Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Yeah, but it's easier for me to keep the TM at 10:20mm which is closer to MP than to slow it down.  I just wonder if I should just go with the TM by HR (10:20mm) and not worry about the pace that much or do something more moderate like 10:40mm-11:07mm which matches what I should run outside in normal weather.  As I mentioned, it is easier for my HR to stay pretty stable on the TM all the way through compared to outside due to the lack of humidity.  Right now, my last run outside in 46F and my TM run pace and HR matched at 10:43mm, so thinking forcing myself to slow down the TM those 20 secs will help.  I did that last week and the 60mpw felt much nicer than the prior week, ha.



      Yeah, but it's easier for me to keep the TM at 10:20mm which is closer to MP than to slow it down.  I just wonder if I should just go with the TM by HR (10:20mm) and not worry about the pace that much or do something more moderate like 10:40mm-11:07mm which matches what I should run outside in normal weather.  As I mentioned, it is easier for my HR to stay pretty stable on the TM all the way through compared to outside due to the lack of humidity.  Right now, my last run outside in 46F and my TM run pace and HR matched at 10:43mm, so thinking forcing myself to slow down the TM those 20 secs will help.  I did that last week and the 60mpw felt much nicer than the prior week, ha.




      I don't trust treadmill pace as far as I can throw it.  Go by your HR and total time and forget anything else.  You'll future fit self will thank you.  


      I just made another discovery about a treadmill inaccuracy that I'm adding to my Treadmill post here in a minute.


      Former Bad Ass




        I don't trust treadmill pace as far as I can throw it.  Go by your HR and total time and forget anything else.  You'll future fit self will thank you.  


        I just made another discovery about a treadmill inaccuracy that I'm adding to my Treadmill post here in a minute.


        Yeah, but by HR will only make me run too fast on the TM.  It's so nice to run where humidity is normal (the TM) vs outside, but the difference is very stark in HR because my outdoors never cool off nor get dry.  I train better on the TM because of that, but at some point, the pace is too fast for the legs notwithstanding what the HR says.  It's not that the TM is easier; it's just that it lacks the humidity I would get outside and therefore the HR remains like a run in 45F, steady and low.


        It also does not help to run by effort.  My lungs feel everything is too hard for half the run.  So, for me, even if the run says I'm running at MAF or below, the lungs screams like I'm running a 5K, either outside or on the TM.




          Yeah, but by HR will only make me run too fast on the TM.  It's so nice to run where humidity is normal (the TM) vs outside, but the difference is very stark in HR because my outdoors never cool off nor get dry.  I train better on the TM because of that, but at some point, the pace is too fast for the legs notwithstanding what the HR says.  It's not that the TM is easier; it's just that it lacks the humidity I would get outside and therefore the HR remains like a run in 45F, steady and low.


          It also does not help to run by effort.  My lungs feel everything is too hard for half the run.  So, for me, even if the run says I'm running at MAF or below, the lungs screams like I'm running a 5K, either outside or on the TM.


          I have to give you kudos, Docket.  Everyone I know who suffers from asthma does not run at all.  And probably due to those reasons that you just stated.  I think it's great that you make the best of it and run anyway for the love the sport.


          Former Bad Ass

            Thanks. I would go crazy if I didn’t run.  But fo sure I was faster when I didn’t have asthma. Lol.


            TM is fixed so testing it right now. Had an awesome 10 last night outside and at 10:36mm. 41 dewpoint ia awesome. Wish we have that more than 2 hours per year.



              Accidental MAF run!!  I went out for a run and it did it entirely by feel.  Never looked at my watch until I hit stop.  I just ran comfortable the whole way at above an easy pace but well below a tempo pace.  There was a bit of up and down and some slippery spots but had an average HR split of almost exactly MAF the ENTIRE way.




              Distance:  20.3 miles

              HR:  144 bpm

              Pace:  7:32


                Just completed one of my strongest training weeks probably ever.


