Low HR Training


Making New MAF test benchmark for slowing from summer heat (Read 22 times)


    I find this chart created by Jeff Galloway on how much you slow down (at the same HR or intensity) when the temperature rises above 55º to be a good rule of thumb for non-elite runners:


    It's easy to think you've regressed when summer temps hit, but most likely that is not the case. It's important to do an MAF test and set a new benchmark to work from for the summer months.


    Did an MAF test today, just 12 days after the last one, so kind of quick to do another one. The cold weather finally broke and I'm now running in the mid-80º as opposed to low to mid 70's. That 8-10 degrees makes a huge difference. Here's the chart of my MAF tests since starting my rebuild with today's test included:



    I slowed by 6% in the first mile and about 11% overall (test was 6 minutes longer). Galloway's chart  shows about an average 8% regression in pace, so my run is about right.


    So, keep this mind as the heat rises where you live and you start to slow in training. The heart rate monitor should keep you from overtraining. It's a mistake to keep trying to run the same paces in the summer. An easy run in winter can become a tempo pace in the summer. That Galloway chart saved my butt during a marathon once. When I realized it was getting into the 70's during the first half of the race, I slowed down on purpose about  5%. I finished well, avoiding a death march and passing a more talented friend who left me in the dust when I slowed. Good luck!


    Consistently Slow

      Thanks. Jimmy

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Former Bad Ass

        Thanks!  I would use dewpoint as a better measure of humidity than % down here, but this is awesome.
