Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning.  Ran 6 yesterday in 142 and they sucked.


    Clay, good luck with the 300 mile goal.  You can do it in two days!



    Consistently Slow

      4.1 mile walk.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Consistently Slow

        Nov 1st recovery day. 9 miles today. 5 more weeks to train. 3 weeks for taper. Really looking forward to tapering.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          I started November with an asthma attack during the very windy NYCM and DNFing the race.  I ran/walk 4 with hubby on Tuesday and ran 11 miles last night. I am not back to my normal on breathing but getting there.



          Consistently Slow

            30 miles. Nausea  hit at mile 7. Scaps at 20,25 and finish. May have been the Nunn.

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



            Consistently Slow

              Miles4Maria 80.5 miles- 23:30:00

              Thinking dehydration at 1:30 AM. 3 AM realized it was sleep deprivation.Pace was probably 30 minute a mile on a flat course.

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter



              Former Bad Ass

                Nice job, Clay  Sorry about the dehydration.


                I had a tough week last week.  I had some asthma issues and my HR was super high.  I discovered that the bookcase in my office had mold.  They removed it and now I feel much better.  And then I fell last night (while running), scraped and bloodied my knee.


                Ran 5 at 144HR today and lifted weights.



                Consistently Slow

                  7 mlies AHR 124. Knee feeling fine.

                  Run until the trail runs out.

                   SCHEDULE 2016--

                   The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                  unsolicited chatter



                    First run with a HRM in almost a year!!  The bad news is that it looks like I've been running a little faster than MAF on most of my easy runs lately.  The good news is that my MAF pace has almost certainly improved by almost 30 seconds per mile.  Also my HR drift is very low as well.  Ran with the one of the new optical HR bands.  The Scosche Rhythm+.  I had read that it sometimes takes a few minutes to get locked in and the recommended position is on your forearm but I started out without letting it get locked in and had it up on my bicep.  After about 1/4 mile I checked and it was reading high so I moved it down to my forearm and tightened it up a little and it seemed to lock right on.


                    I'm still calling my MAF 136 although I'm 46 now so it would be 134 based on age, but I've been running pretty much injury free for 3 years so I've just been calling MAF 136 ever since I started Low HR training and leaving it there even though I've gotten a couple years older.


                    Here's my splits.


                    Splits (GPS Interval)
                     TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                    1 Manual 1 mi 9:29.16 9:29.16 9:30 150 178  
                    2 Manual 1 mi 9:10.35 18:39.51 9:11 138 143  
                    3 Manual 1 mi 9:17.08 27:56.59 9:18 135 140  
                    4 Manual 1 mi 9:10.37 37:06.96 9:11 137 143  
                    5 Manual 1 mi 9:38.77 46:45.73 9:39 138 145  
                    6 Manual 1 mi 9:20.22 56:05.95 9:21 140 146  
                    7 Manual 1 mi 9:30.26 1:05:36.21 9:31 137 142  
                    8 Manual 1 mi 9:23.18 1:14:59.39 9:24 136 142  
                    9 Manual 1 mi 9:32.03 1:24:31.42 9:33 135 140


                    Had a few miles a bit over MAF but those are pretty good paces for me.


                    Here's my last semi MAF run with my old HRM.


                    Splits (GPS Interval)
                     TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                    1 Manual 1 mi 9:35.66 9:35.66 9:36 141 150  
                    2 Manual 1 mi 9:36.7 19:12.36 9:37 139 143  
                    3 Manual 1 mi 9:42.05 28:54.41 9:43 141 148  
                    4 Manual 1 mi 10:09.85 39:04.26 10:10 140 148  
                    5 Manual 1 mi 9:57.63 49:01.89 9:58 142 148  
                    6 Manual 1 mi 10:08.18 59:10.07 10:09 140 151



                    For sure an improvement as it was actually a bit warmer today than the last test and I was closer to MAF today than the last time as well.  Avg pace was right at 30 seconds faster and avg HR was 2 beats lower even with the error at the start today.


                    Just a good check for me to let me know that just running easy without being the slave to the HRM actually can work out.  Hopefully the little error at the start was a glitch and I'll get that figured out, but the arm strap was way easier and more comfortable and you don't have to wet it or worry about static electricity from a technical running shirt.


                    Kind of fun to get some feedback for the first time in a while though.

                    Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                    Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                    Consistently Slow

                      npaden- Great numbers. I may look into the armband HRM.


                      1 miles AHR 124 pace 14:40. Knee held up good. Some pain on the downhills.Need to get in 75 miles with 30/20 b2b this week. Official tapering starts in 2 weeks.

                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Great job, npaden!


                        Hi, guys.  After my two tough weeks with severe asthma I managed to pull my second fastest marathon in close to two years last Sunday with a 4:53.  Woot!

                        Recovery today has been great.  30 miles this week , all at MAF or below MAF.



                          Thanks guys.  This is kind of fun to see that what I was thinking was a big breakthrough on my easy run pace actually has some confirmation to it with the HRM.  Another great run tonight.  7.45 miles, overall avg pace 9:21 and avg HR 136 even with another little glitch right at the start.  Hardly any HR drift either.


                          Splits (GPS Interval)
                           TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                          1 Manual 1 mi 9:19.5 9:19.5 9:20 140 166  
                          2 Manual 1 mi 9:06.4 18:25.9 9:07 135 139  
                          3 Manual 1 mi 9:15.52 27:41.42 9:16 134 140  
                          4 Manual 1 mi 9:31.07 37:12.49 9:32 135 139  
                          5 Manual 1 mi 9:19.11 46:31.6 9:20 138 143  
                          6 Manual 1 mi 9:24.71 55:56.31 9:25 137 141  
                          7 Manual 1 mi 9:25.19 1:05:21.5 9:26 136 139  
                          8 Manual 0.44 mi 4:08.5 1:09:30 9:25 135 139


                          Was a beautiful evening out there, 55 degrees and a light breeze.  Had my audio cues set for only telling me pace and HR every 1/2 mile so was just trying to keep an easy pace, not locked into a HR but I kept it pretty close the entire run.

                          Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                          Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                          Consistently Slow

                            7.8 MILES AHR 124

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                            Consistently Slow

                              Consistently Slow

                              posted: 12/10/2014 at 7:11 AM

                              6.3 miles avg 124. Pain free run.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter



                                Nice run this evening.


                                4.35 miles - 138 avg HR, 8:50 avg pace!


                                Splits (GPS Interval)
                                 TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                                1 Manual 1 mi 8:51.88 8:51.88 8:52 138 149  
                                2 Manual 1 mi 8:56.44 17:48.32 8:57 139 144  
                                3 Manual 1 mi 8:48.43 26:36.75 8:49 138 144  
                                4 Manual 1 mi 8:49.11 35:25.86 8:50 139 143



                                Looks like the HRM is confirming what I had been feeling was a breakthrough on my easy pace.

                                Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                                Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)