Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Good news and bad news. My goal for the end of 2007 was to be able to run a 14-mile run without getting injured. If I was successful, I would commit to training for my first marathon. The good news is that I completed the 14-miler on a fairly tough course on Saturday. The bad news is that I ended up with an average HR 3 beats over my MAF. I had a dilemma as I could not keep my HR under MAF after completing a hill climb, but I did not want to walk as I did not think that would count as meeting my 14-mile run goal. Saturday: 14.1 miles Big grin, mostly on the Flying Pig course, 12:00 pace, 149 AHR No Sunday recovery run on the treadmill: 3 miles, 10:54 pace, 131 AHR.
    All-in-all sounds like a major success. The more you stick with it, the more you'll be able to keep your HR under control.


      Hi Lowgear and Docster, I had an interesting series of pains that fortunately did not become serious when I switched shoes. I had a been running in Gel Landreths, but switched to Cumulus' about 9 months ago. The Cumulus' felt so good, even out of the box, but I had pains in various parts of my feet and ankles. I backed off on a few runs when it hurt consistently, but eventually the pains went away. I attributed this to the lack of structure to the Cumulus (even though there is not much in the Landreth, either). Anyway, hope everyone emerges unscathed.
      I can't even run on any other shoes other than the Cumulus. I have tried many different types and nothing feels as good as the Cumulus. They just feel like part of my feet. That said i also have similar various pains..the most i've had trouble with is the ball of my foot, which i thought is probably due to the less cushioned front.
        58 minutes of decidely non-MAF running as I trundled up and up and up single track switchback in rural Ohio trying to get back to B-I-L house before dark. Oop's. Didn't realize there were hills in Cleveland area! Ran into more deer...beginning to think my guardian angel deer follow me around - even down to Ohio.

          Christmas Day Post: early morning 6.5 miles (estimated from 70 minute run). 135 avg HR. Nice way to start the day and the holiday. Merry Christmas, everyone. Ted

          Master of Inconsistency

            Don't know what was bothering me today but I felt like I was struggling out there , maybe the overeating & drinking as of late or the lack of sleep took it's toll on my run. I Guess bad runs happen even at MAF . Merry Christmas to all, Greg , now off to eat & drink some more Big grin AHR=133 Max=139 pace=12:14 miles= 7

            Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


              Just came back from my Christmas day run. Finally getting back into condition. I think I've worked out most of the kinks from my fall race season. 12.3 miles, Average pace: 9:04, Average HR: 140 http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4643919

                Early morning run. 5.5 miles, 62 minutes duration, AHR 135. Everything has been feeling pretty good. I'm going to run two more weeks like this, with weekely mileage in the the mid-high thirties, then try a 5 mile time trial to see where I'm at. I have also been running in the morning which makes it easier not to have carbs (or food, for that matter) before a run.
                  My Christmas run...went out to a neighborhood park 1-mile loop that I had not run in a few months. I was a good minute+ faster than last time I ran there. 6.08 miles, AHR 137, 10:39 pace Thanks to the Christmas gift from my wife (Garmin 305), I can now post a motionbased link! http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4645949

                  Max McMaffelow Esq.

                    Tues Dec 26, 2007 4:59 am cst Candy cane and sugar plums wick warmly as Southerlies gain full play.. Alarmed!!!.....,I stir, awaken and find: 32 Fairenheit degrees 93 Per cent humidity 30 Dew point degrees 12 Mph northerly zephyr 23 Feel like degrees Bah! Humbug! Donning Armoured apparel,..blah,blah,blah...... Mile (1) 12:35 HR AVG 121 Mile (2) 13:21 HR AVG 123 Mile (3) 13:36 HR AVG 122 Mile (4) 13:14 HR AVG 123 Mile (5) 13:20 HR AVG 124 Mile (6) 13:37 HR AVG 125 LG1, .......Another log on the fire
                    ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
                    Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
                    ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)
                      Well, I took Sunday and Monday off due to the achilles/lower calf pain. (it's more achilles area now) I got 5 easy miles in yesterday on the treadmill and felt pretty good. Not great, but ok. Today's run on the treadmill lasted about .4 miles as it just didn't feel all that great. We'll see what tomorrow holds. Alleve and icing is the recipe of the day today.


                        My Christmas run...went out to a neighborhood park 1-mile loop that I had not run in a few months. I was a good minute+ faster than last time I ran there. 6.08 miles, AHR 137, 10:39 pace Thanks to the Christmas gift from my wife (Garmin 305), I can now post a motionbased link! http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4643919
                        haha - I think you posted the wrong link, unless you were on my run with me!
                          haha - I think you posted the wrong link, unless you were on my run with me!
                          Shocked I better try that again. I was looking at your run and copied/pasted that one. I fixed my post, and here's the correct link (I hope) http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4645949


                            I can't wait to be able to upload MB runs to this site
                            If you're bored ask why you're boring

                            Max McMaffelow Esq.

                              I can't wait to be able to upload MB runs to this site
                              sherpagirl, I'm used to folks towering over me, especially in the mafflands. Don't tell me your literally a sherpagirl? Cool!! My lofty ambition is to AG a Mary within 2-3 yrs. LG1 .....prolix, but i know you wern't hitting below the belt. Wink
                              ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
                              Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
                              ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)


                                I tower over few. I am a sherpagirl in my heart Smile, the rest may depend on day, breakfast, gain,elevation and how well behaved my dogs are that day.
                                If you're bored ask why you're boring