Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)


    6:50 am, 60-64F, 13.05 miles, rolling terrain, MAF-4 ave., 10:35mm.  Good run, slowly built HR towards strict MAF zone.  Two handheld water bottles.


    Tried something new this run.  Decided to add food after possible glycogen depletion or reduction.  Ate 2 oz. of sweet potato on run @ 1hr 50minutes.  This whole food  fuel source was recommended to me back in January by an experienced ultra runner however I never tried it before.  It tasted great however needed to chew a lot more than sipping from a gu flask of hammer perpteuem.  Chewed a lot to start digestion/ break down process and drank water.  Worked fine and seems like a pretty clean fuel source.


    Pleased with overall training progress.  Last time I ran a similar pace on this loop was in 2010 and was ran nearly 4minutes, 10 seconds slower and my average HR was at MAF (not sub maf like today).  I would call this progress, however the temp was nearly 15-deg. F warmer several years go.  I still call it good as I am now nearly 3 years older (and wiser) and apparently a little faster.



    Former Bad Ass



      18 miles with the last 8 @ MP.  First 10 @ 140HR and last 8 by pace.  Average HR 147.  Not bad.  It was 95F and 77DP so I was surprised at the average HR.



      Consistently Slow

        Labhiker and D-R  WTG.

        2- 4 -.05 miles. Walk - run -CD. HR 116 /129 .Run on manicured lawn.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter


          why are you less active lately with your running?


          yes very fast intervals with long rest will work your neuromuscular system. but those are done at a pretty fast pace between full recoveries.


          As far as intervals go, I thought the following link was the most helpful to me.



          Why am I less active?  I have a 7 year old and a 9 year old at home.  Do I need to say anymore?  They do keep me busy, but it is just a matter of prioritizing better.  I am hoping to devote more time this Fall.


          I saw discussion about running on less days.  I recall that in my best year of running (about 3 years ago), I was only running about 3 or 4 days a week.  But, I was very good about making sure that I did about one long run per week and one tempo run per week.  I think that made a big difference, being committed to that long run especially.  I think the long run (about 1.5 hours minumum) is the single most important run, and it was for a time, my least favorite run.  I enjoy them more now.  They require that you set a larger block of time aside.  They are not the kinds of run you can just squeeze in somewhere.


            6.13 miles this morning at an avg pace of 9:29 and avg HR of 137.  Ran without audio cues on my phone, just tried to keep it easy.  Would have easily made it under 10:00 pace and 136 avg HR but ended up running the last half of the run a bit faster and ticked my HR up past 136.


            That's a full minute per mile faster than my easy runs a year ago.


            Last year on 8/24/12 I ran the same route at an avg pace of 10:32 and avg HR of 140 in pretty much the same conditions.


            [edit to correct date on last year's run]

            Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

            Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


              npaden - nice improvement since last year.  wtg.



                7.06 miles


                4x .5 mile cruiser intervals


                Cut back last week, and am back in a new cycle. Good improvement on these .5 milers over two weeks ago.




                p.s. looking good Npaden!!!!


                Former Bad Ass

                  Hi, guys.


                  8 miles Monday at 148 and 10:59mm.

                  5 X 800m last night, average 149.


                  Chasing the bus

                    Trail running ≠ LHR!  Did three miles monday on a favorite trail, but my HR would NOT stay down!  I did a bunch more walking, and some running, but did not capture all of it due to phone battery concerns. It ended up being a long day, total about 14 miles, mostly walking. Still recovering, and back in Prudhoe, hopefully I can get enough miles in this work hitch to keep from regressing too much while I'm moose hunting next time off.

                    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                      John, it must be tough on trails to keep your HR down with those steep rises one tends to run into. My wife hunts moose. She doesn't have to travel very far, she usually finds one in the living room watching Netflix and eating cheese. Once she hunts him down, she doesn't end him, instead she just throws him back in (to his show) for a future hunt (other moose hotspots: napping in bed, rummaging for cheese in the fridge, and in the car eating his secret stash of Kit Kats. His grunts of pleasure always gives him away.)




                      1 mile MAF-test.

