Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Happy New Year, guys!  Sorry I've been MIA but as you know, I'm a DOJ attorney and I'm working through the shutdown (without getting paid).  Only two attorneys are excepted including me and we have 7 judges to do so it's been pretty busy.


    My TM broke like three weeks ago and one part is still on back order.  I have used some TMs at work and at a YouFit gym but all the change in TMs and outside pavement have hurt my heel and it's been pretty inflamed on and off since then.  I ran a 21 miler on the TM at YouFit a week ago and after that, I got sick and shit and started prednisone last night.  That took not only my breathing to more normal levels but also the foot pain is gone, lol.


    That's me in a nutshell for 2019.  Hoping the rest of the year is nicer to me.  Houston is in less than two weeks and this would be the third time I go there to run a marathon; let's hope it's the first time I finish it, eh?



      Happy New Year, guys!  Sorry I've been MIA but as you know, I'm a DOJ attorney and I'm working through the shutdown (without getting paid).  Only two attorneys are excepted including me and we have 7 judges to do so it's been pretty busy.


      My TM broke like three weeks ago and one part is still on back order.  I have used some TMs at work and at a YouFit gym but all the change in TMs and outside pavement have hurt my heel and it's been pretty inflamed on and off since then.  I ran a 21 miler on the TM at YouFit a week ago and after that, I got sick and shit and started prednisone last night.  That took not only my breathing to more normal levels but also the foot pain is gone, lol.


      That's me in a nutshell for 2019.  Hoping the rest of the year is nicer to me.  Houston is in less than two weeks and this would be the third time I go there to run a marathon; let's hope it's the first time I finish it, eh?


      I was wondering who all this shutdown is effecting.  I'm sorry to hear that you are working without pay.  That REALLY sucks.  I'm traveling this week and can't wait to see how the TSA experience is...


      21 miles on a treadmill?  Holy cow!  I've never come close to that.  Although I might this season since I have a marathon coming up and the trails have been snow/ice packed.


      Good luck in Houston!  You'll do great!


      I did a low HR progression this morning bumping the pace up gradually after mile splits for kicks and these were the results:


      10:00 pace - 83 bpm

      9:00 pace - 105 bpm

      8:00 pace - 137 bpm

      7:30 pace - 142 bpm

      Allan Olesen

         I'm working through the shutdown (without getting paid). 


        Happy new year to you too.


        I am curious about this not getting paid thing. Will you get the missing payments when things return to normal, or are they lost forever?


        Former Bad Ass


          Happy new year to you too.


          I am curious about this not getting paid thing. Will you get the missing payments when things return to normal, or are they lost forever?


          It depends on Congress whether we will get paid or not.  Normally, those working have gotten back pay but it is not a sure thing.  Also, if it takes too long to reopen and then pay, it won't matter to a lot of people that will find themselves up a creek without a paddle.  I am lucky that I have my husband and we will make do for a bit.



            Have you guys ever exceeded your Max HR in a workout?  Or what you thought was your Max HR?


            I had my Max HR in my watch set to 193 bpm from a vigorous track test sometime last spring I think.  Basically followed the sticky thread on this forum.


            Today, I did a workout like this:  15 minute warmup, 7 x (3:30 Fast + 1:30 Jog), 15 minute cooldown


            Fast segment's were run comfortably fast without going too hard because I wanted to just get a good adaptation without burning myself out.  All fast segments were run at nearly identical paces.  For you Stryders out there this was run at about 105% to 107% of CP (Lap Power).  On the 7th interval I hit 196 bpm.  This wasn't a spike.  It was fairly flat near the end.  I did increase the speed slightly at this point.  This was not max effort either but pretty damn high intensity.


            Any thoughts as to what a good estimate for MaxHR should be based on this?  I bumped it up from 193 to 196 in my watch for now.


            Former Bad Ass

              When mine does that, it's because the HR monitor is picking up on the leg turnover.


              I've been MIA.  Didn't finish Houston.  Been sick for 6 weeks with a cold that turned to asthma shit.  Finally turning a corner and running 40ish miles this week.  I still don't have a TM but getting one in the next 10 days (it shipped).  Been at the gym which I will pay until my TM is here.  It's been a horrid January but February already started better with me running 10 miles when I had 6 assigned.



              Consistently Slow

                Glad you are recovering. Sore throat has become a cold. It can not decided if it wants to be a head or chest cold. 5k in the morning ,maybe.

                When mine does that, it's because the HR monitor is picking up on the leg turnover.


                I've been MIA.  Didn't finish Houston.  Been sick for 6 weeks with a cold that turned to asthma shit.  Finally turning a corner and running 40ish miles this week.  I still don't have a TM but getting one in the next 10 days (it shipped).  Been at the gym which I will pay until my TM is here.  It's been a horrid January but February already started better with me running 10 miles when I had 6 assigned.

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                  When mine does that, it's because the HR monitor is picking up on the leg turnover.


                  I've been MIA.  Didn't finish Houston.  Been sick for 6 weeks with a cold that turned to asthma shit.  Finally turning a corner and running 40ish miles this week.  I still don't have a TM but getting one in the next 10 days (it shipped).  Been at the gym which I will pay until my TM is here.  It's been a horrid January but February already started better with me running 10 miles when I had 6 assigned.


                  Never had my arm band cadence lock.  Just my wrist watch has had that problem.  The 196 appears to be legit.  I looked at the HR profile and each interval was a slightly higher plateau on that short rest.  That last interval was holding pretty steady from 194-196.  Cadence was quite a bit slower than that.  Plus I looked back at my original Find Max HR test and it looks like I screwed it up and didn't run the full distance.  If the track ever clears up, I'll redo the test since it only takes a few minutes.