                Total Miles:  100.8

                Total Time:  12 hours 56 minutes

                Quality Speed Workouts:  3

                Long Run:  20 miles


                Workout 1:  Progression Run.  Mile split progression:  7:39, 7:33, 7:27, 7:26, 7:23, 7:16, 7:07, 6:46, 6:46, 6:44, 6:44, 6:38, 6:29, 6:28, 6:22, 6:15

                Workout 2:  13 miles.  First 7 miles at 7:30 pace.  Last 6 miles at 6:20 pace.

                Workout 3:  Day after Workout 2.  Long Run.  Last 8 miles at 6:20 pace.


                Everything else easy pace by feel which ended up at around 130 bpm.


                Feel like a million bucks!  Which is funny cuz I have over 1000 miles on these shoes now.  


                Former Bad Ass

                  Nice work!


                  Today, I ran 10 outside (my TM broke, long story).  My HR was super high through the whole run both on the TomTom and the Fitbit.  I think it just hooked onto the feet rotation instead of the HR because every time I stopped to check my breathing, I was super calm and not hyperventilating (which I would be at the HR it was telling me).  Anyway, I think it was a glitch, but anyway, hoping the TM is fixed by Thursday (they sent me one part but we don't really know what's wrong with it now).  The temps this week are OK but after that I need the TM.



                    Nice work!


                    Today, I ran 10 outside (my TM broke, long story).  My HR was super high through the whole run both on the TomTom and the Fitbit.  I think it just hooked onto the feet rotation instead of the HR because every time I stopped to check my breathing, I was super calm and not hyperventilating (which I would be at the HR it was telling me).  Anyway, I think it was a glitch, but anyway, hoping the TM is fixed by Thursday (they sent me one part but we don't really know what's wrong with it now).  The temps this week are OK but after that I need the TM.


                    Cadence lock really, really sucks.  My Scosche has never done that.  My watch used to do it regularly or occasionally report low.  I'm not sure what the root cause for reporting low was.


                    This morning I did a Hadd workout, 5 minute warm up followed by 60 minutes at 155 - 160 bpm.  Average pace for the 60 minutes was 6:35.  Felt like a steady, light tempo (as opposed to a traditional, hard 20 minute tempo).


                    I lost my rama


                      Cadence lock really, really sucks.  My Scosche has never done that.  My watch used to do it regularly or occasionally report low.  I'm not sure what the root cause for reporting low was.


                      This morning I did a Hadd workout, 5 minute warm up followed by 60 minutes at 155 - 160 bpm.  Average pace for the 60 minutes was 6:35.  Felt like a steady, light tempo (as opposed to a traditional, hard 20 minute tempo).


                      Yup, on the cadence lock.  And this time of year, static interference will compound the issue.  I just got a new Scosche 24 and paired it with a Fenix 5 and after 2 runs, no issues with either static interference or cadence lock (knock on wood).  For data geeks, this really makes a difference in the numbers.


                      SD - Nice workout!

                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Yeah,I'm wondering if wind is the factor.  I have noticed the TomTom goes crazy with the cadence lock more often when I put the fan too close to it on the TM (it is a giant fan) and when it's windy outside.


                        Yesterday, I felt like shit but still had to run outside since my TM is still broken.  I ended up behaving and MAFing for the most part except one mile where I think I got some cadence lock.



                          Happy New Year, all!


                          2018 Total Miles 3584.5.  Personal record.


                            Happy New Year! It's been awhile since I checked in. I have some catching up to do with all your races and progress.


                            Didn't run much in 2018. I dedicated myself to getting a bunch of things done this year that required a lot of physical work. I was doing so much walking, lugging, lifting, digging, and moaning that I was just too spent to run. Plus, got a minor knee tendon injury along the way from a wrong move. I did keep my phone in my pocket when I could and I measured all the steps I was taking, so managed to exceed 1000 miles running/walking on the year with what information I recorded. I put on some weight, some muscle, some fat. I feel very strong from all the physical labor. Need to work on lowering body fat % this year.


