Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

    1/3/2007 - treadmill Mile 1, 10:00 pace, 112 avg HR Mile 1.5, 10:00 pace, 129 avg HR Mile 2 (decline), 8:00 pace, 127 avg HR Mile 3 (decline), 7:30 pace, 141 avg HR Mile 4 (decline), 7:30 pace, 145 avg HR Mile 5 (decline), 7:30 pace, 146 avg HR Mile 6, 10:00 pace, 138 avg HR 1/4 - scheduled rest Yesterday, 1/5, did a 16.1-mile long run and it took 3:17. This was a little rough. I wanted to go out very slow so I would not be fighting my heart rate the whole time. My heart rate was elevated at the start, so I ended up fighting my heart rate the whole time. I ran downtown and did 5 bridges (crossed the Ohio River 4 times). The other highlight was looking back for cars at mile 5 and stepping in a deep ice-cold puddle. I could not keep my heart rate down at the end again. The good news is that I felt fine after the run- not like I had ran 3+ hours. Anyway, average pace was 12:16 and average HR was 146. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/4718264
      4.07 miles on treadmill 5+45+5=55 RHR=44 Avg HR=130 MaxHR=139? had some strange readings about 1 mile in that shot up to 160...think it was a bad connection. ESPN NFL matchup on the TV APM's Splendid Table Food Podcast on the Ipod.

        6 mile run today legs feel ok after llong run yesterday Time Distance Split time Avg. HR 0:10:50 1.00 10:50 131 (59%) 0:21:48 2.00 10:57 188 (98%) 0:32:48 3.00 11:00 146 (69%) 0:43:47 4.00 10:58 149 (71%) 0:54:55 5.00 11:08 151 (72%) 1:05:43 6.00 10:47 146 (69%) 1:06:09 6.03 0:25 145 (68%) Please discount first 2 miles HR wasn't recording for most of that. I woulfd have known if i was operating at 98% for an entire mile

        Max McMaffelow Esq.

          Sunday January 6, 2008 AD 04:42:57 AM CST, Fly-over land U.S.A. 30 F 99 % H (yep) 29 dew calm On a somewhat foggy, mostly vehicle free roadway, I commence my long effort as follows: Mile 1 11:55 117 HR avg 123 HR blip ( 1st 1/2 mile down slope, balance flat) Mile 2 13:02 120 124 Mile 3 13:08 120 124 Mile 4 13:24 120 123 Mile 5 13:11 120 124 Mile 6 13:08 119 123 Mile 7 12:59 120 123 Mile 8 12:59 120 124 Mile 9 12:52 121 124 Mile 10 12:54 122 125 Mile 11 13:02 122 125 Mile.51 6:35 123 125 Total 11.51 miles in 02:29:09 yielding 12:57/mile at 120 HR avg (maf = 125) This was my longest run in recent memory. I vowed to keep HR sub maf and accomplished it. While not too swift compared to many posters, I was very pleased with the 'shape' of this w/o in regard to the mini negative type split. 5 beats under maf seemed to be the ticket today, and I felt super upon completion. 99 percent humidity at 30 degrees f. is absolutely strange and my wool cap was sporting major condensation droplets. Wishing you a quick return to full health, Jimmy Godspeed everyone. LG1 The condensed version..(soupy today)..um um good
          ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
          Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
          ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)

            An odd run today. I had a heck of a time controlling my HR. I think I may have shot out too fast in the beginning. I will try a slower warm-up next time. It also poured rain on me for 45 minutes which may have affected things. I kind of wanted to be done. A person also joined me for a portion of my run. This caused a few spikes in my HR since she is about 20 years old and on the cross country team in college. Big grin 6.5 miles AVG HR - 144 (MAF-6) Max HR - 161 (crap! MAF+10!) AVG pace - 13:01/mile Noteworthy information - 843 feet ascent On the Ipod - Pink Mile 1 - 11:46/144/153 Mile 2 - 12:41/143/152 Mile 3 - 13:17/145/161 (oops!) Mile 4 - 13:01/146/158 Mile 5 - 13:47/142/157 Mile 6 - 13:34/143/152 Lap 7 - 13:07/144/149 only 1/2 mile here Uggg...looking at that makes me feel frustrated. I was way over when I spiked. Oh well, I'll just keep trying. My running this week will be on the treadmill. That will be good practice.

