Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Furthur, hope the knee feels better!


    runnerclay, hope the minimalist experiment helps!


    7 recovery miles @ 143 HR today.  Very hot and humid day, so I'll take the pace (11:43mm).



    Consistently Slow

      0.8 WU + 8  HR 122/149 +0.9 CD =8.7 miles. Did not walk the hills because I was afraid a would stop the run (.65 mile loop)

      Time on feet 2:40. PF no problem. The  right knee  will need icing.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Just here for the food

        Another Saturday long run. 27 miles @ 139 avg hr and 11:42 pace. This one was way more comfortable than last week's long run. I'm not sure if it's just the sunshine and less wind, or if taking an extra day off on Thursday played a bigger part. I have a cycle down week next week before bumping the long run to 30 on Saturdays the following week.


        This week's MAF test will be interesting, I hope.


          3.5 miles on grass. HR 120 /126**14:40 AV pace.

          New shoes. New Balance* M730GO *minimalist.

          On the half mile C/D I could a little twitch in the hips.The goal is to see if the minimalist approach will help the PF.


          Sorry to hear about the PF, Ron. Minimalist and strengthening will help in the long run. Are you living on hardwood floors? If so, I suggest wearing a supportive sandal, Crocs, or shoe around the house. I had a second brief bout of PF when I moved to a place with hardwood floors. I had been barefoot indoors for years when I had carpets. As soon as I started wearing the Crocs inside, it healed up. Hasn't returned.


          Shoes and Shorts, 27  miles! Wow. Nice.


          Rest today for me after 30 miles of walking this week. And that's what I did. A lot of long naps. Enjoy your Sundays, everyone!




          Consistently Slow

            8.2 miles HR 115 /124 (maff 118). Did not wear the minimalist shoes. Asics 2150 with 500+ miles.

            10 +hours a day in work boots is the problem.


            Jimmy, 30 mile week WTG.

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



            Former Bad Ass

              I did 11 at 145HR (10:55mm) this morning and it was hot, humid, and sunny, which is usual but more so today, so I was surprised about the pace of this run.  More miles tonight.



                I did 11 at 145HR (10:55mm) this morning and it was hot, humid, and sunny, which is usual but more so today, so I was surprised about the pace of this run.  More miles tonight.


                10:55 for 11 miles......berry nice. Keep ging, Damaris!Cool


                Thanks, Ron. Those 30 pooped me out. I slept a ton yesterday and last night.


                4 miles today.

                Very slow.




                Former Bad Ass

                  Thanks.  Some days the breathing is fine and my HR is low and some the HR is WTF.  These are the runs that make me not quit.


                  Nice 4.



                  10:55 for 11 miles......berry nice. Keep ging, Damaris!Cool


                  Thanks, Ron. Those 30 pooped me out. I slept a ton yesterday and last night.


                  4 miles today.

                  Very slow.




                  Wandering Wally

                    Catching up from the weekend:


                    Friday - 69 minutes, staying under 135 bpm.  Had a tough time due to slogging through a lot of snowbanks from the foot of snow we got that the night before and early that morning.  The texture and depth of the snow makes a big difference to HR.  Sticky and/or packed snow makes for hard work at a slow pace.


                    Saturday - 65 minutes, staying under 135 bpm.  Same route as Friday.  Still lots of snowbanks to contend with.  Found a clearer path for the homeward leg, so that helped.  Lots of sun which was a nice change of pace.


                    Sunday - 140 minutes, staying under 130 bpm.  Stuck with the more clear route I found on Saturday.  Freezing rain that had things icing up pretty good towards the end of my run.  Experimented with Maffetone's honey & water for hydration and calories and found it worked pretty well for me.  I am starting to see longer stretches where I can run slowly and keep my HR down where I want it.


                    My running routes are in such poor condition right now it's almost pointless to do a MAF test outside as there is no consistency.  Each mile (heck, each meter) is different.  For now I'll just keep a an eye on my times in a general sense and then see what things are like once the snow melts and my routes are more consistent.

                    Run!  Just Run!


                    Trail Runner Nation Podcast

                    Wandering Wally

                      Starting to get the idea about too much stress in my life and needing to deal with it somehow.  In July I went out on my own and am now self-employed.  The schedule is way better and I feel less stressed than before, but I'm sure it's causing stress of it's own.  Now it's tax season and all that that entails.  Stress is just part of life until April 15th.  Plus, something Dr. Maffetone mentions, it's mid-winter with not much sun, and lots of snow and ice.  I'm sure running helps combat these stresses, but I need to look deeper as well and maybe examine my diet and sleep patterns.


                      Anyway, rested yesterday.  Planning on ~70 minutes at 130 bpm tonight.

                      Run!  Just Run!


                      Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                        Walk 3 miles

                        Feel like I'm living in stereotypical Seattle the past few weeks here in Atlanta.

                        Need light. Need light.



                          I did 6 miles in 86 minutes. I was dreaming of some yasso 800s and thought for every hour of low HR I was earning 1-800m faster run... SO if I do a total of 8 hours this week at low HR, then I "get" to do 8 Yasso repeats, yes?! Please?! ugh... patience is not a virtue I typically entertain.


                          Consistently Slow

                            2 days of rain. I just refuse to go run in the rain on wet grass. The rain is suppose to stop tomorrow. YES!



                            The grass will still be soaked Cry

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                            Consistently Slow

                              OK, I have officially lost my mind.There 15 steps in my house. I run and walk them for 47:00 + 6:00 CD in the living room.  53:00 outside at maff = 3 miles.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter


                                no longer lurking on this thread : )


                                2.9 mi on the treadmill in 45 mins @ 123 hr (15:31 pace)


                                This run felt good - hip/IT/piriformis/whatever was quiet!


                                Hope everyone gets a breather from the ugly weather around the US  Smile

                                2014 - heal the sinuses and move to Germany!

                                2015 - Paris Marathon 12 April