Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23291 times)

Chasing the bus

    I'm still here! I'm still running! At least today I did. 8 miles, 11:45 (well below my last MAF test!), avg HR 122!  I did take three days off...saturday was snowmobiling with my daughter and friends, sunday just got booked, and monday was snowmobiling in deep snow with the boys. several times I was above MAF, but wading around in waist to armpit deep snow is hard work...and it sure didn't hurt my times!


    Back to the treadmill for me,too,  Clay. It'll be windchills in the -20 to -60 again this week at 71deg. N. Latitude. Have a good week, all!



    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


    Just here for the food

      4 mile MAF test yesterday @141. Looks like some small improvement, but I'm going with my gut and beginning a day of hill training or tempo runs once per week. I've felt for a few weeks that I was beginning to plateau and needed some different stimuli. All other runs (4 per week) will still be at MAF.


        Test 1 Test 2
      M1 9:56 9:58
      M2 10:01 10:00
      M3 10:01 9:53
      M4   9:54

      Wandering Wally

        80 minutes at MAF (130 bpm) last night.  Ended up covering 5.5 miles.  With the snow and ice conditions outside I might have to break down and go use a treadmill once a month or so to benchmark my progress.


        I've discovered two things - (1) Coming up behind someone to pass makes me go too fast and I break out of my aerobic zone; and (2) Fast music makes me go too fast.  Thank goodness for podcasts.  I can't wait for baseball.  There's nothing like the cadence of a baseball announcer on the radio to slow a person down.


        impatience - Why do you feel the need to do Yasso 800's?  Not saying it's wrong or anything, just wondering.  They don't call the early stages of heart rate training the "patience" phase for nothing, that's for sure.  Our patience is tested to the max.

        Run!  Just Run!


        Trail Runner Nation Podcast


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I ran 4 miles last night at 142HR and they ended up being at 12:22mm.  WTH?  I've never run that slow even while doing Maffetone.


          So, I went out for a run this morning and did 7 at 145HR and they ended up being at 11:46mm.  Still slow for me, but I'll take it.  Starting to do more Maff runs so my body can heal between the asthma and the marathons.  And I'm doing another one this weekend.


          Hope everybody has a great day!



            Morning!  I ran 4 miles last night at 142HR and they ended up being at 12:22mm.  WTH?  I've never run that slow even while doing Maffetone.


            So, I went out for a run this morning and did 7 at 145HR and they ended up being at 11:46mm.  Still slow for me, but I'll take it.  Starting to do more Maff runs so my body can heal between the asthma and the marathons.  And I'm doing another one this weekend.


            Hope everybody has a great day!


            One of those days, Damaris. Good luck in your marathon.



            7 miles walkingCool

              2.9 miles this morning in 45 minutes avg hr 114 (MAF hr is 123) @ 15:43 pace (slow but better than last week : ).  That's two in a row with a nice steady climb in hr and little variability once I warmed up.


              Good luck in this week's marathon, Damaris!  Reports from the experienced folks using low heart rate training keep me going : )



              2014 - heal the sinuses and move to Germany!

              2015 - Paris Marathon 12 April

              Wandering Wally

                88 minutes at MAF (130 bpm) last night.  Had some significantly long stretches where I didn't need a walk break to stay under 130.  After 2 weeks of using the Maffetone method, I feel as good as I ever have as a runner.  No aerobic speed yet, but that will come.


                Hope everyone has a low stress day!

                Run!  Just Run!


                Trail Runner Nation Podcast

                Wandering Wally

                  62 minutes at MAF last night.  We had several inches of fresh snow to deal with, so it was mostly slow going.

                  Run!  Just Run!


                  Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                  Former Bad Ass



                    I forgot my HRM yesterday (blasphemy!) and of course my MP miles were too fast.  That will teach me.


