 mi., avg HR 130, pace 10:49 with some bad high HR spikes early in run.

          “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
          Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

            -15F is crazy cold! It was 60F today for my run with 90% humidity. I need to move further north! But then I might actually have to buy a jacket.


            After my race Saturday, I ran 2 miles at warm-up pace yesterday on the road and then did three laps of my short local trial today. My legs are still feeling pretty tired. After warm-up: 2.4 miles at 15:07 avg pace, HR 142 average. I spent some time over MAF (144) but was only over by a couple of beats so I'm counting that as good enough, max HR 147.


            I did an interesting hill workout last week on a powerline cut about 1000ft long with 200 ft elevation gain and lots of loose rocks. The idea was to walk up at MAF then practice technical downhill technique by running back down. Getting the pacing right on the way up was a little tricky, but when I got it right I was pretty amazed by how easy it was to walk up the hill. What I am not sure of is if I am getting any strengthening benefit from going up at such an easy pace.

            Pinhoti 100: Finished :D


            Consistently Slow

              6.2 miles 45F HR 125  /130



              -15F does not requires more layers. It requires a moving truck.

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter



              Former Bad Ass

                6.2 miles 45F HR 125  /130



                -15F does not requires more layers. It requires a moving truck.




                  6.2 miles 45F HR 125  /130



                  -15F does not requires more layers. It requires a moving truck.


                  I'll take -15F over summer running in Hotlanta any day.


                  The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                  2014 Goals:


                  Stay healthy

                  Enjoy life



                  Former Bad Ass

                    I'll take -15F over summer running in Hotlanta any day.


                    I live in Miami and I agree.  I prefer any cold weather than the Miami swamp all year.


                      Yeah, you're right--I'll stick with Maffing for at least a couple more weeks, then maybe do a test and see if I can still run at my usual pace with my running buddy.


                      Air temps were above 0F here, and it was bad enough. Did a little over 3 miles in -4 wind chill. I don't ponytail my hair when it gets this cold (keeps my neck warm), but I do pull the front back so it doesn't get in my face. Today, my ears got cold enough that I had to stop and pull some hair back over them. My hat just wasn't standing up to the wind. I suppose I'll have to get the balaclava out again, but I really don't like them.


                      3.15 miles


                      ave. pace 15:25

                      ave. HR 129


                        Last night  treadmill - 6.05 miles, 9:45 avg pace, 129 avg HR (136 MAF).


                        Treadmill still much faster for me, helps with the cool weather it was 67 degrees in the room where the treadmill is last night.  Had it set on 6.2 mph and 1% incline.  I'm going to have to start increasing the speed on the treadmill I guess to get me up closer to MAF.


                        This morning outside - 6.67 miles, 8:41 avg pace, 160 avg HR.  Interval workout.  10X400m with 400m recoveries.


                        Felt good to let 'er rip on the 400m intervals.  Ran them a bit faster than I would have thought, averaged under 7:00 pace on them, had a few down in the 6:45 pace range.  400m recoveries really gives you time to get fully recovered and feel good on your speed.

                        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                          TM 1%  5 miles  118bmp (ave)/ 130(max).  Took run nice and easy.  Started off slow & low and slowly built towards the low 120s by 2.5-3 miles.  Decent run however legs are a little sluggish after a high mileage weekend.  Planned 6 tomorow morning.


                          I am pleased its now a lower mileage week and look forward to catching up on some sleep/ rest.


                          Sat - 10 mile progression run.  First few miles below MAF (114 and 118), MAF for mile 3, built each mile +5 - +10bpm unitl topping out around the low 150s for the last half of the run.  The pace was not lightning fast for the second half, however all felt good and strong.


                          Sunday - 20+ miles.  Started real low for the first hour around 114, the next at 120 and then 129-130.  After this very controlled build I progressively picked up HR each mile split and finished the last 3 +/- around the mid 150s.  No complaints however 20 is a long time on your feet watching the HR monitor.  Only complaint was the cold morning - 31F - burr..


                            5.69 miles, 1:31:03, 16:01 pace, ave. HR 132, max 141.


                            Planned to go for 4 miles this morning, but temp was 1F with "feels like" -11F and it's only supposed to get worse this week. I was running a loop that goes from one bridge to another and is just over a mile long. First half was into the wind and second half with wind behind. Each lap on the sheltered side I would consider going farther in case I can't manage 2 hours on Sunday, then on the wind side I'd think no, maybe I would cut this run short at 3 laps. Finally I told myself, "You want to be an endurance athlete? Endure!" and completed 5 laps, plus an additional leg to bring me past 90 minutes (winter running contest I'm in gives bonuses by the half hour). That's why the odd mileage--I wasn't going another step beyond the 91 minutes!


                              "For those of you doing MAF for a year or more. How do you know if it's still working for you? I feel my easy pace has stalled but I am still getting PRs so my guess is that it's still working for me."


                              I personally calculate heart beats per minute, which at MAF pace, I think is a very very good metric of pure aerobic efficiency.


                              I'm interested in the low HR training that this group is doing.   OVer the next 2-3 months, I'm going to try to do as many miles as possible at or below MAF heart rate.


                              I think that I have this right?


                              Age 42.  So 180-42=138.   I'm probably pretty well trained, so I could add 5 beats, so my max is 142?



                              I ran a marathon on December 1st with an average heart rate of 155.   Over the next two months, I'll do a couple of 50k ultras and overall I'd like to increase my overall aerobic efficiency and I think low HR training will work best for me.


                              Since the marathon most of my runs have been in the range of 130-133.   Do I have the concept right?

                              Chasing the bus

                                I love it when a plan (finally) comes together! Long run, 10 miles 'round the neighborhood. HR would not stay down, avg. 134 (should MAX at 131), but I had planned to be doing speed work this week anyway, before the knee acted up, so I'm not going to worry about it much. Pace was 11:20, which should be my MAF pace, but again, the HR was higher. Might have been the extra coffee yesterday, or the pint of stout last night, or going out too fast too early, I dunno, or care really. The run is the thing.


                                Majope, I didn't realize it was 1/2 hr increments...another 1/4 mile and I'd have had 2 hrs!  Oh well.



                                “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                                Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test