Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Hope your back feels better before the marathon!


    Good training week for everyone.

    Further* rest and recover.

    Damaris* glad to hear the migraine went away. DW gets them.



    Back strain on Wednesday. Not running. LRM 3/2.



    Just here for the food

      9 mile recovery pace run on the local trail today. Averaged about a 15:00 pace with all the climbing.


      Former Bad Ass

        I think a fellow RWOL friend of mine will be joining us really soon.  But, while talking to her, I realized, I've gotten 5 PRs since September 2012, and I started MAFF in the Summer.  If you know my asthma struggles since 2011, you know that is a big deal.


        Coincidence?  I think not.  Keep MAFF'in.



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I did 6 miles at 146HR and 11:17mm.  In 80F, so not bad, not bad at all.



          Consistently Slow

            I think a fellow RWOL friend of mine will be joining us really soon.  But, while talking to her, I realized, I've gotten 5 PRs since September 2012, and I started MAFF in the Summer.  If you know my asthma struggles since 2011, you know that is a big deal.


            Coincidence?  I think not.  Keep MAFF'in.



            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



              5 mile walk

              with MAF test (walking)

              making progressCool


                3 miles easy on the treadmill.  131 avg HR with a 138 spike in there somewhere.


                I keep running my easy runs on my plan too fast and going over my MAF.  I need to slow down and run them easier!


                I keep running my other workouts a bit too fast too so at least I'm consistent!


                So far I'm holding up to the volume well.  This week will be my first 60+ mile week if I stick with the plan.

                Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                Chasing the bus

                  I'm back! (finally...I may have taken your advice to extreme, Clay!)  Saturday was my first DNS. After spending a couple of days recovering, I took the kids skiing monday, then was just lazy tues. Finally hit it today, wanted to get my long run in outside before I was confined to the dreadmill all week, so;

                  10.6 mi. at 11:30, avg. HR 123, max 147 (I got a lil carried away on a long downhill...oops).


                  Even on a long run, I really love running in those Brooks Pure Drift's, but I think my knees don't, so much. Back to the Glycerine's for a bit.

                  “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                  Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

                    Getting back on track after some travel and a mild sinus infection


                    5.5 mi @ 16:20 pace, 117 avg HR, 150 max HR  (MAF 132)


                    HR jumped around a bit at the beginning (like up to 150) but then settled in really close to 120 for most of the run.

                    2014 - heal the sinuses and move to Germany!

                    2015 - Paris Marathon 12 April


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Hi, guys.  I twisted my sacrum earlier this week so Monday and Tuesday were short recovery runs.  I did 9 with 5 @ MP at 151HR and 10 miles at 146HR yesterday.  OVerall, a good week, except for the pain.


                      Hope everybody has a great weekend!


                        3.3 miles @ 8:45, 138 avg HR.  Getting excited about my first season of spring races.  5k with 8,000+ runners next sat, then 10k, 10 miler and HM all before the end of April.  Will be my first time at all distances except 5k, so I'm a little green  Approve



                        PRs:  5k - (20:42) 3/9/2013 18:55 (9/28/13)

                                   10k - (42:42) 3/23/2013 39:11 (10/26/13) course was short @ 6.0 mi :)

                                   10 mi - (1:12:10) 4/6/2013

                                   HM - (1:34:38) 4/27/2013

                          2.72 mi @ 15:27 pace, avg hr 115, max 127 (MAF=123), nice and steady, no spikes today

                          2014 - heal the sinuses and move to Germany!

                          2015 - Paris Marathon 12 April

                          Wandering Wally

                            Noticed a few things over the last week or so:


                            I am learning what a real warmup is and isn't.

                            It's hard to get a good warmup when the windchill is around 10F and fighting a 20 mph headwind.

                            When I don't get a good warmup, my heartrate jumps from 100 to 170 and back again for the first couple of miles before settling down.

                            It's getting easier to stay at my MAF heartrate.

                            When I short myself on sleep I can feel it in less effective recovery.

                            Run!  Just Run!


                            Trail Runner Nation Podcast

                            Chasing the bus

                              MJS, I'm also feelin short on sleep...Attempted 6 mi. tonight, finished 4. treadmill, slow, hot, tired. First night shift run in a coupla months, 6 hrs sleep...I think my bod forgot how to do that. 4 mi., 12:32, avg. hr 122. Still doing 4:1  run/walk.

                              “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                              Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Hi, everybody!  the saga with my sacrum continued until yesterday where I went back to the chiro and I think it's in place now (the sacrum, not the chiro).  I did 4 last night at recovery pace (140HR) and 16 this morning at 149 (one bpms too fast but the temperature was nice and I felt like continuing at that HR.  So far, so good!


                                Mike, it will continue to get easier to run at MAF.  This 149 today freaked me out because I always try to keep it 4-5 below MAF (145) but you get better at gauging your pace and running at the appropriate MAF.