                      Still moving north at a steady rate.




                        Jumping in here after lurking/reading for the last month.  I did some LHR training last winter for base work and plan to go to just LHR running after HM on 9/22, my 60th BD.  I have questions to make sure I'm getting it right.  First, about me:

                        I've been running about 2.5 years, never injured or missed running due to illness.  I was never a runner in the past, and my 'aerobic' capacity was/is very low, I suspect.  (Just did fast/quick sports in school, and mostly nothing since age 25)  When I started I couldn't run a half mile without stopping to walk/catch my breath.  My first 5K, after 4 mo of training, was 36:34, my PR in June 2013 was 27:27.  I've done 2 HM, the first last September, 2:36Tight lippedx, the second in May, 2:18:38.  I also finished a marathon last fall, but 'finished' is all I can say about that.  Currently my resting HR is 70, and the max I've reached in racing/training is 190 (only once, in a 5mi in 10 degree weather) and 180 several times.


                        When I have done LHR training in the past I used 111-121 as my goal range, 160-59.  I didn't add in the 5 for training at that point in time, but probably could now.  Once I'm past the birthday it would be 115-125 if I add back 5 for the 2 1/2 years of training/racing.   However, I have been on an antidepressant for the last 20 years, and if I read Dr Maffetone's formula correctly, I would need to subtract 10 from that, giving me 105-115.  This medication has as a side effect a slight increase in heart rate, probably the reason for my relatively high resting heart rate.  It seems counter-intuitive to have to reduce my goal range when on a medication that raises my heart rate slightly.  (Having been on it for years, I've tried going off it-it's not pretty!  Wink


                        When I am using 115-125 range, I am in 13:15-13:45 average for the test, that includes a good amount of walking to keep it under 126.  If I have to use 105-115, I'm sure it will be mostly walking.

                        I plan to do a 5 mile MAF test at the local track this weekend, first time I've tried it on the track. I wanted to start out right.


                        Any suggestions from those who've been doing this for years?  Any help greatly appreciated.







                        Former Bad Ass

                          Hi, guys.  8 miles last night at 149HR.  13 miles today at 149HR.  On both days, the HRM was giving me impossible numbers (220, 200), so I assume I was running within MAF since the average includes those high numbers.





                            Welcome to the group!Cool


                            Seems like you've worked things out well. Your MAF might be higher than 120-125 bpm. Past age 55, the formula is less accurate. Dr. Phil stance on it is that depends on what kind of state your body is in, on whether or not to take the up to +10 beats he writes that some can take as an adjustment. Mark Allen built in extra beats for 55 and older into his adjustments (he uses the 180-formula with his athletes). He would have you at a 130 bpm. You could always try to confirm your MAF with the treadmill test. If you've been lurking, you must be aware of it. You can't go wrong with 125 or below, but if you wanted to experiment with a higher one---the proof is in whether or not your speed at MAF is improving. Your medication isn't due to a physical illness like heart disease or high blood pressure, so I imagine the odds are in your favor that they don't affect your MAF, especially since you've been taking them so long. Again, whatever you end going with, you're looking for progress in aerobic speed. Through all phases of training. Good luck with everything. Keep us posted.Cool



                            I was going to do 8x.25 mile cruise intervals, but stopped after 3. Yard work took a lot of my legs this week. Did some this morning. Started the run feeling a little sore, legs a little dead. So, after 3 reps, I stopped.


                            55 minutes

                            3.85 miles





                            p.s. Damaris, hate when that happens. I get those numbers if the air is really dry and I haven't wet the strap enough.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Jimmy, my problem is the opposite.  When it's too humid that the HRM cannot stay in place.



                                Jimmy-  Thanks for the input, and the link to Mark Allen's page.  I think I'll stick with 125 for now and see where that gets me.  I'll have 3 solid months after the HM next month to see if I progress; I can always make a change in January if I'm not seeing any progress.  I plan to do the TM test when I replace my unit that died this spring just as the weather in WI got nice enough to be outside.

                                Again, appreciate your input.  I'll post how things are going once I get started formally in late September.