            I make no apologies for my liberal use of smiley icons. http://www.BlakeHillHouse.com

            Master of Inconsistency

              8 miles today AHR=133 Max =140 MAF =137 Pace = 12:11 Tongue Yesterday's treadmill run on zero incline felt nice, sub 11 pace! Now look at today. Feeling better but still not 100% , I'm fighting the urge to whine but since you only get 3 I'll hold off for now. We'll see what warmer temps this week will do for my pace. Greg

              Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


                4 miles today on the treadmill. 10:15 min miles, avg HR 133. Wanted to run more, but not enough free time...Going to try to start next week's run set early tomorrow morning... Feel better Jimmy and Greg!

                  7 morning treadmill miles. 10:29 min miles, avg HR 131. Feels good to be done!

                  Master of Inconsistency

                    What a difference a day makes, yesterday I was on the verge of a whine,today I actually saw progress 6.2 Miles , AHR 132 MAX 138 MAF =137 pace= a smoking 11:11,I beat my previous fastest time on this route by almost a minute. Good start to the day newgen,I could never get the hang of running real early. Hope your feeling better Jimmy and Good runs all! Big grin

                    Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !

                      Aha. This is where you all went. I've been locked out of CoolRunning since it's demise due to a "system error" (which they assure me is not code for "we don't want you"). Excellent (formerly "martinjames")
                        Welcome back, Martin! Good to see you around again. I managed 20 miles yesterday, and 9 on Saturday. I think I'm getting back to 'normal', and that shoe wear is to blame for my sudden rash of nagging issues. (both feet hurting, achilles flare up, etc) One thing though...my HR has been noticeably higher for about the past week. I feel good physically, but I'm wondering if my body isn't fighting off a virus/cold internally or something. We have many sick people at work (the type of sickness that lasts a while) and while I generally don't get sick very often, I'm sure I have to fight it off like everyone else. That's my theory anyway. In the mean time I'm trying to get more rest and make sure I focus on eating better.

                          What a difference a day makes, yesterday I was on the verge of a whine,today I actually saw progress 6.2 Miles , AHR 132 MAX 138 MAF =137 pace= a smoking 11:11,I beat my previous fastest time on this route by almost a minute. Good start to the day newgen,I could never get the hang of running real early. Hope your feeling better Jimmy and Good runs all! Big grin
                          Excellent, Greg. I love those little leaps ahead. My RHR is better but still high (+8, down from +15), so I'm still taking it easy. Took two rest days this weekend, and just ran 35 minutes today. Laryngitis/cold is almost gone. I'm looking forward to coming out on the other side. This is getting a bit depressing. I'm going to get outside tomorrow and see how that goes. --Jimmy

                            Aha. This is where you all went. I've been locked out of CoolRunning since it's demise due to a "system error" (which they assure me is not code for "we don't want you"). Excellent (formerly "martinjames")
                            Hey Martin. Bout time you got here. Like your Avatar. I haven't thought of Cheevers since I last saw the movie Halloween. --Jimmy
                              Well, my pace is finally starting to drop again. I actually had two miles sub 12:00 pace today. I think another week or two, and I'll be back into the 11's on a consistant basis. My run this morning looked like this: Time: 5:30 AM Temp: 58 F (very windy also) Distance: 5 miles Avg HR: 141 (MAF-3) Max HR: 149 (MAF+5) Avg Pace: 12:20

                                Well, my pace is finally starting to drop again. I actually had two miles sub 12:00 pace today. I think another week or two, and I'll be back into the 11's on a consistant basis. My run this morning looked like this: Time: 5:30 AM Temp: 58 F (very windy also) Distance: 5 miles Avg HR: 141 (MAF-3) Max HR: 149 (MAF+5) Avg Pace: 12:20
                                That's always nice when you start to dip into the next pace level. Hope and promise of flying. Warm out today, huh? Keep going! --Jimmy