                  The problem with Gym treadmills is the stupid 60 minutes max programmed into them.  I hate that!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    The gym I'm going has no limit. Smile


                    I have been slowly adding distance and yesterday I ran my first tempo run at the TM (gym).  Can't wait for my TM to arrive tomorrow (per the service text I got this morning).



                    Former Bad Ass



                      I've been training for another marathon (two actually), on my new TM and it's going well.  I had not been able to run outside in forever due to the weather and the times it's only 77F and I've gone out the allergens have made me quit (if you remember, in January, I had to run without my TM and outside and those allergens made me super sick for 5 weeks).


                      Anyway, yesterday there was a HM an hour from here in 55F so I drove there, forgot my gels, my donuts, etc., didn't sleep but for 2-3 hours but I started anyway.  My legs were exhausted from the workout my coach gave me Thursday and by Mile 7 I decided to quit while I was ahead and went back to the car, using the course for support (I registered and all).


                      Since I had 7 miles for that day and MP miles the next day, I did 4 @ MP on the course by HR, not looking at the pace but once the split logged in, to see where I was at this point in time.  It's been a while since I've run at MAF outside of the TM and forever since I've done MP by HR instead (which is how I used to race in).  I was surprised at how fast I was going, even considering that my legs were super sore from the speed work two nights before:


                      1 Interval 1 mi 9:44 9:44 9:44 151 161  
                      2 Interval 1 mi 9:36 19:20 9:36 158 164  
                      3 Interval 1 mi 9:39 28:59 9:39 158 163  
                      4 Interval 1 mi 9:48 38:47 9:48 157 165


                      So, I guess I'll keep doing what I've been doing on the TM.  Lots of below MAF runs that are slower than what I was doing last year (128-133 MAF) and speedwork faster than I've been doing.  If you see my log now, I've been slowing my easy runs at 11:19mm, long runs at 11:30mm, all at below MAF (137).





                        I've been training for another marathon (two actually), on my new TM and it's going well.  I had not been able to run outside in forever due to the weather and the times it's only 77F and I've gone out the allergens have made me quit (if you remember, in January, I had to run without my TM and outside and those allergens made me super sick for 5 weeks).


                        Anyway, yesterday there was a HM an hour from here in 55F so I drove there, forgot my gels, my donuts, etc., didn't sleep but for 2-3 hours but I started anyway.  My legs were exhausted from the workout my coach gave me Thursday and by Mile 7 I decided to quit while I was ahead and went back to the car, using the course for support (I registered and all).


                        Since I had 7 miles for that day and MP miles the next day, I did 4 @ MP on the course by HR, not looking at the pace but once the split logged in, to see where I was at this point in time.  It's been a while since I've run at MAF outside of the TM and forever since I've done MP by HR instead (which is how I used to race in).  I was surprised at how fast I was going, even considering that my legs were super sore from the speed work two nights before:


                        1 Interval 1 mi 9:44 9:44 9:44 151 161  
                        2 Interval 1 mi 9:36 19:20 9:36 158 164  
                        3 Interval 1 mi 9:39 28:59 9:39 158 163  
                        4 Interval 1 mi 9:48 38:47 9:48 157 165


                        So, I guess I'll keep doing what I've been doing on the TM.  Lots of below MAF runs that are slower than what I was doing last year (128-133 MAF) and speedwork faster than I've been doing.  If you see my log now, I've been slowing my easy runs at 11:19mm, long runs at 11:30mm, all at below MAF (137).


                        Hey Docket,


                        Nice work!  Just curious but when you do your treadmill runs do you adjust the incline/decline at all?  Or just straight 0%?


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I run at 0%.  Most of the articles say the 1% is really a myth and does not really matter (some articles say it feels like outside to compensate for the lack of wind but I really don't feel a difference between the TM at 0% and my outdoors in 60F - Anything warmer, the TM feels easier, anything colder, outside feels easier).  My routes outside are really 0% anyway.


                          To laugh, this is the route I ran during the HM, lol.




                            Hey Gang,


                            Just emerging from an intense period of physical manual labor and have started running again. I thought January would be my start, but it just didn't work out. I'm still a bit heavy, but confident that it'll come off. I've managed to run for a few weeks now.


                            I use 1% for a default incline on the TM.



                              Welcome back jimmyb!


                              Was wondering how you were doing.


                              As far as treadmill's go, I have mine at 0% most of the time but will create the illusion of rolling hills by randomly increasing and decreasing the incline, usually between -2.0% and +2.0%.  For each +0.5% I will decrease my speed by 0.1 mph which matches up nicely to Jack Daniels rule of thumb for handling hills.


                              One thing you guys might want to do is check your actual incline.  My sister in law was bitching about how it felt like she was running uphill on my treadmill even though the setting was 0%.  I put a level on it and she was right.  I had to put the setting at -1.5% before the level was true.  Since the calibration just keeps bringing it back to this spot, I decided to trick the machine by 3D printing little pedestals that raise the back.  Now I have a completely flat treadmill when I want it to be.


                              Fighting senescence

                                One thing you guys might want to do is check your actual incline.  My sister in law was bitching about how it felt like she was running uphill on my treadmill even though the setting was 0%.  I put a level on it and she was right.  I had to put the setting at -1.5% before the level was true.  Since the calibration just keeps bringing it back to this spot, I decided to trick the machine by 3D printing little pedestals that raise the back.  Now I have a completely flat treadmill when I want it to be.


                                3D printing, too clever by half, SD!


                                My old, old, but otherwise still functional TM got stuck at a slight incline.  I'll have to go measure now and see what it is really running at.  Funny, I hadn't considered raising the back to get it back to flat (the power incline broke and when we attempted to repair it, we didn't get it back to 0% flat)

                                Happy Garmin newbie

                                Renewing my interest in running, sloooowly