                    Planning on 6-7 recovery miles tonight, between 140-143HR.  It's storming here so if I cannot run, then I'll do some kickboxing and weights.




                      impatience - Why do you feel the need to do Yasso 800's?  Not saying it's wrong or anything, just wondering.  They don't call the early stages of heart rate training the "patience" phase for nothing, that's for sure.  Our patience is tested to the max.


                      I'm just feeling the need for speed. Big grin I'm hanging in there. I have a few life events that are conveniently spaced about 6-8 weeks apart this calender year. I am committed to sticking this out until goal 1, end of March and re-evaluating. If I note some good improvement then I will stick it out to Goal 2, mid-end of May. Re-evaluate.... otherwise I'll simply drive myself nuts. I'm a very driven individual and s.l.o.w. is very hard for me so Yasso's would satiate the desire for fast. Yasso's just make me happy.


                      3 more miles in 45:00 min while watching the amazing videos of the Russian meteor. 10 tons, huh? wow.   OR was it an alien invasion and there is a massive cover up? hmmm.  Tomorrow, I'm going to pay attention to the HM again and see if these paces have improved. It makes too many beeps to use it while the house is asleep so I've been data-free since Sunday.   I am impatient and I'm a dataholic. It has been 5 days since my last fix.


                      I yearn for the day of an 11:45 min mile. *sigh * I will stick to my 15:00's for now. I am anxiously  (and as patiently as possible) waiting for a mitochondria break through. My shape has changed over the last few weeks. Even the husband commented on that yesterday. The volume of 8-10 hrs/week is doing something! I love the mental boost from an early morning, no kids to worry about, no nothin, walk on the 'mill.... at least while I'm just walking I can drink coffee too. Big grin  Once I improve enough to run, I'll have to either put the coffee in a camelback or just wait until I'm done. Big grin  I like the camelback idea....

                      Wandering Wally

                        Did anyone see a blue police box in the vicinity of that exploding meteor?  Hmmmm....


                        Coffee in the hydration pack sounds like a good idea.  Maybe mix in a shot or two of Jameson to keep things interesting.

                        Run!  Just Run!


                        Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                          I was just thinking about watching Deep Impact the other night. Whoa. Reality trumped Netflix.





                          9 mile walk

                          33 miles walking on the week.


                          Have a good weekend. Smile



                          Chasing the bus

                            One of the hardest 4 miles ever last night...no idea why. HR was not high, but I was so TIRED! I literally walked miles 3-3.5, just to recover. pace 12:23, avg. HR 114, max 128, treadmill.


                            Gonna try for 6 tonight...hope i feel better.


                            Good luck, Damaris!

                            “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                            Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                              Feel like I've made a mini breakthrough on my running this week.  Not sure if it is due to getting my HR up on a 2 mile race last Saturday or if I'm just adjusting to my new training volume or just having a good week.  Nice weather hasn't hurt anything either.


                              7.2 miles, 10:06 avg pace, 135 avg HR.  Not much creep at all either.


                              Splits (GPS Interval)
                               TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                              1 Manual 1 mi 10:02.93 10:02.93 10:03 133 145  
                              2 Manual 1 mi 10:00.95 20:03.88 10:01 134 146  
                              3 Manual 1 mi 10:08.48 30:12.36 10:09 134 146  
                              4 Manual 1 mi 9:59.53 40:11.89 10:00 138 148  
                              5 Manual 1 mi 10:14.14 50:26.03 10:15 134 142  
                              6 Manual 1 mi 10:08.27 1:00:34.3 10:09 135 138  
                              7 Manual 1 mi 10:08.32 1:10:42.62 10:09 136 142  
                              8 Manual 0.2 mi 1:58.38 1:12:41 9:52 136 140


                              My daily running streak just crossed 300 miles today too.  44 days and 306.1 miles.

                              Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                              Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                              Consistently Slow

                                Friday run  128 /138

                                7.5 +.6 mile CD. 1st half of run felt great. HR low and 11:30 pace. Did a turnaround. Discovered it was uphill going back Shocked. Gradual  declines are deceiving.

                                It appears everyone is on the upswing and having a great week. Keep it going.

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
