Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    After a nine day layoff and a sparsely run December in general, I ran 4.4 miles this morning. 50:15 total time (11:26/mile) avg heart rate of 130 with a high heart rate of 144. I had to walk briefly a couple of times to bring the heart rate down. The conditions were 43F degrees (37F dewpoint) with clear skies.


      MAF=140 Avg HR =131/Max=141 70 minutes (5 WU + 60 + 5 CD) 5.16 Miles Treadmill due to foot of snow on ground. Ipod Shuffle reintroduced me to 16 years by GnR NYD CF pregame Sporgy on ESPN Now, how to clear the driveway while maintaining subMAF...ah yes...open the wallet!!!

        New Year, same running. Morning 7 mi. on treadmill, 132 avg. hr 10:32 min miles.

        Master of Inconsistency

          Last weeks running was way below what I wanted to do but I'll chalk it up to the holidays and try and start the New Year off a little better.Not going to be easy with this bug I picked up ,but did 4 miles on the Mill yesterday, avg HR 130 pace 11:48 , Last week I was able to run for a while at 5.7 speed ,yesterdays high 5.3 Didn't check my RHR but I'm willing to bet it was high. Congrats on the nice runs out there. Happy New Year!! Greg

          Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


            Ran outside today. 78 minutes, a little over 7 miles (by estimation). Avg. HR 132, Max 142. I have been consistently running first thing in the morning, which is the only way I know to make sure no carbs in the system... Feel better, Greg!
              Catching up... 12/30/2007 I fell off the MAF wagon to run a hilly route with my wife from the inlaw's house. Her 139 HR pace was 153 for me. 5 miles, 10:02 pace, 153 AHR 12/31/2007 2 mile recov run in my 'hood. 2 miles, 10:46 pace, 127 AHR 1/1/2008 treadmill 6 miles, 10:00 pace, 131 AHR
                I love my TM on days like today. Just too cold for me to run outside when it gets below 0. 2:00:00, 14.3M, avg HR 124 Hope y'all are warmer than up here in MN!
                  I love my TM on days like today. Just too cold for me to run outside when it gets below 0. 2:00:00, 14.3M, avg HR 124 Hope y'all are warmer than up here in MN!
                  I can handle the cold its the strong wind gusts that kill me. I am so glad i got my treadmill a few weeks back!!

                    3.6 miles today, slow, on Treadmill. Heart rate high. Got back from Taiwan last night after a 26 hour plane adventure. I'm all stuffed up and a touch sick from the vacation and traveling. Not much sleep, constipation all week (my body seems to clam up overseas), and sleeping on tatami or basically a hardwood floor all week didn't help matters. Resting heart rate very high. I guess this is what they call jetlag. I feel like I'm in a dream. I plan to run every day this week, but will let the resting heart rate dictate how far and long. Liked Taipei. The food, the polite friendly people, the sights, the scooters, the art, the public transportation, etc. Read "Gone Baby Gone" by Dennis Lehane while there--great. Off to bed, early Unless I'm already sleeping and this IS a dream --Jimmy

                      Just starting HR training here. I'm only on day 4, so it is taking some concentration to run slow enough. MAF=145 Avg HR =138 3.5 miles 12:54/mile (that's going to take some getting used to!) Treadmill due to 4 kids underfoot Ipod - girly music. You wouldn't be interested. Cool I do treadmill during the week and outside on the weekends.

                      I make no apologies for my liberal use of smiley icons. http://www.BlakeHillHouse.com

                        3.6 miles today, slow, on Treadmill. Heart rate high. From a fellow traveller, welcome back and jetlag can be hell on the system Got back from Taiwan last night after a 26 hour plane adventure. I'm all stuffed up and a touch sick from the vacation and traveling. Not much sleep, constipation all week (my body seems to clam up overseas), Much better than the alternative - Cipro is my friend!!! and sleeping on tatami or basically a hardwood floor all week didn't help matters. I got drunk once in Tokyo and slept in one of those damn tubes...that just ain't right...I'll take my feather mattress any day. Resting heart rate very high. I guess this is what they call jetlag. I feel like I'm in a dream. I plan to run every day this week, but will let the resting heart rate dictate how far and long. Liked Taipei. The food, the polite friendly people, the sights, the scooters, the art, the public transportation, etc. Read "Gone Baby Gone" by Dennis Lehane while there--great. Off to bed, early Unless I'm already sleeping and this IS a dream --Jimmy
                          Bright and early this morning As above, 70 minutes (5WU+60+5CD) 5.12 miles 128 avg HR/138 Max (MAF=140) CNBC on the tube, feet on the treadmill, Rush - The Trees the highlight in the ears.

                            Hey Russ, Very true. Much better to be wishing to go, than wishing for it to stop. Being Mr. Regularity Rhode Island, I get panicky when it goes longer than 24 hours. Need to keep up my image among the fans (yes, there are fans for everything.....and also PLOP and PERISTALSIS magazines) I saw those sleep tubes in Tokyo airport--not for me. Though the airport was nice. Shiny floors. There was an origami competition going on in a book store there. Some nice work. Woke up today--resting HR 63. Normal these days is 47-49. I have laryngitus and can't sing (yes, I sing daily). So, that means a very short run today at MAF -5 to -15. Still feeling dreamy. Well, keep going, Russ. --Jimmy

                              Just starting HR training here. I'm only on day 4, so it is taking some concentration to run slow enough. MAF=145 Avg HR =138 3.5 miles 12:54/mile (that's going to take some getting used to!) Treadmill due to 4 kids underfoot Ipod - girly music. You wouldn't be interested. Cool I do treadmill during the week and outside on the weekends.
                              Uh, excuse me, don't assume we aren't interested in your girly music. Don't hold back such relevant info. 12:54 isn't bad to start, it'll come down for sure. Just keep building volume (5% per week ave.), and once in awhile do some aerobic intervals. Hope the kids don't trip you up! Keep going! --Jimmy

                                Hi MAFletes: 6miles on the treadmill, 10:27 miles. Avg HR 132. I maxed at 144 briefly when I tried to increase speed over the last two miles and found out only one was possible. Welcome back, Jimmy. The jet lag should hang around awhile...