                            Knees healed. I have started running again, with a plan to start with 20 minutes a day for the first week, then build slowly from there--frequency before prodigious distances--all at or under 130 bpm. Trying not to rush it, as is my tendency is to do.


                            Have a great year!


                              Happy New Year! It's been awhile since I checked in. I have some catching up to do with all your races and progress.


                              Didn't run much in 2018. I dedicated myself to getting a bunch of things done this year that required a lot of physical work. I was doing so much walking, lugging, lifting, digging, and moaning that I was just too spent to run. Plus, got a minor knee tendon injury along the way from a wrong move. I did keep my phone in my pocket when I could and I measured all the steps I was taking, so managed to exceed 1000 miles running/walking on the year with what information I recorded. I put on some weight, some muscle, some fat. I feel very strong from all the physical labor. Need to work on lowering body fat % this year.


                              Knees healed. I have started running again, with a plan to start with 20 minutes a day for the first week, then build slowly from there--frequency before prodigious distances--all at or under 130 bpm. Trying not to rush it, as is my tendency is to do.


                              Have a great year!


                              Nice to hear from you jimmyb!  Taking it easy can be incredibly difficult.  Patience will be rewarded.


                                With a marathon now 16 weeks out, I've really started introducing a lot of speed workouts in the last several weeks.  I think with all of the low HR base building that I'm well prepared to do this and have been nailing the workouts without feeling too stressed or sore.  During the speed work I focus heavily on comfort and not running "hard".


                                Generally this is the approach:

                                1. 5 days of EZ running:  On most days after a warmup mile of about 9:30 to 10:00 pace or slower, I will dial into a steady run of 70% MaxHR.  For you MAF people, this is about 10 beats below MAF for me.  I vary the length of the run anywhere from 60 minutes to 90 minutes including warmup.  Currently, my pace seems to vary between 8:10 to 8:20 per mile on a flat at that effort.  
                                2. 1 tempo run:  I've gotten pretty creative here.  I've been interchanging the following workouts:
                                  1. 4 x 1 mile @ 5:50 to 5:59 pace with 1 mile jog rest intervals.  As time goes on I may add a 5th mile.  5:50 pace feels like it's over my threshold without wrecking me.  It's still comfortable enough to handle easily in 1 mile increments with some rest.  The rest intervals are longer than what most people would do but I like them long as it allows me to get more time in running fast safely.  I may change my mind as fitness improves.  
                                  2. 3 x 2 miles @ 6:10 to 6:15 pace with 1 mile jog rest intervals.  This feels like it is very near my current threshold and is just a bit slower than Stryd's critical power test result.  Just as in the 4 x 1 mile workout, running at this pace is quite easy to complete in 2 mile increments with those rest intervals.  I may add a 4th interval as fitness improves or shorten the rest interval.  So far, a very good workout for me.  
                                3. 1 long run:  I view this as the most important workout of the week.  Interchanging the following approaches as I feel like:
                                  1. Progression Run.  This is my favorite.  Last week I ran 17 miles starting with a Mile 1 split of 7:28 and a Mile 17 split of 6:28.  Average pace for the 17 miles was 6:47.  
                                  2. Out and Back with Moderate Effort out and Marathon Effort back.  Notice I don't say Marathon Pace.  I do this by feel so what it is on that day is what it is.  15 miler hit roughly 7:40's out and 6:30's back.  
                                  3. 20 - 22 Miles moderate with last 2 miles at threshold effort or faster.  (Yet to do but am planning)
                                  4. 15 to 18 Miles with last 10 to 13 Miles at Marathon Effort.  (Yet to do but will probably do this a few months out)

                                I'll adjust this all as needed of course but that's where I'm sitting today.  If i start to get sore I can do a rest day or two, drop a workout or two, whatever my body is telling me.