Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning!  I did 5 recovery miles last night, targeting 140 HR.  I did them at 11:43mm and 140HR.  I'm nothing if not precise Joking.


    Have a nice weekend everybody!



      Been a while since I've posted here, but I've continued to plod along with MAF.  Ran 3.5 miles this morning with a malfunctioning HRM. (I think the battery is dying in the strap plus the lack of  sweating in the cold weather is not helping.) So probably ran a little over MAF.



      Consistently Slow

        Red Nose HM 2:24:40. Club member PRed by 5 minutes. AHR 143. PF was a little painful. Ran on the grass when possible. 1st run of the new year.Smile

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          Great job, runnerclay!


          I did 11 miles this morning at 151HR (did close to 9 miles @ MP + 30 seconds).  They felt pretty easy so I'm making progress.



            Nice run Ron, wtg.  Good 9 mile MP run Docket R.


            Heading out for an easy paced 12 miles with the goal of keeping my HR low & controlled.  No need to worrying about pace.


            Did my last "Pace" run yesterday - 4 miler.  Its now its time to focus on recovery and catch up on some needed rest.  My restinig HR is up a little (50bmp)  and a slight cold/ runny nose all seem like signs that a little rest will help.


            Just replaced the battery in my Polar Wearlink as I have been picking up a few erratic HR readings for the past few days (random high and low spikes).  Hope this works.


            I almost thought of the treadmill this morning as its getting harder to put my foot out the door on the colder morning runs (24F and dark).  However its always fun as the sun comes up and you can explore outdoors.






              Consistently Slow

                D .R. ***labhiker Train ing appears to be going well.



                DNS 50K today. Will rest Disney next Sunday Goal is to <5 without an injure.

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                Former Bad Ass

                  Sorry about your DNS.  I'm doing the Goofy as well, hoping to finish it running strong and asthma free.


                  D .R. ***labhiker Train ing appears to be going well.



                  DNS 50K today. Will rest Disney next Sunday Goal is to <5 without an injure.



                  Just here for the food

                    Great forum everyone. I just stumbled over here recently from RW and really appreciate the wealth of information here.


                    Yesterday's run: 25 miles @ 137 avg hr (MAF -4), 11:32 avg pace. I walked the "major" hills to keep the hr down, and gained 1730' total. Max hr reading was 179, which I'm sure was not accurate, but I started walking any time I got above 145 to keep it slow and easy.


                    I'm starting my 3rd month of MAF training after taking a month off in Oct-Nov. I'll do my first MAF test sometime this week, and continue for at least another month before getting into some hill/ strength work for a bit.


                    For other ultra runners out there: I'm looking at North Fork and Leadville as my target races for the year. With that said, my plan is roughly:

                    Now- Feb MAF

                    Feb- Hills/ Strength

                    March- MAF with a bit of speed work (very short, less than 10% of weekly mileage, up to 75 mpw)

                    April- Taper, Indiana Trail100 @ MAF ish pace

                    May- Recover, MAF and Hills

                    June- Hills and Taper, North Fork 50

                    July- August- MAF and taper

                    August- Leadville 100

                    Sept- Dec- Sit on the couch and drink beer


                    What adjustments should I consider? I would appreciate any feedback, positive or otherwise ;-).

                    Chasing the bus

                      Good luck on the race next weekend, all!


                      5 today, 10:15, no HRM, but I know I was above MAF, especially last half, mostly heat. Not used to 73F and sun...too hot for this Alaska born and raised runner. Still, I could get used to running without all the clothes and gear!


                      SnS;, no pointers from me, I'm a noob at this too, temporarily off the wagon to do some speed work and hills. I'm planning back to MAF soon for the rest of the winter, building mileage, hoping to stay un-injured. I also want to run jimmyb's treadmill test to determine MAF


                      “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                      Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                        Ron, great job on your first run of the year

                        Damaris, nice running.  Hope you do well next weekend.


                        Changed the battery in my HRM strap and it seemingly worked great today.  Covered 13.6 miles--my longest distance in over three years.  Lots of walking breaks to keep HR in MAF.



                        Consistently Slow

                          Sorry about your DNS.  I'm doing the Goofy as well, hoping to finish it running strong and asthma free.



                          We are staying at Disney's Port Orleans Resort - Riverside Hope I get to meet you.

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter



                          Former Bad Ass

                            I'm staying at the Port Orleans too but I think it's the other one.  I hope we get a MM picture the day of the race.  I'll have my singlet!


                            I did 9 miles last night with 4 @ HMP by HR.  It was 82F and I was running the HMP at 9:18mm without issue.  Very happy about my asthma improvement and it's partly due to Maff.


                            SRD today!



                            We are staying at Disney's Port Orleans Resort - Riverside Hope I get to meet you.


                            Chasing the bus

                              Started my day with 8 miles, 11:11mm, no HRM, but that was close to MAF, except the hills, and heat. Yep, 72F, overcast, 100% humidity is too hot.


                              Brooks Pure Drifts still good except blisters on both second toes. I doubt it's a fit issue, I think I just need to adjust laces. Also, on longer runs, I found I can't just pound down on the heels, like squishy shoes, so paying attention to cadence and form gets more important.


                              Spent the rest of the day doistairs airs and adrenaline at wet n wild Honolulu. Fried now. Tomorrow is a rest day!

                              “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                              Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                              Just here for the food

                                First MAF test this afternoon:

                                2 Mi warm up- 21:00

                                3 Mi MAF test @141 (138 avg). 

                                400M cool down (walking) 
                                Had to cut it off a mile earlier than planned since they were closing up the gates.